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      History of SlaveryVenetian HistoryVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanCrete during the Venetian Rule
The article chronicles the diasporic life of the Cyprus-born Ethiopian priest Yoḥannǝs (1509–65), who, after traveling far and wide across Europe and to Portuguese India, eventually settled in Rome and served the papacy for over two... more
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      Black/African DiasporaEthiopian StudiesAfrican Diaspora StudiesAfrican History
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      Venetian HistoryVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanCrete during the Venetian Rule
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      Venetian HistoryVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanCrete during the Venetian Rule
There was a time seven centuries ago when Famagusta's wealth and renown could be compared to that of Venice or Constantinople. The Cathedral of St Nicholas in the main square of Famagusta, serving as the coronation place for the Crusader... more
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      Medieval StudiesRenaissance StudiesCyprus StudiesHistory of Cyprus
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      Historical MigrationsOttoman BalkansWarfareVenetian possessions in the Eastern Mediterranean
PhD Dissertation, The Catholic University of America. Published as Monograph: Electronic Journal for Oriental Studies III (2000) #5. An analysis of the 91 surviving letters written by Bartolomeo Minio between 1479 and... more
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      Venetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanLate Byzantine, Venetian stato da mar, Venetian-Ottoman diplomaticsStratiotiBartolomeo Minio
Historical Investigation of European Earthquakes, vol. 1 Materials of the CEC Project “Review of Historical Seismicity in Europe”, edided by Massimiliano Stucchi with the collaboration of Jean Vogt, Milano, CNR – Istituto di Ricerca sul... more
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      Venetian HistoryOttoman-Venetian relationsEarthquakeVenetian possessions in the Eastern Mediterranean
The Rena Andreadis icon collection is one of the best known private collections of its kind. It contains Greek icons ranging from the 14th to the 18th century, covering a wide geographical area from Constantinople and mainland Greece to... more
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      Byzantine StudiesOttoman BalkansCollecting and CollectionsVenetian possessions in the Eastern Mediterranean
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      Cultural GeographyTravel WritingRenaissance HumanismHistory of Cartography
“Jewish Women in Venetian Candia: Negotiating Intercommunal Contact in a Premodern Colonial City, 1300-1500.” In Religious Cohabitation in European Towns (10th-15th Centuries), eds. John Tolan and Stéphane Boissellier, 293-309. Turnhout:... more
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      Jewish LawGender StudiesHigh Middle AgesLate Middle Ages
The present article investigates the interplay between the institutional framework of the Venetian Stato da mar and the commercial practices in the early modern Adriatic. Using the example of the city of Zadar, then known as Zadar and the... more
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      Dalmatian historyVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanRepublic of VeniceHistory of the Adriatic
A diplomatic edition and translation of the Venetian-Ottoman peace settlement of January 1478/9.
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      Ottoman StudiesOttoman-Venetian relationsVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanMehmed II
This chapter analyzes the Venetian system of justice as a tool for social and political control. Given that the main juridical procedures, trials, and enquiries in the Serenissima were concerned with the question of consensus, I aim to... more
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      Italian StudiesRenaissance StudiesMediterranean StudiesHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW
This paper investigates practices of cultural exchange using 17th-century Venetian Crete and its capital city Candia (modern Heraklion) as a case study. It explores the material goods of the dowries assigned to brides during 1600-1645,... more
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      Material Culture StudiesNotarial PracticeVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanCrete during the Venetian Rule
Les différents types de navigation vénitienne tels que les galères, les coques et les petits bâtiments privés n'étaient pas distincts les uns des autres. Ils se complétaient et se concurrençaient mutuellement. L'analyse détaillée des... more
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      Naval HistoryVenetian HistoryVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanAncient and Medieval Navigation
From: _Critical Analysis of Law_ 3 (2016): 114-132. For the whole volume of excellent articles, see: ABSTRACT: Although medieval rabbinic law generally forbade Jews from suing their... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionLawJewish Law
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      Cult of SaintsSaints' CultsEarly Modern EuropeEarly Modern Body
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      Late Byzantine historyVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanCrete during the Venetian RuleVenice and Its Maritime Empire
This study focuses on the figure of Giovanni Matteo Bembo and, especially, on his relationship with the island of Cyprus. Bembo was a learned Venetian aristocrat and nephew of Cardinal Pietro, whose famous Asolani take place at the court... more
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      Cypriot ArchaeologyCyprus StudiesVenetian art and architectural historyVenetian History
On two occasions, in 1436 and 1444, diplomat and antiquarian Cyriac of Ancona visited Athens and sketched the city's antiquities. Most famous is his drawing of the Parthenon's west facade, which he depicted not as it was-the entrance to a... more
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      Urban HistoryHistory of ArtEarly Modern Intellectual HistoryGreek Archaeology
The following article approaches a historic monument on the island of Cyprus, the sixteenth-century Panagia tou Potamou church, with an interdisciplinary methodology. An in-depth study of its history, architecture, and paintings leads to... more
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      Cultural HeritageNear Eastern Art HistoryHistory of CyprusVenetian possessions in the Eastern Mediterranean
This brief article will be displayed in Academia beginning from January 1, 2024, as it can be filed on freely accessible online archives no earlier than three years after the release of its journal. Please e-mail me for obtaining this... more
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      ArchaeologyOttoman HistoryHigh Middle AgesLate Middle Ages
The Sea in History. The Medieval World, ed. M. Balard, Boydell & Brewer, Suffolk 2017, 382-400.
