Venetian possessions in the Eastern Mediterranean
Recent papers in Venetian possessions in the Eastern Mediterranean
«Η σμυρναϊκή δραματουργία: Πρωτότυπες θεατρικές εκδόσεις στη Σμύρνη του 19ου αιώνα». Δελτίο Κέντρου Μικρασιατικών Σπουδών, τόμος ΙΣΤ΄ (αφιέρωμα στον Οδυσσέα Λαμψίδη), 2009, σσ. 211-287 (77 σ.) (και ανάτυπο). (βλ. ηλεκτρονική ανάρτηση:... more
Razgovor s Hrvojem Petrićem/Interview with Hrvoje Petrić
In the Early Modern Period, particularly during the Venetian-Ottoman wars in the 17th and 18th centuries, the backbone of the Venetian trans-Adriatic land forces were units called Fanti oltramarini and Croati a cavallo, recruited... more
Dopo la conquista veneziana del Peloponneso, due riti cristiani dovettero coesistere. La posizione della Chiesa ortodossa era particolare perché, da un lato, pur essendo predominante nella regione, era sottoposta ad uno stato eterodosso... more
Το ανά χείρας βιβλίο δεν είναι τίποτε άλλο από ένα ταξίδι στα βάθη του χρόνου, με φόντο την κυκλαδική ομορφιά. Σε κάθε βήμα μας, κάθε σελίδα θα συλλέξουμε ψηφίδες που συνθέτουν την εικόνα του παρελθόντος της Αμοργού. Κάποιες είναι... more
The title Archbishop designates an administrative or honorary distinction for a high-ranking clergyman, typically a bishop of the highest order. There are different types of archbishops, including Archbishop-Patriarchs, who hold a... more
During the brief second Venetian rule in the Peloponnese, intensive efforts were made to reorganize land ownership for military and taxation purposes. The peninsula’s population was surveyed, and private properties were distinguished from... more
This study examines the history of the monasteries of Tsakonia during the Second Venetian rule in the Peloponnese (1685–1715). This brief yet pivotal period brought significant administrative and ecclesiastical changes, serving as a... more
This study examines the villages of Kamenitsa and Achaia as recorded in Venetian sources during the Second Venetian Rule (1685-1715). Based on archival sources and tax registers of the period, it provides an initial overview of the... more
This study focuses on the contribution of Spyridon II Voulgaris, Grand Protopapas of Corfu, to the homiletic tradition of the Orthodox Church during the Venetian rule. Through unpublished sources and archival documents, it highlights his... more
During the second Venetian rule in the Peloponnese, the Venetians did not alter the administrative structure of the Orthodox Church, while at the same time attempting to revitalize the Latin Church. Both the Orthodox and the Latin Church... more
This study examines places of worship in Messenia during the Second Venetian Rule (1686-1715), focusing on their religious, administrative, and social significance. Based on archival sources and census records from the period, the... more
The Orthodox Bishops of Venetian-ruled Peloponnese (1685–1715): The Traditionalists, the Pro-Venetians, and the Separatists After the Fall of Constantinople, the Orthodox Church assumed an ethnarchic role, with its hierarchs holding not... more
The Venetian State Archives (Archivio di Stato di Venezia), in its series Bailo a Constantinopoli, preserves the testament of an Orthodox scholar, likely a clergyman. Constantius drafted his last will in Constantinople in 1765,... more
Article available on the EBOOK readable at: (please, see there the links to Google Play, Google Libri, MLOL). My contribution explores the historical research practices of the Ionian Islands... more
L’artista Christina Nakou, già ospite a Venezia in occasione di Biennale Architettura 2023, paintings/venice-architecture-biennale/ dialoga con i docenti, gli studenti e le studentesse di lingua e letteratura... more
Γιατί αυτή η βραχονησίδα των Κυκλάδων φέρει αυτά τα ονόματα;
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the possible impact of the Black Death on the early Ottoman society. Firstly, a temporal and spatial analysis of the outbreaks was established using contemporary Ottoman, Byzantine and Latin sources.... more
Streszczenie W nauce akademickiej wciąż nie ma zgody w kwestii słowiańskości Wenedów, opisywanych przezpisarzy antycznych i lokowanych na południowym wybrzeżu Morza Bałtyckiego (dawne tereny Prus, terytoria obecnych krajów bałtyckich oraz... more
The sharp demographic increase in Athos after the second half of the 10th century made it clear that the rough, mountainous landscape of the peninsula could never be enough to cover the vital needs of the monastic community. Therefore,... more
A più di quarantʼanni dalla sua pubblicazione, La Macchina Territoriale (Laterza, 1983) è ancora un testo fondamentale per gli specialisti di architettura militare e per capire le componenti culturali e storiche delle trasformazioni del... more
