Violence Prevention
Recent papers in Violence Prevention
In this article, I describe some of my research on caring, helping, active bystandership, and the origins of genocide and collective violence, as a background to interventions in real-world settings aimed to create positive change. They... more
Una reflexión sobre el maltrato de los animales, la Ley No. 70 de 2012 sobre protección de los animales domésticos en Panamá y las posibilidades de prevención de la violencia en el cuidado de los animales. Un artículo dedicado a la... more
theoretische Untersuchung, welche Elemente der Sportart Jugger in der Gewaltprävention genutzt werden können und welche Faktoren sich negativ auf eine Anwendung auswirken.
This study documents psychometrics of the Turkish version of Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scale-Revised (IPVAS-R; Fincham et al. in Psychological Assessment, 20, 260-269, 2008). Dating college students (n=280) from four universities... more
Violence is not a crime: a critical analysis of key concepts. has highlighted the ways in which the extraordinary and distressing feature of crime in South Africa is not how common but how violent it is. This analysis moves on from that... more
Citation: Carmody, M., S. Evans, C. Krogh, M. Flood, M. Heenan, and G. Ovenden. (2009). Framing Best Practice: National standards for the primary prevention of sexual assault through education. Sydney: National Sexual Assault Prevention... more
Flood, M. “Preventing Male Violence.” In Oxford Textbook of Violence Prevention: Epidemiology, evidence, and policy. Eds. C. Ward and P. Donnelly. Oxford University Press, 2015.
and New South Wales either do not, or only obliquely comply in legislation with an NFA requirement for an effective national firearm registry, a goal now delayed for over two decades. More examples of non-compliance with NFA resolutions... more
Diseño curricular para Jóvenes Constructores El Salvador.
This article offers a qualitative, institutional analysis of the dynamics of revictimization as the accumulation of disadvantages over time and across different institutional contexts, and its multiple gender dimensions. It draws on 37... more
This forthcoming (rewritten) paper argues for the significance of swearing as a different type of language (a "proto-language") - one that serves to project and express unbearable, pre-verbal frustration, fear and feelings about Life's... more
Violence against women is one of the world’s greatest public health problems and one of Latin America’s major development challenges. Intrafamily violence is widespread in the region, affecting between 14 and 38 percent of all women... more
Geen school ter wereld blijft gespaard van, zo nu en dan, manifestaties van fysiek geweld. Meestal blijft dat gelukkig beperkt tot het betere duw-, trek- en mepwerk. Maar het kunnen, heel soms, heel zware incidenten zijn waarbij mensen... more
Points out how religion is power; power will be used by others--even the non-religious; when things go awry, then, religion is then blamed, often by the same ones who have exploited its power. This calls for critical and wary analysis of... more
Agressie en geweld zijn van alle tijden. Ook inspanningen om agressie en geweld te beheersen, zijn er altijd al geweest. Aan die beheersing kan nog veel verbeterd worden. Het is dan wel noodzakelijk om het geweldmechanisme eens te... more
En el siguiente link, se encuentra la exposición de esta teoría, que tuve el honor de realizar en el evento TEDx USMA, Ciudad de Panamá, en el mes de mayo de 2015.
Responding to Torture: Latin American perspectives on a Global Challenge brings together articles by an extraordinary group of multidisciplinary professionals who have worked alongside the IBAHRI in recent years, promoting the effective... more
Campus sexual violence policy should go beyond complying with legal requirements. Policies can serve to support survivors, communicate fair and equitable processes for all involved, and prevent sexual violence making the campus safer for... more
Violence has in recent years been framed as a public health problem. The medicalization of violence has involved various public health initiatives, with the USA based violence prevention initiative Cure Violence (CV), being one of the... more
This analysis of gun violence of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in Germany follows four lines of inquiry: First, it specifies what was seen as violence and asks whether this understanding changed. Second, it examines the... more
The process of recognising domestic violence in Poland begun in 1990s, drawing the attention of the researchers mostly to parent-child abuse. In most such cases, using violence against children was deemed a necessary part of upbringing, a... more
Centre, Crime Prevention Partnership Program (CPPP). The CPPP is one element of the National Strategy on Community Safety and Crime Prevention. This national strategy endeavours to support the involvement of organizations that can... more
A 2011 White Paper for USAID about lessons learned with Community Policing in Guatemala and El Salvador, and suggestions for next steps.
In this paper, we present an updated and comprehensive analysis of Domestic violence (DV) in Mexico. It describes the types of DV identified in the literature and sets forth the main factors associated with this pheno- menon. It presents... more
We live in a surprisingly violent world. We experience physical assault, emotional and psychological attack, and even the intellectual violence of manipulation and indoctrination. Psychology is becoming increasingly aware not only of the... more
Aulas en Paz: 2. Estrategias pedagógicas Las competencias ciudadanas han surgido recientemente como una alternativa muy valiosa para guiar la formación ciudadana (Chaux y Velásquez, en prensa; Cox, Jaramillo y Reimers, 2005). Las... more
A true life story of facing war time conflict internally and externally to overcome extreme trauma, focusing on post lobotomy coping mechanisms and empowerment through reframing dynamics situations and sculpting the situation into your... more
Australian Football League (AFL) players in 2004 and 2005 put the link between sport and violence against women firmly on the public agenda.
El presente trabajo pretende dilucidar los elementos que forman parte de la revictimización (causas, consecuencias y medios de prevención), con el propósito de tener una perspectiva profunda y amplia del fenómeno en cuestión, y como modo... more