Abstract: The potential harmful effects of sleeping next to mobile phone or laptop chargers, focusing on electromagnetic field (EMF) emissions and associated health concerns. While chargers emit non-ionizing EMFs, primarily in the... more
The aim of this three part tutorial is to focus the reader's attention to a new exciting behavior of a particular class of cellular neural networks (CNNs): Turing pattern formation in two-grid coupled CNNs. We first analyze the... more
~r~nty, express or impUe:mployees, makes anY :;:~Wry or responJibility forth; a:uassurnes any legsal pror:ufLI:;es:s of any mformalion, ap~' completeness inti. isclosed, or represents that 't us, Product or ' associated with drift waves... more
Most of infrasonic stations from International Monitoring System (IMS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Organization (CTBTO) use absolute infrasound sensors associated with acquisition units dedicated to geophysics. These sensors measure... more
Particle accelerators pushed the limits of our knowledge in search of the answers to most fundamental questions about micro-world and our Universe. In these pursuits, accelerators progressed to higher and higher energies and particle beam... more
Time-frequency representations constitute the main tool for analysis of non-stationary signals arising from environmental systems. Recently, the interest for underwater dispersive channels appears since dispersivity phenomena act at very... more
Time-frequency representations constitute the main tool for analysis of non-stationary signals arising from environmental systems. Recently, the interest for underwater dispersive channels appears since dispersivity phenomena act at very... more
The use of a piezoceramic element as an actuator to actively control sound radiation from a thin rectangular panel is experimentally studied. The piezoceramic element is bonded directly to the panel surface and provides control inputs... more
This work compares simultaneous observations of lightning from two complementary systems. FORTE is a low‐Earth‐orbit satellite carrying radiowave and optical instruments for the study of lightning. The radio receivers aboard FORTE observe... more
Complex impedance measurements were used to analyze the influence of ultraviolet and ozone gas on the electronic behaviour of ZnO films grown by rf magnetron sputtering. The data show that UV exposure strongly increases the ac... more
We analyse GNSS ionospheric scintillation data recorded in Antarctica to investigate the conditions of the near-Earth environment leading to scintillation scenarios, producing a "scintillation climatology" over a large... more
A rapid signal-fading event produced by diffractive scintillations was observed around 0123 UT on 8 November 2004 by three closely sited (less than 250 m apart) GPS scintillation receivers in northern Norway. The entire duration of the... more
On 5 April 2010 a coronal mass ejection produced a traveling solar wind shock front that impacted the Earth's magnetosphere, producing the largest geomagnetic storm of 2010. The storm resulted in a prolonged period of phase... more
During the International Polar Year (IPY), one area of great interest is co-coordinated, multi-instrument probing of the ionosphere at high latitudes. This region is important not only for the applications that rely upon our understanding... more
In this paper, a novel MoM-based procedure is developed for efficient treatment of scattering problems over a wide frequency band, including very low frequencies where many of the conventional algorithms often fail. The proposed approach,... more
CTX is a lysogenic filamentous bacteriophage that encodes cholera toxin. Filamentous phages that infect Escherichia coli require both a pilus and the products of tolQRA in order to enter host cells. We have previously shown that... more
CTX is a lysogenic filamentous bacteriophage that encodes cholera toxin. Filamentous phages that infect Escherichia coli require both a pilus and the products of tolQRA in order to enter host cells. We have previously shown that... more
No âmbito da realização da Cartografia Geoambiental da Grande Beira à escala 1/50.000, avaliaram-se alguns problemas ambientais da cidade ao nível da contaminação de águas e solos, os decorrentes da exploração do Porto da Beira e de... more
A kinetic theory of triggered VLF whistler emissions is given that is capable of predicting from a small scale numerical implementation the observed emission forms, and frequency-time characteristics. The present paper focuses on the... more
Experimental data, which was acquired in two centrifugal pumps and provided by Grundfos A/S, were analysed to determine if rotating stall could be detected from the velocity and pressure time series. The pressure data, which were... more
An international project network consisting of five receivers for sampling LF and VLF radio signals has been going on to record the data in Europe from different transmission stations around the World. One of them was established in... more
While still in its infancy, the budding field of gravitational-wave astronomy has so far exceeded most expectations, and the achievements that have already been made bode well for the decade to come. While the discoveries made possible by... more
The spaceborne thermal monitoring of the great eruption of Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha in Hawaii (1987 to present) was attempted, integrating high-resolution SWIR-TIR and lowresolution MIR-TIR observations. Data acquired by multispectral... more
