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      MusicPoliticsViolin PedagogyViolin
The tradition of musical duels harkens back to the days of ancient Greece. One of the earliest examples of musical rivalry is the myth of Marsyas and Apollo, which ends tragically for the satyr. Without doubt, the tournaments of the... more
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      Italian MusicViolinistPietro Antonio LocatelliViolin Music
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      MusicologyBaroque Music18th Century Music History18th Century Music
All’interno delle oltre 160 composizioni strumentali albinoniane autentiche, i concerti per/con strumento solista (violino e/o oboe) e orchestra rappresentano oltre un terzo dell’intera produzione. Cinquantaquattro di questi concerti... more
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      Musical ManuscriptsViolin Concerto
Preface Violin and cello have shared repertoires since their birth, and the 19th century was no exception. Not only have they played together in the well-known chamber music of the piano trio or string quartet, but they have also been... more
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      MusicologyCelloViolinFelix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
EINFÜHRUNG Die Romanze F-Dur op. 50 gehört neben der Romanze G-Dur op. 40 und dem Violinkonzert D-Dur op. 61 zur Gruppe jener Werke, in denen sich Ludwig van Beethoven mit dem Gegenüber von konzertierender Violine und Orchester... more
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      MusicologyLudwig van BeethovenViolin Concerto
Here is the piano reduction to one of 3 concert endings (Version B) to conclude the first movement of Bruch's Violin Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 26. A popular work among violinists, this concert ending provides an elegant conclusion to... more
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      Violin PedagogyViolin performance practiceViolin PerformanceViolin Concerto
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      ViolinViolin Concerto
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      MusicViolin ConcertoAccademia ChigianaVirgilio Mortari
For the three last decades of his life the violinist Johann Friedrich Schreivogel (fl. 1707–1749), known as Il Tedeschino, was a leading violinist in Milan, active in both the Teatro Ducale and the Cappella Ducale. Few biographical... more
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      Baroque MusicViolin ConcertoSwiss MusicViolin Sonata
Einführung Das Konzert für Violine und Orchester e-Moll op. 64 von Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy gehört zu den außerordentlichsten Beispielen für seine Gattung. Mit Blick auf die musikhistorischen Entwicklungen in der ersten Hälfte des 19.... more
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      MusicologyFelix Mendelssohn-BartholdyViolin Concerto
Antonio Vivaldi's violin concerto in A major RV 335, entitled The Cuckow (the name is English since the sources transmitting its main version all originate from England), enjoyed extraordinary popularity in eighteenth-century England. It... more
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      Baroque MusicAntonio VivaldiViolin ConcertoFrancesco Maria Veracini
Teaching the stylistic aspects of Classical era violin literature in a systematic way is a relatively recent endeavor in drastic need for readily accessible material. One of the goals of this document is to propose applicable and... more
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      MozartLudwig van BeethovenViolin performance practiceCadenza
Traditional narratives of music history have presented Johann Georg Pisendel as a composing violin virtuoso and a possible inspiration for Bach's solo sonatas. However, if one disregards traditional categories such as 'composer' or... more
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      Orchestral ConductingEarly MusicMusic HistoryMusicology
This article explores, for the first time, the nexus between Giuseppe Tartini’s concertos for violin and orchestra, written for the Franciscan Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua, and the devotion to this Saint’s tongue, still preserved as... more
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      Music and LanguageBaroque MusicViolinSacred Music
The core of this article is a plea for the recognition of the violin concerto in F major RV Anh. 131, first admitted to the Vivaldi catalogue in 2007, as an authentic work of the composer – a change of status that, if accepted, would... more
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      Antonio VivaldiItalian Baroque MusicViolin ConcertoTomaso Albinoni
