Recent papers in Vertigo
Introduction: “Around, around the sun we go: The moon goes round the earth. We do not die of death: We die of vertigo.” – Archibald MacLeish The incidence of dizziness, vertigo and imbalance is around 5-10% in all age groups taken... more
V ertigo and dizziness account for 2.6 million US emergency department (ED) visits per year, ≈4% attributable to stroke. 1 Roughly 250 to 500 000 involve a high-risk-for-stroke clinical presentation known as acute vestibular syndrome... more
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In a recent article, Newman-Toker et al. 1 compared the discrimination of the HINTS (head impulse, nystagmus type, test of skew) examination to the ABCD2 score in diagnosing stroke in emergency department (ED) patients with acute... more
Objectives: The most common vestibular disorders seen in the emergency department (ED) are benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) and acute peripheral vestibulopathy (APV; i.e., vestibular neuritis or labyrinthitis). BPPV and APV are... more
Beni gn paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common vestibular disorders. Aim: To study the recurrence and persistence of BPPV in patients treated with canalith repositioning maneuvers (CRM) during the period of one... more
est Docteure d'état en écologie des zones arides, Professeure/Directrice de recherche en écologie-environnement et Directrice de l'École Doctorale Ecologie-Environnement depuis 4 ans. L'enseignement qu'elle prodigue est la suivante:... more
Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood (BPV) is a paroxysmal, non-epileptic, recurrent event characterized by subjective or objective vertigo that occurs in neurologically intact children. We recorded the history and the clinical aspects... more
A fter 160 years the true underlying cause of Meniere's disease remains elusive. Briefly, theories have been inner ear ischemia, variation in the size or position of the endolymphatic sac or duct, autoimmunity or allergy, a viral... more
est Docteure d'état en écologie des zones arides, Professeure/Directrice de recherche en écologie-environnement et Directrice de l'École Doctorale Ecologie-Environnement depuis 4 ans. L'enseignement qu'elle prodigue est la suivante:... more
La nouvelle économie des ressources perçoit l'allocation marchande comme une solution universelle à la raréfaction des ressources. Les auteurs de ce courant argumentent en faveur de l'instauration systématique de droits de propriété... more
Dans cette contribution, nous positionnons le champ de recherche qui concerne l'étude des microclimats urbains par rapport aux problématiques actuelles du développement urbain durable et par rapport aux champs de recherche voisins. En... more
This review provides an update on interdisciplinary treatment for dizziness. Dizziness can have various causes and the treatment offered should depend on the cause. After reading this article, the clinician will have an overview of... more
Autoimmune inner ear disease probably accounts for less than 1% of all cases of balance disorders, but its incidence is often overlooked due to the absence of a speciWc diagnostic test. Furthermore, in several systemic autoimmune diseases... more
Objectives/Hypothesis: To evaluate the effect of vestibular rehabilitation exercises in the early stages of peripheral vestibular disorders.
Pour évaluer l'impact du changement climatique sur l'hydrologie de la Seine et de son bassin, nous avons construit trois scénarios de changement climatique à partir de trois paires de simulations réalisées avec le modèle de circulation... more
Background and purpose: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a frequently encountered condition that can severely affect the quality of life. In this study, we aimed to assess the possible relations between serum uric acid (SUA)... more
The Analysis and the Comparison of the Main Characters of the Book Vertigo by Boileau-Narcejac and the Film Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock The aim of this essay is to focus on the analysis and the comparison of the two main characters from... more
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.... more
Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe the clinical features and video-oculographic findings in patients with anterior semicircular canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Materials and methods: Study Design. This is a... more
Migraine disorders are more prevalent among women than men. The ovarian neurosteroids play an important role in this sex difference by modulating neurotransmitter systems involving migraine pathogenesis. During perimenopause, unlike the... more
La combinaison, d'informations multi-sources (image QUICKBIRD, données exogènes, résultats d'enquêtes socioenvironnementales) dans un système d'information géographique (SIG), a permis d'analyser l'environnement sanitaire de 6 quartiers... more
This talk presents the central points of my work on the tropes/topoi/themes of language and thought in Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles". The full paper should appear in Winter 2015.
Sept heures, c'est approximativement le temps qu'il faut pour lire d'une traite le roman de László Krasznahorkai, Tango de Satan, publié en Hongrie en 1985. C'est aussi la durée (sept heures et quarante minutes exactement) du film de Béla... more
Vertigo seems to me of all Hitchcock's films the one nearest to perfection. Indeed, its profundity is inseparable from the perfection of form: it is a perfect organism.
Enfermedad de Ménière: desde las ciencias básicas hacia la medicina clínica. Ponencia Oficial del LX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología Enfermedad de Ménière: desde las ciencias básicas hacia la medicina... more
This unfinished essay suggests that any moral message to be found in Alfred Hitchcock's oeuvre is to be found not in his strict Roman Catholic upbringing (a la Chabrol and Rohmer's volume), the Hollywood Code of Censorship, or an amoral... more
Vertigo merupakan kumpulan dari gejala pada sistem keseimbangan yang terganggu. Sistem keseimbangan yang terganggu dapat terjadi pada sistem saraf pusat ataupun sistem vestibular. Kata vertigo berasal dari bahas Latin, yaitu “vertere”... more
Vertigo ialah adanya sensasi gerakan atau rasa gerak dari tubuh seperti rotasi (memutar) tanpa sensasi peputaran yang sebenarnya, dapat sekelilingnya terasa berputar atau badan yang berputar. Keluhan yang paling sering dijumpai dalam... more
Overview. Neurologists are frequently called upon to evaluate patients with vertigo and dizziness and, in some cases, to make sense of abnormal vestibular tests. Consequently, it is useful to have some familiarity with the methods used to... more
This French MA dissertation deals with dreams in Neil Gaiman's Sandman. My contention is that dreams should not be viewed simply as an unproblematic motif that recurs through the series, but rather as a constitutive element of the work's... more
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En el complejo pero muy hermoso campo de la Neurociencia, ha sido muy difícil entender la forma tan sutil y eficiente en que el Cerebro de los vertebrados sincroniza las señales neurales provenientes de los órganos vestibulares, de los... more
Vertiginous Life provides a theory of the intense temporal disorientation brought about by life in crisis. In the whirlpool of unforeseen social change, people experience confusion as to where and when they belong on timelines of... more
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Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) refers to the clinical condition of transient alteration of consciousness as a result of traumatic injury to the brain. The priority of emergency care is to identify and facilitate the treatment of rare... more