Book review: 'superbly well-researched ... a model of interdisciplinary work in the humanities' - Edward Muir
* Il presente studio è stato pubblicato in lingua greca, v. MARIANNA KOLYVÀ, Θεόδωρος Παλαιολόγος, αρχηγός µισθοφόρων “στρατιωτών” και διερµηνέας στην υπηρεσία της Βενετίας (1452c.-1532), «Θησαυρίσµατα. Thesaurismata», 10 (1973), pp.... more
Μεταξύ των χειρογράφων που φυλάσσονται στην Ιστορική και Εθνολογική Εταιρεία της Ελλάδος σώζεται ποίημα, χρονολογημένο στο έτος 1842, με θέμα τον «Διάλογο» μεταξύ των αγαλμάτων Schulenburg και Adam, που βρίσκονται στη μεγάλη πλατεία της... more
Αρχείο Carmelitani Scalzi των Πατρών, μεικτοί γάμοι, διαθήκες ρωμαιοκαθολικών στα Καλάβρυτα / Acrhivio di Carmelitani Scalzi di Patrasso, matrimoni misti, testamenti di latini di Calavrita
Hrvatski restauratorski zavod -Zagreb U članku se razmatra odnos mletačke uprave prema državnim građevinama namijenjenima upravi, administraciji i sudstvu. Prikazani su slijed aktivnosti uključenih u projekte obnove, složenost... more
Izgradnja i održavanje upravnih građevina u Krku od Vinciguerrine obnove iz godine 1489. do kraja 18. stoljeća Krasanka Majer Jurišić UDK: 725.1(497.5KrK)(091)"14/17" Hrvatski restauratorski zavod 725.1.025.3(497.5KrK)"14/17" Hr -10 000... more
Η δικαιοδοσία της λατινικής Εκκλησίας της Κέρκυρας στη χειροτονία του ορθόδοξου κλήρου: τεκμήρια από το αρχείο της λατινικής αρχιεπισκοπής (13ος -μέσα 16ου αι.), στο Δυτικές κυριαρχίες στον ελληνικό χώρο (13ος-18ος αι.). Ζητήματα των... more
Between the 17th and early 20th century, numerous icons travelled from place to place in ships and caravans, by land and sea, crossing territories belonging to different states and empires. Works made in Venetian Crete, various centres in... more
ίναι πραγµατικά πολύ κρίµα που τα παιδιά και τα εγγόνια του τελευταίου βασιλέα Κωνσταντίνου Β΄ παραµένουν εγκλωβισµένα στις δικές του αντιλήψεις, όπως έδειξαν πανηγυρικά µε την επιλογή του δήθεν ελληνικού επωνύµου τους. Για την κυβέρνηση,... more
Ο τόμος αναλύει τον ρόλο της ευγένειας και της ευπρέπειας και τη ριζική παρακμή τους στις χώρες του δυτικού πολιτισμού τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες, συλλέγοντας θεωρίες και αναλύσεις που έχουν ήδη εδραιωθεί. Οι αναλύσεις του τόμου ακολουθούν... more
Registrazioni delle entrate e delle spese: una fonte rara per il monastero di Santa Maria dei Crociferi a Candia (XVI sec.). Nel presente studio si prendono in esame le registrazioni delle entrate e delle spese del monastero di... more
Ivan Ugrinović emerged as a central figure in Ragusan quattrocento artistic community. Despite the lack of surviving works, extensive archival records in Dubrovnik provide valuable insights into his painting production.
Kupιoc έπιδίωξΎJ τΎjς δοχ.ιμΎjς* ποu άχ.ολοuθεϊ εΙνοcι &φενος νιΧ θέσει το πpόβλΎ)μΟC μιοcς νέοcς χ.pιτιχ.Ύjς Ιtχ.δοσΎJς τών εϊχ.οσι 'Ωδών τοu 'Ανδpέοc Κά.λβοu, άφοu πιιΧ διοcθέτοuμε τ�ν πολύτψΎJ έμπεφίοc μιοcς πpώτΎJς χ.οcλΎjς, &λλιΧ οχι... more
The Domaine royal de Marly's museum is inviting you to discover one of its most mysterious vestige: a marble slab wearing a XVth century latin inscription. This marble history is the narrativ of an extraordinary journey from the marble... more
S obzirom na to da od Šabanovićeva prijevoda nije bilo konkretnog pomaka u domaćoj historiografiji po pitanju Evlije Čelebija, zajednički rad dr. Anđelka Vlašića, orijentalista i docenta na Odsjeku za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u... more
Σε μια πρακτική εφαρμογή παραγωγής χώρου χρησιμοποιούμε ελαφριά υλικά, απορρίμματα, κατά κύριο λόγο, της βιομηχανίας της μόδας. Το δίπολο μεταξύ αυτών και των “άλλων” υλικών, των πιο σκληρών και αμετάβλητων, είναι αυτό που μας απασχολεί... more
Andrei Mirea, « Monnaie et commerce en Romanie génoise d’après une minute notariale inédite », Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria, n.s., vol. LXIV, 2024, p. 45–100. L’article offre une étude de cas portant sur l’histoire... more
Architect and professor Gyula Sándy (1868–1953) documented his 1895 journey with the Association of Hungarian Engineers and Architects in a series of travel notes. Published in eight instalments in the Association’s Weekly Bulletin, these... more
L’articolo riconsidera l’esperienza delle ciurme a bordo delle galere veneziane e nei porti dello Stato da Mar. Nei brevi momenti di libertà, la quotidianità dei galeotti era caratterizzata da una vera e propria economia clandestina: la... more
M.A. Thesis in Byzantine Philology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Department of Philology, Faculty of Philosophy
In late medieval period Poljica were a community of lesser nobility under Venetian suzerainty. Around 1497/8 the nobility split into pro-Ottoman and pro-Venetian party with two parallel hierarchies loyal to different suzerains. Defter... more