Video Game Studies
Recent papers in Video Game Studies
As videogames are set to become the dominant pop-cultural medium of the 21st century, this paper aims to provide approaches to a critical reading of Bethesda’s Fallout 4, informed by perspectives of cultural studies. Tracing arguments... more
Games like World of Warcraft have been called "inherently queer," providing gamic spaces where gender and sexuality seem fluid and customizable. Although the provocation is exciting and revisits many of the arguments made about the... more
This piece is a personal observation focused on specific features concerning the character design in "Persona 5."
As a yet small academic field, historical video game studies are in a crucial and interesting moment of development. The most recent contributions, looking at the re-validation of historical themed video games as proper historical... more
Abstract: This article discusses the processes involved in the construction of group membership and cohesion in a semiprofessional team of esports in the city of Belém, the capital of the state of Pará, in the Brazilian Amazonian... more
The gendered marketing of videogames is an underexplored topic within the vast literature of games and gender. In this paper, I contribute to this body of literature a configurative analysis on gendered marketing strategies for the Mass... more
This book is about the three identities of the videogame, the gamer, and Game Studies. I write that there are no definitive truths but rather discourses and constructions; ideas, actions, beliefs, and practices related to videogames are... more
An examination of Davey Wreden's video games, The Stanley Parable (2013) and The Beginner's Guide (2015) and how they challenge the idea of free will in the medium.
In what ways do we find and create meaning in our post-modern era? How do we use existing frameworks to engage in new debates, both in style and in content, on what it means to exist in the 21st century? These are the main questions this... more
This paper addresses the lack of solid historical information concerning early computer game sales and preferences. Two consistent data series from the magazines Softalk and Computer Gaming World (CGW) are analyzed to give an overview of... more
The multiplatform Ni no Kuni (Bandai Namco, 2010/2013) represents anime studio Studio Ghibli's first dedicated video game project. Although Japanese video game company Level-5 developed Ni no Kuni, Ghibli contributed to the story and was... more
Following the negative reception of Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (2012), The Walt Disney Company’s Disney Interactive division shuttered the game’s developer Junction Point. This closure signaled a definitive corporate shift from home... more
Simulation video games (SVGs) are extremely wide category of modern video games, which provide innovative educational possibilities for personal and professional development. SVGs represent practically all forms of human activities, which... more
Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) que investiga como se dá a relação dos jogadores com os jogos através de um Estudo de Caso do League of Legends. Com isso, busca-se entender as práticas de consumo dos jogadores e entender como a... more
It is hard to say what ranks lower on the artistic food chain than video games. Comic books? TV sit-coms? X-rated films? These ratlike vermin at the bottom scurry to avoid the thunderous footfalls of the towering behemoths of the art... more
Vandewalle, A. (2020). 'Ludendo Discimus: The Learning Possibilities of Video Games set in Antiquity' Frons 40 (3), 40-46. This paper was presented as a lecture at the first ‘Symposium voor jonge classici’ [Symposium for young... more
The popularity and influence enjoyed by Japanese video games is irrefutable. There is little doubt, for many scholars, that the Japanese video game industry has helped establish the standard procedures of production, distribution and... more
Este é um trabalho com enfoque no videogame como objeto cultural em interface com a literatura. Esta pesquisa se deu como continuidade ao trabalho de conclusão de curso de 2012. Nesta ocasião, buscou-se ampliar a pesquisa bibliográfica... more
Book cover description (full version of this book is available in The nature of the video game industry is extremely dynamic and many of the technologies that were studied here are already reaching their plateau. The stories... more
L'interférence musicale au cinéma, à la télévision et dans le jeu vidéo par Andréane Morin-Simard Département d'histoire de l'art et d'études cinématographiques Faculté des arts et des sciences Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études... more
Video games are increasingly becoming an important media today, despite the light connota-tion of its initial categorization. Today they are an industry that produces billions of dollars and employs engineers and artists alike in an art... more
How might we think about ways to play games and make games that take advantage of the affordances of digital computers as well as the happy accidents, workarounds, and transformations that provide alternative practices, opportunities, and... more
In the following, my focus will be to analyse narratives in video games and how the medium is able to spin a yarn. As a new medium, video games, depending on a game’s genre and by including narrative delivery into their design, are... more
This chapter, taken from my book "Playing Dystopia" describes a general theory of aesthetic response for video game narratives. It discusses in depth the concept of the implied player, a theoretical construct that describes the affordance... more
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this... more
In Gēmuteki Riarizumu no Tanjō (The Birth of Gamelike Realism, 2007), the follow-up of Otaku: Japan’s Database Animals (Dōbutsuka Suru Posutomodan: Otaku Kara Mita Nihon Shakai, originally published in 2001), Hiroki Azuma points to the... more
Theorist Alexander Galloway has asserted that the subjective camera of First-Person Shooter games marks a distinct break from cinematic traditions. In this article, I suggest that the FPS camera might belong to a longer tradition of... more
This dissertation addresses the intersections of queer and technology to rethink the posthuman as raced, gendered, and queered as co-constituted through and by technology. Given technoculture's appropriation of queerness as yet another... more
This dissertation uses intersectional feminist theory and Autoethnography to develop the concept of "cultural inaccessibility". Cultural inaccessibility is a concept I've created to describe the ways that women are made to feel unwelcome... more
Video games are increasingly becoming an important medium today, despite the light connota-tion of its initial categorization. Today they are an industry that produces billions of dollars and employs engineers and artists alike in an art... more
Recently published, abstract flash and browser games such as Love (2010), The Marriage (2006), My Divorce (2010) can be summarized as games about love. As opposed to simulation games such as The Sims 3 (2009) in which the topic love is... more
This essay develops a method for the analysis of video game characters based on a theoretical understanding of their medium-specific representation and the mental processes involved in their intersubjective construction by video game... more
A Au u--d de el là à d de e « « l l' 'e en nv vi ie e c ci in né ém ma at to og gr ra ap ph hi iq qu ue e » » : : l le e c co om mp pl le ex xe e t tr ra an ns sm mé éd di ia at ti iq qu ue e d d' 'A As ss sa as ss si in n' 's s C Cr re... more
This paper outlines the concept of agency in interactive narratives and focuses on the video game Silent Hill 2 as a successful example that defies the very concept. In what ways agency was deemed as an essential part in interactive... more
УРЕДНИШТВО / EDITORIAL BOARD: др Ксенија Радуловић, ванр. проф. (главна уредница); др Невена Даковић, ред. проф.; др Мирјана Николић, ред. проф.; др Милена Драгићевић Шешић, ред. проф.; др Иван Меденица, ред. проф.; др Ана Мартиноли,... more
Du livre-jeu « dont vous êtes le héros » jusqu’aux jeux vidéo à grand déploiement, plus que jamais aujourd’hui, le récit est devenu une expérience impliquant directement le lecteur-spectateur-joueur. Les méthodes de narration changent,... more
This study aims to construct a systematical approach to classification of narrative usage in video games. The most recent dominant approaches of reading a video game text – narratology and ludology - are discussed. By inquiring the place... more
Esta obra coletiva, intitulada Pesquisas comunicacionais em interface com a arte, tecnologia, religião, meio ambiente, celebra os 25 anos de funcionamento do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande... more
No presente artigo abordamos como o design de interfaces, aplicado ao campo dos jogos digitais, potencializa transmissão de sensações ao jogador. Iniciamos com uma discussão sobre a metáfora da interface e suas possibilidades de... more