Victorian Art
Recent papers in Victorian Art
Late nineteenth-century Britain experienced an explosion of interest in sculpture. Sculptors of the “New Sculpture” movement sought a new direction and a modern idiom for their art. This book analyzes for the first time the... more
SMETHAM COLLECTION Historical Background James Smetham (1821-1889) was an artist, poet, and teacher. He was born into a family with strong Wesleyan Methodist connections in Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire. In adulthood, he chiefly supported... more
John Ruskin, Viktorya dönemi İngiltere’sinin en önemli sanat eleştirmenlerinden biri olmasının yanında, sanat hamisi, suluboya ressamı ve sosyal kuramcılarından birisidir. Jeolojiden, mimariye, edebiyattan, eğitime, botanikten, politik... more
Communication with the dead is not characteristically associated with the Pre-Raphaelites. However, lodged in the Rare Books Collection of the University of British Columbia is a remarkable diary kept by William Michael Rossetti. It... more
St Pancras Hotel and Station were subjects of considerable aesthetic debate during the Victorian Era. This paper considers the debate over the buildings both individually and together. Were either or both "Gothic" monuments? How and... more
Notes and Queries 69.1 (March 2022): 44-48. Print.
This MA Thesis analyses hundreds of Victorian newspapers, periodicals, pamphlets and other media to investigate how Victorian perceptions of Napoleon I affected perceptions of Napoleon III and vice versa. It is argued that Victorian... more
The present paper assesses some aspects of the influence of The Arabian Nights on nineteenth-century English literature and how this in turn impacted on British Imperial policy, leading to the invasion of Egypt in 1882. Antoine Galland's... more
The Shakespearean fair Ophelia has become through the centuries a multi faceted heroine apt to embody all the victims of patriarchal domination, but also the evil and victimized decadent lady, who would annihilate her tormentor. Similar... more
Much of the attention paid to John Addington Symonds in recent decades has focused on his life and memoirs, but his essays on art theory from 1887 reveal a crucial component of his multi-faceted attempt to articulate a homoeroticist... more
The theme of the fallen woman finding salvation in death was a popular topic in Victorian art and literature, especially during the mid-Victorian era. From the fiction of Thomas Hardy and Charles Dickens to realistic paintings, the myth... more
Viktorijansko doba u Engleskoj (1837. -1901.) -društveni život, kultura i umjetnost Završni rad doc. dr. sc. Dubravka Božić Bogović Osijek, 2014. Sažetak Viktorijansko doba, kako mu sama riječ kaže, razdoblje je engleske i svjetske... more
Although the field of aesthetics was consolidated in the nineteenth century, its study has been shaped by two contradictory tendencies: (1) the insistence that the aesthetic realm needs to be autonomous, independent of the world of common... more
An essay over "The picture of Dorian Gray".Pater’s aestheticism and Wilde’s Preface to the novel; Wilde’s ambiguous positon.
This article argues that paintings of Aesthetic Movement artist Albert Moore (1841-1893) from the mid-1870s onwards are works about consciousness and sensate experience, as defined by Victorian physiological psychologists. First, Moore’s... more
This thesis aims to investigate how reading is related to photography and the law in mainly English but also some American fiction from the mid-nineteenth century to the end of the 1920s. I contend that late nineteenth- to early... more
Elizabeth Siddal, icon of Pre-Raphaelite art, from Millais’ Ophelia to the countless portraits painted by Rossetti, was often represented in languid poses, with her eyes closed or in connection with sleep and death symbols such as the... more
Relying on extensive archival, stylistic and conservation research, this essay argues that the little known Venus painting preserved at Kelmscott Manor (Society of Antiquaries of London) is tremendously significant for numerous reasons.... more
This is a proof version of the catalogue. Much better views of text and images from the catalogue can be had at The Victorian Web (edited by George Landow) to which all the material has been uploaded. The link is... more
(2016). En M. G. Ríos Guardiola, M. B. Hernández González y E. Esteban Bernabé (eds.), Mujeres de letras: pioneras en el arte, el ensayismo y la educación, Murcia, Consejería de Educación y Universidades. I.S.B.N.: 978-84-945433-7-1
This book offers a critical analysis of Elizabeth Siddal's poetry. It is also a critical edition of Siddal's complete poetry and letters, based on the original manuscripts kept at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. The Italian translation is... more
This book focuses on the encounters of literature and visuality in Victorian culture, with a special emphasis on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. lt aims at exploring why Pre-Raphaelitism, with its peculiar handling of literature and... more
As recorded by many of his contemporaries, Dante Gabriel Rossetti was a most extraordinary, avant-garde collector of antiques and Old Masters, but the great majority of his possessions got dispersed without trace at his posthumous sale of... more
In 1878 a correspondence was begun between Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882) and Thomas Hall Caine (1853-1931) regarding the sale of the painting ‘Dante’s dream at the time of the death of Beatrice’ to the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.... more
William Robinson (1838–1935) was an influential Irish gardener and journalist who came to be known as the main instigator of the English flower garden and cottage aesthetics that emerged in the latter part of the nineteenth century. His... more
19th Century British visual culture is characterised by a proliferation of images with fantastic themes. As poignantly noted by Nina Auerbach, Victorian imagination remains essentially otherworldly and supernatural, despite its aim to be... more
The home of the artist Frederic Leighton, begun in 1864 and from then a lifetime preoccupation for the artist and his architect, George Aitchison, was among the most famous studio-houses built in West London in the late nineteenth... more This paper discusses the impact of ideas about the historical and racial origins of the Holy Family that are captured in the painting Anno Domini or the Flight into Egypt (1883/4)... more
The cultural construction and imagery of the fallen woman shifted prostitution from threatening force and offered an alternative narrative, which defined the prostitute as desperate victim of her ways. If the prostitute was regretful and... more
Julia Margaret Cameron es una de las primeras artistas que se dedicó a la fotografía en la Inglaterra victoriana, una época en la que la mujer empezaba a ser algo reconocida por su trabajo fuera del ámbito del hogar. En un momento en el... more
This is about a comment by Charles Dickens on J. E. Millais' painting "Christ in the House of His Parents". (2015-01-08: Correction of mistakes. 2015-01-12: Small image of Edward VI added.)
Il lavoro ricostruisce la figura e l’opera di Ernest Binfield Havell, studioso britannico di arte indiana nel periodo del British Raj e il suo ruolo nell'aver rivalutato e promosso l’arte indiana in un periodo nel quale quest’arte era... more
From their initiation as an art movement in the mid-1840s, the Pre-Raphaelites rooted themselves within the notion of rebelling against Victorian art traditions by drawing upon the stylistic tools of pre-Renaissance art. Similarly, Aubrey... more