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Aim: This study aimed to investigate the antiviral activity of Pterois volitans phospholipase A2 (PV-PLA2) from Indonesia to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Materials and Methods: Fresh venomous fin parts of wild PV specimens were... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyRetrovirusesVeterinary VirologyHIV and AIDS
There has been some debate recently about the cause of the decline of water hyacinth on Lake Victoria. While much of this evidence points to classical biological control as the major factor, the El Niño associated weather pattern of the... more
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      Plant BiologyAquatic botanyBiological ControlVeterinary Virology
Background and Aim: There is insufficient information about the successfully managed Lassa fever (LF) patients in Nigeria. This study aimed to utilize the One Health approach to identify the risk factors for LF infection among LF patients... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyVirologyZoonoses
Background and Aim: Newcastle disease (ND) is a viral infection that causes high mortality and economic loss in the poultry industry. The Office International des Epizooties (OIE) recommends several diagnostic methods for the detection of... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary VirologyPoultry DiseaseVeterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Fish diseases have a significant negative influence on the Malaysian aquaculture industry. Since the 1980s, the sector has grown in size, which has resulted in a rise in the prevalence of infectious outbreaks affecting both freshwater and... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVaccinesFisheriesFish Diseases
Background and Aim: Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) is an important viral disease of small ruminants particularly in dairy goats with severe social and economic implication. Hence, this study was designed to determine the... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyVirologyVeterinary Virology
Background and Aim: Since 2017, there have been epidemics with respiratory disorders in the laying hen farms in Algeria, as signs and lesions, respiratory difficulties, and hemorrhagic tracheitis, which closely like laryngotracheitis.... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary VirologyPoultry DiseasePOULTRY DISEASES
3rd Edition
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      Veterinary MedicineVeterinary PathologyVeterinary EducationVeterinary Epidemiology
Background and Aim: Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is expressed and plays functional and physiological roles in different tissues of the body. This study aimed to distinguish the levels of expression of ACE2 in the lung tissue at... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyVirologyVeterinary Virology
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVirologyVeterinary VirologyRabies
(UNESP) at Jaboticabal in 2010, and received her Master's degree in Veterinary Surgery from the same institution in 2012 with a dissertation on Diagnostic Imaging. Today, she is a veterinary sonographer in Canoas, RS, Brazil. She also... more
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      Veterinary MedicineBiomechanicsVeterinary EducationVaccines
Background and Aim: Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) is an emerging disease of elephant. Therefore, a study was conducted to know the actual status of the disease in Assam State of India. Materials and Methods: A total of 289... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVirologyVeterinary VirologyAnimal Virology
2nd Edition
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      Veterinary MedicineVeterinary PathologyVeterinary EducationVeterinary Epidemiology
Background and Aim: Rabies remains a public health concern in Indonesia, and the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has stymied rabies prevention and control efforts. There is a need to transform the rabies program to be adaptable to... more
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      MicrobiologyEpidemiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyBiostatistics
Background and Aim: The chicken gut harbors microflora which impacts the health, production performance and immune response against pathogens. Assam local chickens reared under natural conditions are known to possess high immunocompetence... more
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      ProbioticsPoultry NutritionVeterinary VirologyPoultry Disease
Background and Aim: Manipulating lighting colors and regimens is considered an effective mean for improving broiler productivity. The influence of red, blue, and white light-emitting diode (LED) was investigated using three different... more
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      Poultry ScienceVeterinary VirologyPoultry DiseaseAnimal Virology
Background and Aim: Rabies is considered a highly fatal zoonotic disease and many deaths in humans have been associated with dog bites. This study was designed to prepare an oral anti-rabies vaccine in the form of baits to eliminate the... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyVaccinesVirology
Fish diseases have a significant negative influence on the Malaysian aquaculture industry. Since the 1980s, the sector has grown in size, which has resulted in a rise in the prevalence of infectious outbreaks affecting both freshwater and... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVaccinesFisheriesFish Diseases
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      Veterinary MedicineVeterinary PathologyVeterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary Education
Contagious pustular dermatitis (CPD), also known as Orf or contagious ecthyma is an important viral disease of sheep and goats. It is mainly seen as a benign disease but malignant form has also been reported from few parts of the world.... more
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    • Veterinary Virology
Background and Aim: Serological assays are widely used to monitor the performance of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccines to estimate vaccination coverage and to ensure that vaccinated animals generate adequate immune responses. This... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MedicineVeterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary Epidemiology
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      Veterinary MedicineVeterinary PathologyVeterinary EducationVeterinary Epidemiology
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    • Veterinary Virology
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    • Veterinary Virology
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      Veterinary MedicineVeterinary PathologyVeterinary EducationVeterinary Epidemiology
Iridoviruses, especially megalocytiviruses, are related to severe disease resulting in high economic losses in the aquaculture industry worldwide. The ornamental fish industry has been affected severely due to Megalocytivirus infections.... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyFisheriesFish DiseasesAquaculture
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      ImmunologyVeterinary VirologyVeterinary Immunology
The right of Suresh Kumar Gahlawat and Sushila Maan to be identified as the authors of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright,... more
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      Veterinary MedicineVeterinary PathologyVeterinary EducationVeterinary Epidemiology
