Violence against women (Women s Health)

188 papers
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Violence against women refers to any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering to women. It encompasses a range of abuses, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and trafficking, and is recognized as a significant public health and human rights issue.
Purpose-Informed by the social disorganization theory (SDT), the study intends to identify the ecological factors most likely to predict assaults against the police recorded over five years in a southern American state, which has a... more
Intellectual and spiritual empowerment in Islam encourages women to seek knowledge and education, a principle that has been embedded in the faith since its inception as it provides women with a sense of inner strength and resilience.... more
Historicamente a Amazônia Legal concentra o maior número de conflitos por terra. Em 2022, segundo a Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT), 59% dos conflitos se deram no território. No relatório da CPT é constatado o aumento de violências... more
In earlier papers we discussed a hypothesis for the evolutionary significance of psychological pain. In the present paper we discuss briefly the hypothesis and its application to the psychological pain experienced by rape victims. We have... more
This series focuses on cutting-edge developments in journalism in and from the Global South and illuminates how journalism cultures and practices have evolved from the era of colonization to contemporary globalization. Bringing previously... more
Bu yayının tüm hakları Polis Akademisi'ne aittir. Kurumun izni olmaksızın yayının tümünün veya bir kısmının elektronik veya mekanik yollarla basımı, yayını, çoğaltılması veya dağıtımı yapılamaz. Bu yayının içeriği Polis Akademisi... more
The Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW, 1979), or the Women's Convention, is a landmark Convention promoting and protecting women's rights worldwide. The Nigerian Government is a State Party to... more
rom 1994 to 2010, the overall rate of intimate partner violence in the United States declined by 64%, from 9.8 victimizations per 1,000 persons age 12 or older to 3.6 per 1,000 (figure 1; table 1). The number of intimate partner... more
Over the years, the United Nations made several attempts to prioritise gender equality through the establishment of international treaties, conventions, and creation of entities dedicated to address the needs of women. The UN Women is one... more
The physical and mental violence gets projected in society in a variety of ways and through a variety of methods. The chief concern is the readers' and/or receivers' response to these projections. It is generally observed that people have... more
Despite plentiful efforts to identify perpetrator, victim, and incident characteristics correlated with reporting violence against women to police, few studies have addressed the contexts that shape such reporting. Even fewer have... more
Sumario: I. Introducción.-II. El acceso a la justicia en el Derecho Internacional Privado argentino.-III. Foros de jurisdicción en el Derecho Internacional Privado argentino.-IV. La cooperación jurídica internacional como cimiento del... more
This action received funding from the European Commission Daphne III Programme. The sole responsibility lies with the authors and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein. First... more
wise, witty, and chutzpadic attack on a tough problem and I highly recommend it to my colleagues, clients, and friends.
Sumario: I. Introducción.-II. El acceso a la justicia en el Derecho Internacional Privado argentino.-III. Foros de jurisdicción en el Derecho Internacional Privado argentino.-IV. La cooperación jurídica internacional como cimiento del... more
Objetivo. Determinar la frecuencia de la violencia en atención primaria y analizar sus causas. Estudiar las consecuencias y su relación con el burnout y la desmotivación profesional. Diseño. Estudio descriptivo, transversal.... more
What is gender based violence? Ratification of conventions on violence by Sri Lanka Initiatives on GBV in Sri Lanka Chapter 2: GBV through the life cycle 2.1 GBV during childhood and adolescence 2.2 GBV among ever married women/ intimate... more
Male peer support is one of the most powerful determinants of woman abuse across the globe. Still, key gaps remain in rural male peer support literature, such as overlooking the importance of hunting as a public male-bonding ritual that... more
This epidemiological review paper provides an analytical review of the current situation of sanitation in India, and its impact on health and other societal factors. Accelerating progress on sanitation in India remains one of the global... more
Kazakh traditional wisdom says “Kaytyp kelgen kyz zhaman” – a girl who returns to her parental home after marriage is a disgrace to the family. According to a women’s rights organization, up to 5,000 bride kidnapping acts occur annually... more
The Malaysian police force has a history of poorly responding to domestic violence crime, but this poor response has never been academically discussed or studied. Interviews were conducted with Malaysian domestic violence victims, local... more
