Vertebrate Paleontology
Recent papers in Vertebrate Paleontology
The large mammal and micromammal assemblages from Paleolithic cave sites in northwestern Croatia (Veternica, Velika peć ina, and Vindija) suggest the presence of relatively temperate environments without dramatic oscillations in faunal... more
Observation: Please note this is a major update with 11,468 entries (and corrections) from previous lists published online between July 2017 and January 2018. This list include papers, conference papers, chapters, books, theses and... more
This map folio should be referenced as: Scotese, C.R., 2013. Map Folio 70 Early Devonian (Emsian, 402.3 Ma), PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS, volume 4, Late Paleozoic Paleogeographic, Paleoclimatic and Plate Tectonic Reconstructions,... more
Recent discoveries in Asia have greatly increased our understanding of the evolution of dinosaurs' integumentary structures, revealing a previously unexpected diversity of "protofeathers" and feathers. However, all theropod dinosaurs with... more
Although fossils of Trionychidae are found as far back as the Early Cretaceous, their evolutionary history, including the origin of the crown clade, is poorly understood. Here, we use a microCT scan of the skull of ‘Trionyx’ kyrgyzensis... more
The extinction of Ursus spelaeus remains controversial. In this paper, data from two archaeological sites from NE Iberian Peninsula are presented. Thus, the Middle-Upper Paleolithic term is thoroughly analysed by combining radiocarbon... more
The rate, timing, and pattern of change in different regions and paleoenvironments are critical for distinguishing among potential causes for the Permian-Triassic (P-T) extinction. Carbon isotopic stratigraphy can provide global... more
Four caves on the island of Tobago, three previously unrecorded, were explored, mapped and prospected for vertebrate paleontological resources. The caves and surface features, such as dry valleys and sink holes, suggest they were part of... more
We here report on the smallest-known, neonate-sized Tylosaurus specimen, FHSM VP-14845, recovered from the lower Santonian portion of the Niobrara Chalk exposed in Kansas, U.S.A. Lacking any associated adult-sized material, FHSM VP-14845... more
The study of bone microstructure preserved in fossils provides substantial information about physiology, growth gradients and strategies, and some ecological considerations. Paleohistology is a useful tool for understanding the biological... more
Terrestrial climatic data reflect variable and often conflicting responses to the global cooling event at the Eocene-Oligocene transition (ca. 34 Ma). Stable isotopic compositions of the tooth enamel of large, water-dependent, herbivorous... more
The palaeoecology of the primitive, limbed snake Pachyrhachis is reevaluated. Previously considered to have been preserved in a shallow bay with a nearby freshwater source, it is here demonstrated to have inhabited an inter‐reef basin.... more
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The exquisite transitional fossil Tetrapodophis e described as a stem-snake with four small legs from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil e has been widely considered a burrowing animal, consistent with recent studies arguing that snakes had... more
A comprehensive analysis of early dinosaur relationships raised the possibility that the group may have originated in Laurasia (Northern Hemisphere), rather than Gondwana (Southern Hemisphere) as often thought. However, that study focused... more
Jacquemontia reclinata House (Convolvulaceae) is a federally listed endangered species endemic to coastal strand habitat of south-eastern Florida. In order to identify the closest relatives of J. reclinata, a phylogenetic reconstruction... more
Palaeolama was a relatively rare camelid in North America during the Pleistocene. Here we report the first occurrence of P. mi- rifica in the Late Pleistocene of Puebla, central Mexico. This is the southernmost record of P. mirifica in... more
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Mânzaţi is a worldwide famous locality due to the largest sized dinothere Deinotherium proavum (= D. gigantissimum) unearthed to the end of 19 th century. Recently, a partial rhinoceros skeleton was recovered from the uppermost Kersonian... more
Abstract Sauropod dinosaurs were the largest terrestrial herbivores and pushed at the limits of vertebrate biomechanics and physiology. Sauropods exhibit high craniodental diversity in ecosystems where numerous species coexisted, leading... more
Una nota corta de cómo es que al parecer, el género Brontosaurus es válido una vez más.
Recent discoveries from the Aptian–Albian Antlers (Oklahoma) and Cloverly (Montana, Wyoming) formations provide significant additions to the Early Cretaceous record of lizards in North America. The lizards from the Antlers Formation... more
A unique characteristic of mammals is a vertebral column with anatomically distinct regions, but when and how this trait evolved remains unknown. We reconstructed vertebral regions and their morphological disparity in the extinct... more
The Valbro locality (Phosphorites du Quercy, France) has yielded a relatively diverse fauna of amphibians and squamate reptiles from the early Oligocene. Amphibians include two caudatans (the salamandrids cf. Megalotriton sp. and... more
A total of 121 actinistian species belonging to 47 genera and 17 undetermined actinistians is reported from the literature. There are 69 valid speciesw ith fair assessmento f their phylogenetic position; 21 valid species with poor... more
To cite this article: Dalla Vecchia F.M. (2020)-Raibliania calligarisi gen. n., sp. n., a new tanystropheid (Diapsida, Tanystropheidae) from the Upper Triassic (Carnian) of northeastern Italy. Riv. It. Paleontol. Strat., 126(1): 197-222.... more
Recent fossil discoveries of early cetaceans and sirenians document the functional transitions that occurred as each group adapted to a completely aquatic existence, but the timing and path of their ecological transition remain uncertain.... more