Victorian cultural studies
Recent papers in Victorian cultural studies
Thomas Hardy’s Wessex novels move in circles: characters retrace their steps, and history repeats itself. The limited geography registers and reflects both movements. At the same time, the novels repeatedly figure choice as binary—limited... more
The Colonial Public and the Parsi Stage is the first comprehensive study of the Parsi theatre, colonial South and Southeast Asia’s most influential cultural phenomenon and the precursor of the Indian cinema industry. By providing... more
London: Bucknell U P, 2015. x+212pp. ISBN 9781611486025.
In this paper I expand on my work in The Dog in the Dickensian Imagination to argue that the empathetic depiction of dogs that established itself in literature and painting in the late eighteenth century, and continued to develop,... more
The book ‘Ignoble Displacement: Dispossessed Capital in Neo-Dickensian London,’ addresses the relationship between the motifs of capital and empire in Dickens's novels and the confluence of global economy and liberal politics in the... more
Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance 14.1 (2021): 129-32. Print.
As Maynooth College celebrates its 225th anniversary, this beautifully-presented volume captures an institution that has held a singular place in modern Irish church history. Delve into the stories, the reminiscences, the history of this... more
Gissing in Vogue. Ed. Tom Ue. The Gissing Journal 54.4 (Supplement to Oct. 2020): 32-33. Print.
New Writing 16.3 (2019): 336-42. Print.
In Adam Bede, George Eliot explores the way a society divides its members into categories and how these categories contribute to the formation of an individual’s identity. In the mid-nineteenth century authors in the naturalist tradition... more
В статье анализируются фотографии второй половины XIX в., на которых представлена связь человеческого тела со спортивными практиками. Одни фотографии были инструментом для научного изучения движений тела, другие служили репрезентативным... more
The paucity of criticism on the photographic evidence of Jack the ripper’s murders is striking and surprising, particularly given that these images amount to one of the first visual documentations of what are now called sex crimes. Even... more
This article examines the dichotomous relationship between racial hierarchies effected by imperial science, on the one hand, and the subversive potential of the scientific knowledge gleaned from the Andaman Islands, on the other, in... more
Journal of Gender Studies 30.3 (2021): 371-76. Print.
Communication with the dead is not characteristically associated with the Pre-Raphaelites. However, lodged in the Rare Books Collection of the University of British Columbia is a remarkable diary kept by William Michael Rossetti. It... more
Take a walk on the dark side of the street in this unique exploration of the fears and desires at the heart of the British Empire, from the Regency dandy’s playground to the grim and gothic labyrinths of the Victorian city. Enter a world... more
This paper explores the notion of homosocial space in the Victorian Era as it pertains to canonicity issues in literature. Homosocial space simply means that space which men set aside, such as in men.s-only clubs or situations such as the... more
Note: This essay was one of a set commissioned by Two Temple Place in 2021 to begin an ongoing project investigating the building’s history and assist cultural engagement with that history. William Waldorf Astor engaged in projects aimed... more
Through examining Cole’s own life and his fascination with the textual and corporeal narratives of anatomy, this paper looks to explore the merging of scientific knowledge, bibliographic expertise and narrative to perform... more
An examination of the early sources (mainly 19C) for the Boggart Hole Clough legend, an area of English countryside in the Manchester conurbation.
At the time of his death in 1912, Bram Stoker was preparing for publication three volumes of stories. The first, Dracula’s Guest, saw print in 1914; the second and third never manifested. Old Hoggen and Other Adventures is a tantalising... more
A study on how the Victorian moral increased prostitution of Chinese women in nineteenth-century California
I’m frequently asked, “From where did you summon the chutzpah to fake Wilde’s voice in your novel, The Unauthorized Letters of Oscar Wilde?” While a fair, if faintly annoying question, I strive always to give an un-slick answer.... more
Assembling the evidence which points to a group of social reformers led by George Berrnard Shaw using Mass Media Manipulation techniques to create the Jack The Ripper mythomeme, with the East End murders of 1888 being carried out by an... more
Much scholarship on Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus analyzes the use (or overuse) of violence and violent behavior. Literary scholarship on this play includes one glaring gap; there is little to no scholarship on Titus Andronicus and the... more
St Pancras Hotel and Station were subjects of considerable aesthetic debate during the Victorian Era. This paper considers the debate over the buildings both individually and together. Were either or both "Gothic" monuments? How and... more
(2019). Tesis doctoral. Universidad de Sevilla. Programa de doctorado en Estudios Filológicos de la Facultad de Filología. Línea de investigación “Mujer, escritura y comunicación”. Directoras: Dra. Mercedes Arriaga Flórez, Dra. María... more
Poison, Detection, and the Victorian Imagination-New England. In Poison, Detection and the Victorian Imagination, Ian Burney reconstructs the public, legal, and scientific cultures of poison, highlighting their distinctive. Poison,... more
“Mental Health Issues: Alienists, Asylums, and the Mad” traces the developing discipline of psychiatry in the long nineteenth century, or Age of the Asylum, and discusses a broader cultural history of madness with subsections dealing... more
When the category of ‘Sensation Fiction’ was first applied as a genre label in the Literary Budget periodical of November 1861, it coined a term for a new species of narrative that was at once innovative, soon-to-be hugely influential,... more
В статье отмечается актуальность медицинской фотографии XIX века для современной визуальной культуры. Сегодня снимки медиков, анатомов и пациентов второй половины XIX века ложатся в основу реконструкции исторической действительности в... more
This chapter considers the introduction of the garden cemetery in 1830s/1840s London as part of the wider 19C 'sanitary movement', focusing particularly on the work of George Carden, self-proclaimed 'founder of the system of ex-urban... more
Controversy about museums’ possession and exhibition of human remains has usually affected those identified as ancestral remains by indigenous peoples. Egyptian mummies, with their long tradition of exhibition, seemed exempt from such... more
To most, Charles Darwin's story is simply the birth of the Theory of Evolution. In reality, the story of how Darwin came to this theory, and the many people who would shape his destiny, is itself a story that needs to be told. Like many... more
The ongoing public fascination with Jack the Ripper is all about genre, setting, and the lack of a third act. But the recognisable shape of the character as perceived in modern film, fiction, popular history and tourism was initially... more
While the expansion of the London Underground coincided with that of the Indian Railways, an Indian psychogeography was quietly emerging in the marginal geographies of the Victorian imperial capital where Indian visitors, travellers,... more
The Poetics and Politics of Space and Place in Scottish Literature. Ed. Monika Szuba and Julian Wolfreys. Houndmills: Palgrave, 2019. 31-46. Print.
In this article I pursue two main lines of argument. First, I seek to delineate two distinctive modes of justifying imperialism found in nineteenth-century political thought (and beyond). The 'liberal civilizational' model, articulated... more
Notes and Queries 69.1 (March 2022): 44-48. Print.
This paper presents the major findings of the first anthropological study of British and American mummymania, the public fascination with ancient Egyptian mummies, and its associated myth, the mummy’s curse: a belief that those who... more
This 2012/2013 study looks at corset dimensions and skeletal rib deformation in female remains from three time periods and two locations to understand certain aspects of longevity. All artifacts and skeletal remains originate from the... more
This MA Thesis analyses hundreds of Victorian newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets and other media to investigate how Victorian perceptions of Napoleon I affected perceptions of Napoleon III and vice versa. It is argued that Victorian... more