Avant-garde trends of the 1950s-'60s are generally evaluated by today's history and criticism as the norm of that period, as regards art and culture being cultivated into social and political reforms. Musical genres and aesthetics of the... more
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      Musical ModernismGreek Art MusicViolin Concerto
Ligeti is talking mainly about his then new violin concerto. Publications: MS, "Gespräch zwischen György Ligeti und Manfred Stahnke am 29. Mai 1993", in: Musik - nicht ohne Worte. Beiträge zu aktuellen Fragen aus Komposition, Musiktheorie... more
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      Contemporary MusicGyörgy LigetiViolin Concerto
BY VIVALDI (AFTER ALL): THE VIOLIN CONCERTO RV ANH. 131 SUMMARY The core of this article is a plea for the recognition of the violin concerto in F major RV Anh. 131, first admitted to the Vivaldi catalogue in 2007, as an authentic work... more
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      Antonio VivaldiViolin ConcertoTomaso AlbinoniGiuseppe Torelli
Either for reasons of historical context or because of the (supposed) presence of certain structural features within the score, two eminent Bach scholars, Christoph Wolff (Harvard University) and Peter Wollny (Bach Archive Leipzig), have... more
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      J S BachCreative ProcessAntonio VivaldiViolin Concerto
En el artículo, con el fin de ofrecer algunos ejemplos prácticos para una praxis ejecutiva históricamente informada, se analiza la relación entre el texto original de unos movimientos lentos de conciertos para violín de Antonio Vivaldi... more
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      Johann Sebastian BachAntonio VivaldiViolin Concerto
Jean-Marie Leclair est le plus éminent représentant de l’école française de violon du XVIIIe siècle. Après plusieurs voyages dans le Piémont où il se forma à l’école italienne de violon, Leclair fit une carrière de soliste et de... more
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      French Baroque MusicViolin ConcertoConcert SpirituelJean-Marie Leclair
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      Instrumental MusicViolinJohann Adolph HasseSymphony
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      MusicologyMozartViolin Concerto
The 19th century is the era of expressive portamento, both in vocal and instrumental performance. However, in contemporary sources the varieties and types of portamento were described with much greater precision in string treatises than... more
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      MusicologySound studiesViolinComputational Musicology
Franz Kaern-Biederstedt Sommer 2005, revidiert 26./27.2.2015. Wenn man sich fragt, welche Rolle die Musiktheorie für die kompositorische Praxis spielt, in welchem Verhältnis theoretisch erklärendes Nachdenken über Musik und die... more
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      MusicologyBenjamin BrittenOrchestral CompositionMusical Analysis
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      MusicologyFelix Mendelssohn-BartholdyPiano ConcertosViolin Concerto
This is an article to review the different aspects of Vivaldi’s life and his works. Ospedale Conservatory, Venice school, the importance of concerto in his works also getting back to his unforgettable masterpieces are the others issues to... more
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      Antonio VivaldiArcangelo CorelliViolin Concertoospedale della pieta
Per lungo tempo la tomba al «Père Lachaise» di Parigi delle violiniste sorelle Milanollo, Maria e Teresa, considerate nell'Ottocento tra i fenomeni musicali viventi più clamorosi in quanto a bravura ed età (con concerti in tutta l'Europa... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryViolinPiemonte
Si tratta della «prima bozza» di uno studio del 1983 che esamina vent'anni di storia del teatro di Savigliano, a poco più d'un lustro di distanza dall'inaugurazione del teatro, indagando le compagnie che hanno replicato migliaia di... more
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      Giuseppe VerdiPiemonteTeatroMúsica
Depuis les années 70, il y a une volonté d’effectuer un rattrapage pour redonner aux musiciennes une visibilité et une reconnaissance au sein de l’histoire musicale. Si la musique des femmes est aujourd’hui un élément incontournable de... more
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      Women's StudiesContemporary MusicQuébec StudiesXXth century music
Giulio Taglietti (ca. 1666-1718) considered one of the forerunners of the instrumental concerto. His Concerti e sinfonie, op. 2 (Venice, 1696) were the first Venetian publication ever to contain instrumental concertos. The compositions by... more
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      Early MusicMusicologyBaroque MusicItalian Music
