Viking Studies
Recent papers in Viking Studies
Versie 2022 De tijd is rijp om de gegevens uit mijn vorig artikel over Rollo nog eens opnieuw te bestuderen. Ondertussen vond ik nog zaken die mijn hypotheses sterker maken. De denen of laaglanders die in die tijd vooral woonden in wat nu... more
For medieval Icelanders, horses were among the most important animals. It should come as no surprise, as they were used for transport, in pagan rites (hippomancy, funerals, sacred horses), eating, and also for sports. These sports were... more
introduction When the existence of different socio-political areas and regional identities in the Baltic Sea region is discussed, one should remember that people did not live their lives in isolation. People, then as now, had social... more
в отечественной науке роль варягов в образовании древнерусского государства оценивается весьма высоко, в частности у исследователей уже практически не вызывает сомнений скандинавское происхождение самой княжеской династии Рюриковичей.... more
An undergraduate dissertation examining hogback stones in relation to their wider context using place-names, topgraphy, vernacular poetry, Domesday Book and various narrative sources such as the Historia de Sancto Cuthberto. By these... more
This is not just a book about a battle; it is a book about the biggest battle before Hastings 1066. This is a battle most people have probably never heard of, but it is a battle where five Scottish and Viking kings and seven earls died,... more
Since the early days of archaeology, Viking-Age burials and burial customs have attracted much attention. Evocative tales of warriors and their deeds preserved in Old Norse poetry and sagas, and recorded in the historical chronicles of... more
The paper compares and contrasts Kaupang and Dublin as two early Viking Age towns. While the importance of Kaupang as a permanent settlement and active trading partner throughout the Scandinavian trade network has only just begun to be... more
This MSc thesis contributes new information to and original analysis of the topics of Viking-Age silver hoards and Irish monastic settlements, as well as their respective usefulness for understanding the early medieval Irish economy.... more
In 2017 a throne-amulet made from bone, once retrieved from the diggings of harbour excavation 1979/80 in Hedeby, was committed to the Wikinger Museum Haithabu. It constitutes the second specimen known from the site and fits well into the... more
Late Iron Age boat rituals and ritual boats The most famous ship burials in Norway are found at Oseberg and Gokstad. Beside the magnificent ships, the rich grave goods of all kinds have made these burials important sources to increase... more
The political structure of Scandinavian society underwent radical change between AD 500 and 1350. Through analyses of c. 170,000 sites of single graves and cemeteries, 1,700 hillforts, and 130 royal sites and manors, this article... more
Our aim with this paper was to discuss two possible Viking Age and Early medieval wooden hall buildings from Viklem at Ørlandet in relation to the Scandinavian Viking Age halls. To do this we analysed the buildings from Viklem to see to... more
is putting the spot on the among Viking-Age artefacts collectors ever thrilling, amusing and tantalizing question when shown an artefact they cannot address: 'Is It Real ?'
Scandinavian women are regularly depicted as warriors, or shieldmaidens, fighting both in international raids and in defending their homes in the popular television series Vikings. But is this portrayal likely to be accurate? Following an... more
In his Lex Castrensis, the twelfth-century Danish writer Sven Aggesen tells the story of the creation of a law that he attributes to Knútr inn ríki (Cnut the Great) as a means of governing his substantial military following of retainers,... more
First promotional coloring page for the upcoming Viking Coloring Book.
The purpose of this study is examination of the relation between “music” and “mythology” through a current example, which are kinds of ancient narratives. Within the context of this purpose, “music” is discussed in the first chapter of... more
This article deals with the inscription on a rune-stone fragment discovered in 1985 at Igelsta in Östertälje parish in Södermanland, which according to the author commemorates a man named Øygrīmʀ. This name is very rare and is previously... more
A exemplo da protagonista da série Vikings, do canal History, ganha força a hipótese de mulheres terem lutado em batalhas dos povos nórdicos N° Edição: 522 Texto: Pedro Machado Frossard 13/07/2016 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter... more
S'ils n'ont pas usurpé leur image d'hommes brutaux, les vikings nous montrent aujourd'hui un nouveau visage. Archéologues et historiens nous les dévoilent ainsi marchands, diplomates, mercenaires ou explorateurs. Au fond, ils n'avaient... more
Child in exile, Russian warlord, mercenary for the Greek Emperor, Christian warrior in the Holy Land, King of Norway; Harald Hard-ruler was many things in the course of a brilliant and blood-soaked career, but he is mostly remembered... more
This is essentially a review of part three of a TV dramatization of Danish History (Historien om Danmark), featuring the so-called ‘Viking Age’, where Danish history, it is claimed, reached ‘vertiginous glory’ (svimlende storhed). The... more
This articles summarises the various types of island-names in the Northern Isles of Scotland. The vast majority of names are of Scandinavian origin, with a substantial number of Insular Scots coinages. Only a handful of island-names can... more
Tarihin cesur savaşçı topluluklarından olan, Kuzeyin efendileri Vikingler atalarının Hristiyanlık öncesi inandıkları dini tözler.
The Viking Era is not covering a broad era, most of the events took place between 800 A.D and 1100 A.D. To make a brief introduction, first we have to know about the etymology of the "Viking" name and who were these violent Vikings?... more
This chapter makes a close reading of a short vignette in Eyrbyggja saga - the attempted forced marriage between the Swedish berserk Halli and Víga-Styrr's daughter Ásdis - exploring the ways that various norms and normative expectations... more
'The walrus and the seal in northern seas during the Middle Ages: hunting, exploitation, trade. A text approach'. The sources we have tend to prove that, during the Middle Ages, men fear the sea and the creatures living in it. The walrus,... more
The (unedited and error-ridden) manuscript for the paper I gave at the 2016 Nordic Mythology Conference at Berkeley, October 29-30, "Paganism Past". The paper addresses Paganism Past and Ideas of Authenticity, and argues that any ideas of... more
This week I take you along a trip, in what appears to be in some respect a sort of the 'Antiques Roadshow' as initiated by the Vikings. The Norsemen weren't any different than us in their desire to hold the past. As the Viking Age is... more
Cette communication propose de revenir sur le terme « viking » en analysant la notion de piraterie dans les sources norroises. Si les historiens sont familiers des témoignages des victimes de ces pirates du Nord, les sources norroises... more
In this text the authors want to explain the relation between the field in Hunwick as a possible site for the Battle of Brunanburh and four sites closely to the field that are likely to be burial sites for the lost ones in the battle.... more