Video Game Playing
Recent papers in Video Game Playing
Uses grounded theory to analyze hundreds of forum posts on the male bodies of avatars and the appearance of the equipment for those avatars in an MMORPG. Published in: Conan Meets the Academy: Multidisciplinary Essays on the Enduring... more
Schema theory provides a foundation for the analysis of game play patterns created by players during their interaction with a game. Schema models derived from the analysis of play provide a rich explanatory framework for the cognitive... more
Schema theory provides a foundation for the analysis of game play patterns created by players during their interaction with a game. Schema models derived from the analysis of play provide a rich explanatory framework for the cognitive... more
... Our role in this order is to follow not create, to act not to think, to ... the masses 'forethought' by virtual technologies, contemporary (trans) politics only simulates its historic power by ... Such a strong focus... more