Erweiterte Neuauflage des »Lexikons der Violine« (Laaber 2004) mit 783 Stichwörtern sowie 117, zum Teil mehrfarbigen Illustrationen und 21 Notenbeispielen
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      MusicologyViolin PedagogyViolinViolin Concerto
Summary The so-called “Anna Maria partbook”, the collection of violin concertos that made up the repertory of this exceedingly gifted pupil of Vivaldi, contains 31concertos, 24 of which can be attributed securely to Vivaldi; of the... more
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      Baroque MusicAntonio VivaldiNew DiscoveryItalian Baroque Music
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      French Baroque MusicBaroque MusicViolin ConcertoConcert Spirituel
Once set out a word takes wing beyond recall. (Horace)
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      MusicologyAestheticsPerforming ArtsSelective Attention
Swiss educator, Émile Jaques-Dalcroze observed over 100 years ago that often music conservatoires focus primarily on the development of technique and repertoire, at the expense of musicianship. His embodied approach to music education... more
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      String instrument pedagogyDalcroze EurhythmicsPerforming ArtsEmbodiment
Slavonic and East European Review 96/2 (April 2018), 355-357
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      RomanticismNineteenth-Century MusicRussian MusicNineteenth-Century Russian Music
»Brahms' Violin-Concert darf wohl von heute ab das bedeutendste heißen, was seit dem Beethovenschen und Mendelssohnschen erschien; ob es auch in der allgemeinen Gunst mit jenen beiden jemals rivalisiren werde, möchte ich bezweifeln. Es... more
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      MusicologyJohannes BrahmsViolin Concerto
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)
Triple concierto para piano, violín y violonchelo en Do mayor, op. 56;
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)
Sinfonía nº 8 en Fa mayor, op. 93
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      Aural SkillsBeethovenLudwig van BeethovenHistória da Música
This book constitutes both a study and a historical musicological analysis of Sir William Walton's Violin Concerto, treating the form of the violin concerto in general in England, as it developed between 1900 and 1940, taking into... more
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      MusicologyWilliam WaltonEdward ElgarViolin Concerto
Scalero, Rosario, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, XCI, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana, Treccani, Roma 2018, pp. 240-243.
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
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      ReligionEuropean StudiesMusicHistory of Religion
Anhand des Violinkonzerts »unbalanced instability« wird ein wesentlicher Aspekt von Dieter Ammans Komponieren skizziert: die Erfindung von Klängen aus den gestischen Impulsen beteiligter Musiker heraus und damit die gedankliche... more
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      MusicologyContemporary MusicViolinViolin Concerto
This article is written from our perspectives as a performer and a composer, focusing on our violin concerto, “a loose affiliation of alleluias”, which we created and premiered in 2019. Making this concerto was an exercise in excavating... more
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      Critical TheoryMusicMusicologyPerformance
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      Early MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyBaroque Music
It has been already demonstrated before that Bach's Harpsichord Concerto in F Minor BWV 1056, though clearly a transcription like all of the harpsichord concertos, does not go back to a single work but was assembled from movements from... more
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      J S BachJohann Sebastian BachBaroque ViolinViolin performance practice
The tradition of musical duels harkens back to the days of the ancient Greece. One of the earliest examples of a musical rivalry is the myth of Marsyas and Apollo, which ends tragically for the satyr. Without doubt, the battles of the... more
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      Italian MusicViolinistItalian Baroque MusicPietro Antonio Locatelli
Availiable online - (French / English / German) Booklet for the 5 Cd's recording A Tribute to Ysaÿe (Fuga Libera/Outhere) in collaboration with Queen Elisabeth Music... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryViolinFrench Music
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      Harmonic AnalysisEighteenth-Century MusicTonality (Key Perception)Theory of Harmony