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He centrado mi investigación en el estudio técnico y analítico de los principales métodos del siglo XX que han destinado una parte de sus tratados en la explicación y práctica de la sujeción del instrumento, así como los cambios de... more
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      Music EducationMusicologyViolin PedagogyViolin
Romance para violín y piano - Teresa Carreño. Edición de Juan Francisco Sans y Laura Pita. Publicación de Cayambis Music Press
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      ViolinViolinistViolin performance practiceViolin Performance
This contribution represents a chapter in the volume "Sozialgeschichte der Musik des Barock", the sixth part of the "Handbuch der Musik des Barock", and deals with the status and function of bowed and plucked instruments in the Baroque... more
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      MusicOrganologySociology of MusicViola Da Gamba
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      ViolinHuastecaFolclore e Cultura Popular
In questa sede ci si limita a segnalare FOURNIER, Bemard. Histoire du Qualuor a cordes de Haydn a Brahms,
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      MusicMusicologyViolinBaroque Violin
This work explored how the perception of violin notes is influenced by the magnitude of the applied vibrato and by the level of damping of the violin resonance modes. Damping influences the "peakiness" of the frequency response, and... more
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      AcousticsMusicAuditory PerceptionPsychoacoustics
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      MusicPoliticsViolin PedagogyViolin
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      Chamber MusicPianoHornViolin
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      Music EducationViolaViolin PedagogyViolin
The successive colonisation of Istria with culturally differentiated populations, and peripheral position of the peninsula regarding both the Latin and Slav worlds, has conditioned interesting phenomena which defines the traditional life... more
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Preface Violin and cello have shared repertoires since their birth, and the 19th century was no exception. Not only have they played together in the well-known chamber music of the piano trio or string quartet, but they have also been... more
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      MusicologyCelloViolinFelix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
Reseña discográfica sobre las obras completas de Sarasate publicadas por Naxos (Tianwa Yang) y el CD de Julia Fisher publicado por Decca, "Sarasate".
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      ViolinViolin Performance
El capítulo aborda el papel del destacado violista, compositor y pedagogo ruso Vadim V. Borisovsky en el desarrollo de la viola y la formación de la escuela ruso-soviética. Los primeros pasos en la investigación sobre el repertorio del... more
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      ViolaViolinViolãoComposición e interpretación musical en los instrumentos de cuerdas
Resumo: Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir e refletir sobre a importância dos exercícios de respiração e aquecimento (estes últimos divididos em exercícios de flexibilidade e de alongamento) aliados ao conhecimento da consciência... more
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      ViolaViolinBody AwarenessBreathing
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      ViolinViolin Making HistoryViolin performance practice
A concentração é a capacidade de um indivíduo abstrair-se num ponto, focar um alvo e mantê-lo pelo tempo que desejar. Por isso é uma tarefa muito difícil que exige muito controle mental. A concentração revela-se especialmente importante... more
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      Music EducationViolin PedagogyViolinMúsica
The present work aims to verify the Fingers Patterns System functionality as a strategy to optimize the left hand violin technique. In order to achieve this, characteristic elements of three different approaches were applied in a case... more
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      Violin PedagogyInstrumental MusicViolinInstrumental Teaching
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      ViolinViolin Concerto
The subject-matter of the work is a seventeenth-century Italian sonata for a violin solo and continuo, its form and the technique. For the needs of the work, all known and preserved old prints and manuscripts with the Italian violin... more
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      MusicEarly MusicMusic HistoryMusicology
Regole / per arrivare a saper ben suonar il Violino, col vero / fondamento di saper sicuramente tutto quello, che si fa; buono ancora / a tutti quelli, ch’esercitano la Musica / siano / Cantanti, o Suonatori / date in luce dal celebre... more
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Se trata de una monografía de más de 500 páginas que no es una mera biografía de Sarasate, sino un estudio de carácter totalizador que aborda por primera vez de manera científica todas las facetas de la figura del compositor y del... more
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      Spanish MusicViolinViolin performance practice
Aunque en la Edad Media existieron instrumentos parecidos, fue el italiano Andrea Amati quien, a mediados del siglo XVI, fabricó los primeros violines tal como hoy los conocemos.
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      ViolinBaroque ViolinViolin Making HistoryViolin performance practice
“Memory of a dear place” is the title given to this collection of three enchanting pieces for violin and piano. The “place” in question was the country estate of Brailov that belonged to Tchaikovsky’s patron and friend Nadezhda von Meck.... more
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      Music HistoryMusicologyRussian MusicNineteenth-Century Russian Music
I do not own any rights on the photos in this document.
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    • Violin
El Gavilán Tocuyano es una pieza canónica del repertorio de música tradicional venezolana para violín, compuesta por el músico larense Pablo Canela. Se ofrece aquí una transcripción a partir de de la grabación hecha por el propio... more
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      FolkloreViolinTranscriptions and orchestrations
This volume sets out to present in musical notation a part of the instrumental musical tradition of the islands of the Aegean and Ionian Seas, Crete and Cyprus. Our intention here - seen in the context of the general desire to understand... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyFolk MusicCyprus
A pedido de vários colegas envio mais um tema "clássico": Ode to Joy também conhecido por Hino da Alegria. Escolhi uma obra que é muito conhecida e que pode ser tocada e/ou cantada facilmente por alunos iniciantes. À semelhança de outros... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic HistoryMusicology
Since their 19th-century rediscovery, Johann Sebastian Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas became a milestone both in the educational for violin and in virtuosos’ repertoires. This two-fold destination engendered a series of binary oppositions,... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicologyPerformance StudiesPerformance
Tema com um grau de dificuldade elevado devido ao andamento rápido e ao ritmo irregular. Alterei a tonalidade para evitar as notas acidentadas. Apesar de estar em ré menor (relativa menor de fá) e nesta escala existir o si bemol na... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusicologyMusic Technology
Violin playing is not an easy task and has continued evolving since the day the instrument was first invented. This paper will analyse the violin technique of Gravity – a more recent violin technique that is becoming more commonly used... more
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      MusicMusic EducationViolin PedagogyViolin
Il presente studio, il cui campo d’azione sconfina nell’ambito degli studi musico-letterari, vuol fare luce sulle presenze letterarie riscontrabili nell’opera violinistica del compositore istriano Giuseppe Tartini (1692 – 1770), in... more
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      ViolinGiuseppe TartiniGiuseppe Tartini - Violin - Baroque music - Music theory
The " chop " is a percussive string instrument technique pioneered by bluegrass fiddler Richard Greene in the 1960s and adopted into contemporary string styles by Darol Anger in the 1980s. This article traces the diffusion of the chop... more
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      MusicEthnomusicologyDiffusion of InnovationsViolin
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El violista y compositor ruso Vadim Borisovsky tuvo un rol único en la historia de la viola. Trabajó como compositor, arreglista e investigador ampliando el repertorio de la viola lo que permitió su desarrollo como instrumento solista y... more
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      Viola Da GambaViolaViolinViolão
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      History of TechnologyViolinBaroque ViolinHistoire Des Techniques
Anselm Ernst hat einen sehr konkreten und für die Praxis anwendbaren Ansatz gefunden um den Instrumentalunterricht so lehrreich wie möglich zu gestalten. In seinem Buch Lehren und Lernen im Instrumentalunterricht – Ein pädagogisches... more
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      Violin PedagogyViolin
Cette biographie offre à redécouvrir Eugène Ysaÿe (1858-1931), une personnalité emblématique de la vie musicale belge et internationale dès les années 1880 et durant cinq décennies. En s’appuyant sur un grand nombre de sources... more
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      ViolinHistory of music19th Century Music
Ce travail contient une description et vision de l'auteur de comme l'enseignement du violon se passait à Bahia (Brésil) en 2015. Pour cela, l'enseignement chez le projet social/musical appelé "Neojibá" (inspiré de "El Sistema"... more
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      Music EducationViolin PedagogyViolinSocial Projects
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      ViolinEnsembleMalay Dance
En un mundo donde la ciencia y la tecnología denotan un acelerado avance, la enseñanza de la música se convierte en un desafío para los docentes instrumentistas que, en su ejercicio profesional, buscan lograr la armonía entre lo... more
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      ViolaViolin PedagogyViolinPedagogia musical
Nota Ed: Magar que se trate del mesmu instrumentu, nesti trabayu l'autora estrema'l vigulín «clásicu», al que llama violín, del popular o tradicional que noma cola pallabra patrimonial asturiana vigulín. Daqué asemeyao a lo que faen... more
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      EthnomusicologyViolinAsturias, Spain
New Research about the Bassano family and the meaning behind the Markings on their Instruments, with the emergence of a new violin with different markings from their lutes and recorders.
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      Violin17th Century MusicBassano del GrappaBassano family musicians
first& historical& evidence& about& the& investigation& of& combination& tones& dates& from& 1714 1 .&The&violinist&and&composer&Giuseppe&Tartini&stated&that&two&musical&tones&played&... more
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      String InstrumentsPhilosophy of MusicHistory of Music TheoryViolin
Texture e orchestrazione nel Concerto per violino di Alban Berg (pubblicata originariamente in Tetraktys, Anno I, n. 0, luglio 1997)
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      ViolinConcertoOrchestrationMusical Analysis
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      IntonationPerformance PracticeViolinTuning and Temperament