New types of variable frequency sinewave oscillators are introduced which bring the most desirable linear tuning laws of the forms fo c Re, and fo oc Ce into the domain of sinusoidal oscillators. Two exemplary circuits are presented and... more
Complex impedance measurements were used to analyze the influence of ultraviolet and ozone gas on the electronic behaviour of ZnO films grown by rf magnetron sputtering. The data show that UV exposure strongly increases the ac... more
In vitro culture of explants were used to apply genetic or cell enginerring techniques to the sexually incompatible potato relative Solanum commersonii (2n = 2x = 24) Three accessions of S. commersonii were tested for regeneration from... more
constantly affect the terrestrial atmosphere. Although the effects that phenomena created in different areas produce in atmospheric layers depend on their characteristics and the observed geographical location, changes can very often be... more
Microcontroller-based master and slave units are designed with serial ports for communication with a computer and a transmission port to couple the signal to modems at both ends. The programming of the microcontrollers at either end for... more
This ethological study was carried out to establish the occurrence of psychosis in dogs, reared both in-home (as a pet) and in dog kennels. The dogs housed in kennels were reared either individually (as working animals) or in groups (in... more
Calibration is an activity to determine the conventional truth of the value of the appointment of a measuring instrument by comparing traceable standards to national and international standards for measurement or international units and... more
Standing Alfvén waves of 1.1 mHz (∼15 min in period) were observed by the Cluster satellites in the mid-tail during 06:00-07:00 UT on 8 August 2003. Pulsations with the same frequency were also observed at several ground stations near... more
Physical elongation (strain), temperature and pressure variations, which changes the FBG pitch Λ, the cavity length, and fiber refractive index n eff , produce a shift in the fiber laser emission line.
In this paper, we present the results of sub-ionospheric VLF perturbations observed on NWC (19.8 kHz) ransmitter signal propagating in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide, monitored at Agra (Geomag. Lat 27˚E, long. 78˚N) using SoftPAL... more
The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) is one of the earliest viral proteins expressed after infection and is the only latent protein consistently expressed in viral-associated tumors. EBNA1's crucial role in viral DNA... more
The VLF (Very Low Frequency) / LF (Low Frequency) receiving network has been established in Japan, which is composed of seven observing stations (Moshiri (Hokkaido), Chofu (Tokyo, UEC, University of Electro-Communications), Tateyama... more
The electrical properties of epoxy resin have been studied as a function of hydration. The epoxy was studied in an un-filled state, filled with 40 µm SiO 2 particles, and filled with 50 nm SiO 2 particles. The relative humidity was... more
Calibration of Advanced Virgo and reconstruction of detector strain h(t) during the Observing Run O3
Calibration of Advanced Virgo and Reconstruction of the detector strain h(t) during the Observing Run O34
Heart rate variability of seven isolated and five in-vivo rabbit hearts was compared. Heart rate of isolated hearts is lower and RR-intervals longer than those of in-vivo hearts. Characteristic peaks in characteristic frequency bands are... more
Whistler-mode waves propagating to ground stations along geomagnetic-ÿeld-aligned paths provide powerful tools for investigating bulk motions of the magnetospheric plasma and thus the corresponding convection electric ÿelds. Natural... more
This paper gives an overview of an empirical crosscalibration technique developed for the Surface Water Ocean Topography mission (SWOT). The method is here used to detect and to mitigate two spatially coherent errors in SWOT topography... more
Power spectral density is an accepted measure of heart rate variability. Two estimators of multifractal properties: Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima and Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis are used to investigate multifractal... more
At nanohertz frequencies gravitational waves (GWs) cause variations in time-of-arrival of pulsar signals potentially measurable via precision timing observations. Here we compute very-lowfrequency GW sensitivity constrained by... more
Този доклад представя сравнение между пресмятания на тежки аварии за ВВЕРНЮО реактори с ASTEC код за събитие пълно обезточване с отворен предпазен клапан на компенсатора на обема и без интервенция на хидроакумулаторите. Целта на... more
The problem of constructing millennia-long tree-ring chronologies from overlapping segments of cross-dated ring-width series is reviewed, with an emphasis on preserving very low-frequency signals potentially due to climate. In so doing, a... more
In our earlier papers we have found the effect of VLF transmitter signal depression over epicenters of the large earthquakes from observation on the French DEME-TER satellite that can be considered as new method of global diagnostics of... more
We report on the analysis of ELF/VLF emissions observed by the Instrument Champ Electrique (ICE) experiment onboard the DEMETER micro-satellite. We consider principally selected seismic events reported by . These authors studied the VLF... more
The terahertz gap lies between the infrared and millimeter regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Terahertz (THz) waves, or T-rays, bridge the gap between electronics and photonics, have novel properties and interact uniquely with many... more