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      Maritime HistoryVenetian HistoryMediterranean Studies (Area Studies)Early Modern economic and social history
This essay examines the everyday life of Šime Budinić (1530/35-1600) and his assumed family ties from the 1540s to 1565. Scholarly attention so far has focused on his later theological and humanistic endeavours, and little is known about... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismUrban HistoryVenetian History
Migration and Ethnicity in the Venetian territories of the Eastern Mediterranean, 13th-15th cent., in: Μigration histories of the medieval Afroeurasian transition zone. Aspects of mobility between Africa, Asia and Europe. 300-1500 c.e.,... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMigrationMediterranean Studies
Državni arhiv u Zadru najznačajniji je hrvatski arhiv za proučavanje prošlosti Dalmacije u vrijeme mletačke uprave. Budući da je Zadar u to vrijeme (i nakon toga, do 1918. godine) bio upravni centar Dalmacije, u Arhiv generalnog... more
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      Archival StudiesArchivesCroatian HistoryHistory of Archives
The legation sent by Pope Eugenius IV to Constantinople in 1437 played a critical role in the long diplomatic efforts towards a reunification of the Latin and Greek Churches, and paved the way for the Council of Ferrara-Florence... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMediterranean StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)
This study researches an individual group of templon screens, which are found at three Cretan churches of the 14th/15th c. This group displays typological and morphological features, which seem to break with the tradition of the middle... more
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      LiturgyByzantine ArchitectureVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanMedieval Mediterranean
The article announces the discovery of Sonetti di messer Anibal Lucio Lesignano, scritti a diversi, a collection of poems written in Italian by Hanibal Lucić (1485-1553), one of the leading poets of the Croatian Renaissance. Until now,... more
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      Book HistoryRenaissance StudiesItalian LiteratureSonnets
Βυζαντινές οικογένειες σε βενετικό περιβάλλον: Οι οικογένειες Γαβαλά και Γιαλινά στη βενετική Κρήτη (13ος-14ος αι.) Οι στρατηγικές των μεγάλων βυζαντινών/ελληνικών οικογενειών στη βενετική Κρήτη κατά τον 13ο και 14ο αι. είχαν ως... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesProsopographyByzantine Studies
Famagusta Maritima: Mariners, Merchants, Pilgrims and Mercenaries presents a collection of scholarly studies spanning the thousand year history of the port of Famagusta in Cyprus. This historic harbour city was at the heart of the... more
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      Maritime HistoryCyprus StudiesHistory of CyprusPorts and Harbours
This article sheds light on the character of the Venetian rule in Dubrovnik in the first decades of the thirteenth century, drawing a parallel with the governmental models in other Venetian dominions after the Fourth Crusade. The... more
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      Venetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanRepublic of VeniceVenetian Stato da marHistory of Venice
During the 17 th and 18 th centuries in the Bay of Kotor a vast number of artefacts was altered in order to correspond more conveniently to the orthodox norms of the post-Tridentine Catholic church. In this paper, we want to suggest the... more
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      ReligionIconographyArt HistoryMaterial Culture Studies
Often treated as Crime History’s proverbial ‘poor relation’, I am arguing that extrajudicial settlements were not restricted to the privileged and more fortunate social groups. Instead, I demonstrate that such settlements were in fact... more
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      Early Modern HistorySociology of Crime and DevianceEarly Modern Europe16th Century (History)
Gavriil Seviros, arcivescovo di Filadelfia a Venezia, e la sua epoca. Atti della Giornata di studio dedicata alla memoria di Manussos Manussacas (Venezia, 26 settembre 2003), a cura di D. G. Apostolopulos (Convegni 9), Venezia, Istituto... more
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      Venetian HistoryOttoman-Venetian relationsVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanCretan Studies