An increasingly asked question is ‘can we confidently link bats with emerging viruses?’. No, or not yet, is the qualified answer based on the evidence available. Although more than 200 viruses – some of them deadly zoonotic viruses – have... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyEcohealthVirologyMammalogy
APPLICATION OF PRIMERS TO RNA IN MOLECULAR - GENETIC IDENTIFICATION STRAIN OF H1N1 AND H7N9 INFLUENCE VIRUS A. Influenza viruses belong to the family of Orthomyxoviridae viruses, which are characterized by their segmented RNA-negative... more
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      VirologyMolecular BiochemistryVeterinary VirologyMedical Microbiology and Virology
Background and Aim: Infectious bursal disease (IBD) or Gumboro disease is one of the most detrimental diseases in the poultry industry worldwide. Previous scientific studies have shown that live IBD vaccination might induce transient... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary VirologyPoultry DiseasePoultry
Aim: The present study was aimed to investigate the epidemic situation of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Egypt from 2016 to 2018 based on the detection of FMD virus (FMDV) in carrier or previously infected animals, by determination of... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary VirologyAnimal VirologyFoot and Mouth Disease
Aim: This study was designed to investigate the current epidemiological situation of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and rift valley fever virus (RVFV) infection of camels originating from Sudan " smuggler " and Egypt as part of our... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyVeterinary VirologyAnimal Virology
To date, no specific drug has been proven to treat COVID-19. It encourages people to use medicinal plants to treat or protect themselves against these diseases. Artemisia annua is one of the promising plants that have already been used in... more
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      BioinformaticsVeterinary VirologyBioactive Compounds and Phytochemicals in Foos
Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) of the morbillivirus family (human equivalent is measles) causes a disease with high morbidity and mortality in small ruminant and other wild artiodactyl species globally. It is also known as "goat... more
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      Veterinary MedicineEcologyVeterinary VirologyLivestock-Wildlife Interface
Purpose: This study was focused on (i) detection of BVDV specific antibodies in selected cattle farms, (ii) identification of persistently infected (PI) animals, and (iii) genetic typing of selected BVDV isolates. Methods: BVDV antibodies... more
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      Molecular Virology (Biology)Veterinary MedicineMolecular virologyVeterinary Virology
Eight captive-bred horned parakeets (Eunymphicus cornutus) and four captive-bred Major Mitchell cockatoos (Cacatua leadbeateri) from the same aviary tested positive for psittacine circovirus (PsCV) DNA in whole blood by nested–polymerase... more
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      Veterinary MedicineVirologyVeterinary ScienceVeterinary Virology
Background and Aim: Newcastle disease (ND) is a viral infectious disease that affects commercial and native chickens, resulting in economic losses to the poultry industry. This study aimed to examine the viral strains circulating in... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary VirologyPoultry DiseaseAvian Diseases
Aim: In this study, laboratory scoping on the viruses that cause peste des petits ruminants (PPR), bluetongue (BT), and foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) was performed to evaluate the current status of animals illegally introduced into Egypt.... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary VirologyFoot and Mouth DiseaseFMD
Background and Aim: Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus (BVDV) is an important viral pathogen of cattle that can infect diverse artiodactyl species. The clinical manifestations caused by BVDV in heterologous hosts, as they do in cattle,... more
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      Veterinary MedicineVeterinary MicrobiologyDairy ScienceVirology
It was shown that PCR is a more specific, sensitive, and accurate diagnostic method compared to RID, as 40.6% of RID positive samples did not contain genetic material of leukemia virus when analyzed with PCR. It was also proven that PCR... more
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      Molecular Virology (Biology)LeukemiaVeterinary VirologyPCR
Background: West Nile fever is a disease of horses, humans, and several avian species caused by a Flavivirus. Wild birds act as a reservoir for West Nile virus (WNV). Wildlife populations should be monitored for WNV using modern... more
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      Molecular Virology (Biology)Molecular BiologyVeterinary VirologyMolecular Biology and genetics
Aim: The present study was examined the virucidal activity comparison between fresh charcoal ash (FCA) and slaked lime (SL) against avian influenza virus (AIV) and Newcastle disease virus (NDV), using powder and liquid forms, either in... more
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      Veterinary MicrobiologyVirologyVeterinary VirologyPoultry Disease
Background and Aim: Two endemic capripox infectious diseases, sheeppox (SP) and goatpox (GP) are common in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Sheep and goats, in general, are considered current assets of small and marginal farmers and... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary EpidemiologyVirology
Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) is a viral disease of marine-farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) caused by ISA virus (ISAV), which belongs to the genus Isavirus, family Orthomyxoviridae. The virus is considered to be carried by marine... more
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      AquacultureVeterinary VirologyViral Infections
Background and Aim: Swollen head syndrome (SHS) is a complex disease caused by various agents, including bacterial and viral pathogens, as well as environmental factors. Avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) is one of the most important causes of... more
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      Veterinary PathologyVeterinary MicrobiologyVeterinary VirologyPoultry Disease
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is classi®ed as a member of the superfamily Mononegavirales in the family Paramyxoviridae. This virus family is divided into two subfamilies, the Paramyxovirinae and the Pneumovirinae. In 1993 the... more
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      EpidemiologyImmunologyImmune responseRNA polymerase
Goat pox is an endemic disease all over the world and goat pox virus (GTPV) is the causative agent of disease. This disease has significant issues in livestock industry in terms of morbidity and mortality which ranges from 70-90% and... more
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      Veterinary EpidemiologyVaccine developmentVeterinary Virology
Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV-2) is a primary agent of post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), ubiquitous in pig herds. The course of viraemia and seroconversion in naturally infected pigs were investigated in piglets from the... more
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      VirologyVeterinary Virology