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Chaucer's endorsement of vernacular translations of authoritative texts is a unifying subtext to the Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale.
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      Geoffrey ChaucerVernacularVernacular LanguagesMedieval Translation
Review of Guy Beiner's Remembering the Year of the French: Irish Folk History and Social Memory (University of Wisconsin Press) by Stuart McLean
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      HistoryIrish StudiesAnthropologyFolklore
Imagining Vernacular Histories is centered on the idea of engaging with indigenous African cosmologies that signal at pluriversality. In conversation with Toyin Falola’s reading of the African pluriverse and his exploration of the idea of... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesAfrican HistoryAfrica
Tout à la fois historien et critique social, polyglotte et professeur itinérant, Ivan Illich (1926-2002) connut un grand succès dans les années 1970, à travers sa critique de la société industrielle et de l’idéologie du développement.... more
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      Political EcologyCritical PedagogyRadical Orthodoxy (Theology)Anthropology of Christianity
Para produzir tipografias digitais inspiradas em letreiros urbanos, é essencial conhecer o tema a ser estudado. Com uma Olympus OM-1 - velha de guerra - na mão e alguns rolos de filme no bolso, durante dois meses, o autor Pedro Moura... more
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      VernacularTipografíaTipografiaAntropología Visual
Today built heritage conservation should consider constantly changing needs of users. In particular, recent problems related to the economic crisis and to environmental pollution make issues related to consumption reduction and... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageHistoric PreservationSustainable Development
Co-Authored with James S. Bradbury
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      Medieval LiteratureMiddle EnglishInterdisciplinarityEnglish History
Opracowanie wydane w ramach projektu "Alpy Karpatom -programu na rzecz uwolnienia potencjału ekonomicznego górskich obszarów Podkarpacia poprzez transfer praktyk szwajcarskich" współfinansowanego przez Szwajcarię w ramach szwajcarskiego... more
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      Cultural HeritageEmbroideryOrnament (Archaeology)Applied Arts
This paper aims to point out the resilience capacity that vernacular architecture has in its origins due to its continuous evolution over time, and its ability to adapt to the new established ecosystems after shocks and disasters.... more
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      EngineeringIndigenous StudiesVernacular Typology StudiesCommunity Resilience
Spectacular Posthumanism examines the ways in which VFX imagery fantasizes about digital disembodiment while simultaneously reasserting the importance of the lived body. Analyzing a wide range of case studies-including the films of David... more
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      New MediaArtFilm StudiesDigital Media
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    • Vernacular
When faced with crises, different people respond in different ways; likewise, different groups of people also respond in different ways. Some groups react proactively and vigorously, while others react passively and defensively and take... more
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      Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastVernacularJewish heritage, Polish-Jewish / German-Jewish Relations, klezmer revival, Jewish heritage tourism, Holocaust commemoration, antisemitism, social identity, oral historyCargo Cults
This work investigates the context of Southern Italy, creating an atlas of its qualities, resources, history,  especially in regards to vernacular architecture traditions, according parameters of  topos, climate, culture and type.
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      ArchitectureCritical Regionalism (Architecture)VernacularItaly
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      History of LinguisticsEarly Modern HistoryHistory of EducationItalian Studies
The concept of vernacular design allows for the understanding and appreciation of designs created without recourse to institutional qualifi cations in the fi eld of design. This thesis is based upon a study undertaken in the Iñupiaq... more
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      DesignDesign educationDesign TheoryDesign Research
In these essays Peter Dronke looks at some of the relations between sacred and profane ideas and images, and Christian and pagan motifs, particularly in the early Middle Ages. The first two parts of the book dwell on aspects of (in the... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesMedieval Latin Literature
The article provides an overview of marriage and how was it regulated in Estonia and Livonia during the 18th century. An introduction to the social and historical background of Estonian peasant life is given as an aid to understand these... more
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      Peasant StudiesHistory of the Family18th CenturyVernacular
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      Cultural StudiesMusicAnthropologyFolklore
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      DialectologyArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicEnglish
Eric Firley, the co-author of a new compendium The Urban Housing Handbook, which investigates 30 major housing types from around the world, describes one of the most intriguing examples, situated in the Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula.... more
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Cette étude porte sur un type de cinéma italien appelé giallo. Ayant connu une forte popularité au tournant des années 1970 auprès d’un public dit vernaculaire, ces thrillers horrifiques sont encore aujourd’hui réputés pour leurs scènes... more
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      PsychoanalysisSexual ViolenceHorror FilmItalian Cinema
Pádraic Moran, ‘Irish vernacular origin stories: language, literacy, literature’, in Norbert Kössinger, Elke Krotz, Stephan Müller & Pavlína Rychterová (eds), Anfangsgeschichten / Origin Stories. Der Beginn volkssprachiger Schriftlichkeit... more
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      LiteracyOld Irish Language and LiteratureLatin Language and LiteratureVernacular
Hailed as the badshah of mizahiya shayri, Khateeb, who is still relatively unknown across the subcontinent, was prolific, and composed and performed a great number of his works in Dakhani. Suffused with regional idioms, pithy folk wisdom... more
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      Cultural HistoryLanguages and LinguisticsLiteratureSouth Asian Studies