This thesis provides a critical account of the discursive construction of sexual violence in humorous Internet memes about #MeToo. Applying an interdisciplinary lens, the thesis combines feminist scholarship on discourse, affect, humour,... more
Buscando articulaciones posibles: puntos de encuentro y encrucijadas POR MANUELA G. GONzáLEz (*) e HILDA G. GALLETTI (**) sumario: i. introducción.-ii. Los Juzgados Protectorios vistos por las entrevistadas.-iii. Discursos, hegemonías y... more
Las Voces de las mujeres ¿Cómo son traducidas por los operadores/as jurídicos/as? 1.-Introducción Este trabajo se inscribe dentro de la investigación Acceso a la justicia de las Mujeres: Violencias y Salud Mental 1 utilizamos para su... more
To identify areas of deficiencies and gaps in child protection services in Northern Sri Lanka. Also, to help in recommending strategies, programmes of interventions for addressing issues of child abuse and advice the legal system. A... more
Evaluación de la violencia de usuarios en Atención Primaria: adaptación de un instrumento Resumen Antecedentes/Objetivo: Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, en el ámbito sanitario se producen uno de cada cuatro incidentes laborales... more
Research Goals and Objectives Researchers and practitioners recognize the need to develop better prediction of abuse and reassault among men referred to batterer programs. Such prediction would help determine sanctions for batterers and... more
R e s p u e s t a s j u d i c i a l e s y o t r a s p o l í t i c a s p ú b l i c a s s o b r e v i o l e n c i a c o n t r a l a s m u j e r e s. ¿ I n e f i c a c i a o v i o l e n c i a i n s t i t u c i o n a l ? (1) 2 3 4 POR CLAUDIA... more
Objective: Determine the frequency of assaults on health workers and characterize aspects that deepen understanding and development of prevention strategies. Methods: A voluntary and confidential electronic survey was conducted through... more
In developing countries where health systems and health policy are constantly evolving, there is a great need to publish informative research. However, there are few avenues to do so. Also, some of the other challenges are inexperienced... more
When persons first began to study crime victims, it was with the realization that victims may play a role in their own victimization. Those at the forefront of the process that generated the field of victimology were primarily concerned... more
Many people helped with this pilot study. We thank all of the many stakeholders and women survivors who were prepared to talk to us. We could not have done the research without the support and guidance of the members of the Morobe Family... more
Desde una perspectiva socio histórica, se analizan las eficacias e ineficacias alcanzadas por la CEDAW dentro del contexto argentino. El texto expone la construcción del conjunto normativo que hace operativa a la convención y los... more
Objetivo. Determinar la frecuencia de la violencia en atención primaria y analizar sus causas. Estudiar las consecuencias y su relación con el burnout y la desmotivación profesional. Diseño. Estudio descriptivo, transversal.... more
Domestic violence remains a problem in the Malaysian society.The national statistics on violence against women has shown that domestic violence was recorded among the highest in the category. Domestic violence is often described as a... more
Workplace violence has affected many individuals in recent years, irrespective of age, gender, race, educational level, and sector. We analyzed the responses to the Workplace Violence in the Health Sector Country Case Study Questionnaire,... more
A present study was conducted on profile characteristics of tribal women on domestic water sanitation practices. For the study, based upon the nature of the research problem and objectives of the present study, experimental research... more
This paper aims to provide an in-depth investigation of the role of social media images in conveying the meaning of "power " and "empowerment" in public antiviolence campaigns that aim to empower women in the Middle East. The research... more
Studies on family violence toward wives and children in Hong Kong, although limited, are consistent with the ecological model that explains this violence as the interaction of a confluence of factors that are at work at different levels.... more
Introdução: A Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a Mulher (VDFCM) é um grave problema intersetorial e de saúde pública. Com o advento da pandemia causada pelo novo coronavírus, a definição do isolamento social como medida de contenção... more
espanolEl presente trabajo indaga sobre la relacion entre la participacion politica de las mujeres y la democracia a partir de la conquistada paridad de genero en el acceso a los cargos legislativos a nivel nacional. Sintetiza la... more
Este estudo objetivou mapear evidências científicas disponíveis sobre a violência perpetrada por parceiro íntimo em cenário doméstico durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Uma scoping review foi realizada seguindo as diretrizes do Joanna Briggs... more