This article deals with the concept of Understanding and Non-Understanding between the Habsburg, Venetian and Ottoman cultures. Focussing on a helmet produced in Venice for Sultan Suleiman in 1532, I demonstrate that its iconography uses... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesCultural Transfer StudiesVenetian art and architectural history
Cyprus is an island repeatedly referred to as a melting pot and a crossroad between the East and the West. This paper questions the notions of East and West in the art of Lusignan Cyprus, where East is traditionally identified with... more
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      CyprusVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanCrusader Art and ArchitectureByzantine and Medieval Cyprus (History and Art)
The present collaborative work in progress is an empirical attempt verifying the interplay between political change, fleet nationality, and the evolution of shipping networks. On the basis of historical data on ship positions retracted... more
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      Maritime HistoryShippingVenetian HistoryMaritime and Oceanic History
Επιμέλεια Κώστας Γ. Τσικνάκης, Γάζι, Δήμος Γαζίου, 2005, p. 168.
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      Venetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanCommerceCrete during the Venetian RuleVenetian Stato da mar
Mentre l'impegno dell'Ateneo cresce in modo costante sia sul piano delle iniziative scientifiche, sia su quello delle attività culturali aperte al territorio, sta per avviarsi un nuovo progetto di collaborazione tra il settore Teatro... more
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      Modern GreeceTeaching Modern Greek as a foreign languageVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanModern Greek Studies
U članku se razmatra odnos mletačke uprave prema državnim građevinama namijenjenima upravi, administraciji i sudstvu. Prikazani su slijed aktivnosti uključenih u projekt obnove, složenost administracije i financiranja, kao i dokumentacija... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryVenetian art and architectural historyVenetian History
Ein recht häufig benutztes Motiv in der diplon"ratischen Sprache des späten Mittelalters und der beginnenden Ner.rzeit vr'ar vor dem Hintergrund der osmanischen Bedrohung: Das chrisl liche Abendland (bzw. Europa) sei von Glaubensleinden... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
This article analyses the influence of the “myth of Rome” among Italian intellectual and academic élites during the Mussolini’s era. This myth, that used to be the main vehicle of the fascist ideology towards the popular masses, affected... more
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      ColonialismVenetian HistoryModern Greek HistoryImperial Rome
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      Art HistoryByzantine StudiesOttoman BalkansCollecting and Collections
Società dalmata di storia patria in collaborazione con / in collaboration with the Istituto ellenico di studi bizantini e postbizantini Convegno internazionale / International Congress Venezia e il suo Stato da mar / Venice and its Stato... more
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      Cyprus StudiesHistory of CyprusCyprusDalmatian history
Marian Cult-Sites Along the Venetian Sea-Routes to Holy Landin the Late Middle Ages
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryAlbanian StudiesPilgrimage
In base all’analisi dei 12.000 documenti dei “Regesti marittimi croati. Settecento – Navigazione nell’Adriatico” I-II vol. due ricercatrici croate, una dall’ambito degli studi giudaistici, e l’altra dall’ambito degli studi marittimi del... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryJewish StudiesJewish History
Institutional and privet navigation in the medieval Mediterranean is a matter with problematic issues that go beyond the specific sphere of navigation and economic history to plunge into institutional history. The first thing to do was to... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval urban historyMedieval Islam
U članku se razmatraju zbivanja u Krku potkraj 15. stoljeća te se na temelju reinterpretacije prije otkrivenih, kao i novopronađenih arhivskih dokumenata, objašnjava slijed izgradnje i uređenja javnih prostora i pripadajućih građevina.... more
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      Dalmatian historyVenetian possessions in the Eastern MediterraneanVenetian Stato da mar15th Century