As the globalisation promptly captivate the cities of the world, the architecture of the globe become more monotonous and singular. The international style of architecture dominates the skyline from New Delhi, Tokyo, and London to Dubai... more
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      MeaningSymbolism (Religion)VernacularGlobalisation
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      ArchitectureRehabilitationHeritage ConservationVernacular Architecture
Research about vernacular architecture is constantly evolving to include new building typologies, geographic regions, and new research methodologies. The purpose of this article is to examine the scientific literature in this field and... more
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      Vernacular Typology StudiesBibliometricsVernacular ArchitectureContemporary Vernacular Architecture
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      Vernacular Typology StudiesSustainable Building DesignVernacular ArchitectureHousing
Discussing the work of Robert Burns as “complex,” may go against the Scottish Bard’s very nature as a simplistic poet of the Earth. How could the poet behind “Tam o’ Shanter” have been a self-aware linguistic marvel when his written word... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPoetryRobert BurnsWilliam Wordsworth
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      Human-Environment RelationsEnvironment and natural resources conservationHousingVernacular
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FAKULTAS USHULUDDIN JURUSAN ILMU ALQURAN DAN TAFSIR UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI BANDUNG TAHUN 2018 KATA PENGANTAR Alhamdulillah, Segala puji bagi Allah swt. atas nikmat Iman, Islam dan Ihsan yang diberikan kepada umat... more
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      VernacularAlquranIlmu Alquran
This essay highlights the main characteristics of the architecture of the Welsh house and provides an analysis of the influences on its design over the centuries. The various terms involved in the field are clearly explained before the... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySocial ChangeSocial Anthropology
The traditional and vernacular houses constitutes a major section of built heritage in India generating a physical compendium of the rituals and culture of a civilization and its people. They were constructed by local craftspeople, using... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureInterior Design
The first attempt at spelling reform in South Korea took place in the early 1950s as the Korean War (1950–53) drew to a close. The subsequent Han’gŭl Crisis is often interpreted as an example of the authoritarianism of President Syngman... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguagesHistoryCultural History
Since colonial times the basis of the economy of Bangka Island, Indonesia, has been the production of tin and pepper. Today, the physical environment of the island is formed according to the location and distribution of these natural... more
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryIndonesia
List of publications
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      Medieval WomenVernacularAnglo-Norman historyMedieval Hagiography
This essay examines the representation of working class characters, subversive protests against the imposition of European languages, and a creative reflection of the region’s transculturation, along with the tribute to oral tradition and... more
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      PoetryCaribbean LiteratureDerek WalcottVernacular
A népi építészet egyik alapvető jelensége a táji tagolódás. Akárcsak a tárgyi és szellemi néprajz egyes tárgyköreiben, mint például a népviselet vagy a népszokások esetében tapasztalhatjuk a lakáskultúra és az építészet is tájanként... more
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      EthnographyVernacular Typology StudiesVernacular ArchitectureTransylvania
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A presente comunicação resulta do projecto de investigação A "Arquitectura Popular em Portugal". Uma Leitura Crítica que temos vindo a desenvolver no Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo, com o apoio da FCT, desde 2010.
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      ArchitectureVernacular ArchitectureArchitectural TheoryTheory Of Architecture
“China Too Cool: Vernacular Innovations and Aesthetic Discontinuity of China”, examines the cultural phenomenon and aesthetic style of "Too Cool": the unoriginal, tacky-cool styles of cultural productions "Made in China." I argued that... more
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      Cultural StudiesAestheticsVisual StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
This paper aims to point out the resilience capacity that vernacular architecture has in its origins due to its continuous evolution over time, and its ability to adapt to the new established ecosystems after shocks and disasters.... more
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      Indigenous StudiesVernacular Typology StudiesCommunity ResilienceResilience
Using the material gathered in field research in the vicinity of Negotin, the author presents an image of the current state of the tradition of charms in the researched area. The methodological problems of field research on charms, based... more
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      FolkloreFolk MedicineTraditional MedicineFieldwork in Anthropology
Resumen: La arquitectura vernácula es parte importante del Patrimonio Cultural y, como tal, está presente en las políticas y normativas patrimoniales y urbanísticas. Sin embargo, carece de una conceptualización específi ca, lo que genera... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologyArchitectureCultural Heritage
This open access book positions itself at the intersection of world literature studies, literary anthropology and philosophical critiques of 'world' and 'globe' concepts. Doing so, it investigates how literature imagines and shapes worlds... more
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      World LiteraturesCosmopolitanismVernacular
Arhitectura rurală din Transilvania este foarte diversă și complexă. Varietatea formelor funcționale ale clădirilor, gospodăriilor și structurilor de localitate, diversitatea planimetrică, volumetrică, structurală și ornamentală a... more
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      EthnographyVernacular ArchitectureVernacularHistory of architecture
Nais ko munang linawin ang layon ng panayam na ito, lalo na't baka sa pamagat o nabansagang paksa pa lamang ay iisipin agad-agad na may ambisyon akong turuan kayo kung paano magturo (how) ng panitikang popular at anong klase nito (what)... more
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      PhilologyCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesEtymology