This paper evaluates the performance of ETSI ITS Contention-Based Forwarding (CBF) and ETSI Simple GeoBroadcast forwarding while disseminating warning messages over a Geographical Area in highway and urban scenarios. Our experimental... more
There are numerous research challenges to develop safety or non-safety applications in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). One of the critical issues consists in designing a scheme that solves the local maximum problem, reduces contention... more
This paper presents a method or technique that identifies physical intrusion detection in an indoor environment that is based on received signal strength indicator (RSSI) on radio frequency identification. The objective of this paper is... more
Cuenca city has 21 rural parishes that in varying degrees contribute and/or depend of the activities at the urban area, for this reason it is very important to know the movement of vehicles and people that get into the city and where they... more
The future Intelligent Transport System "ITS" is one of the major challenges of the smart city. It requires fast and efficient communication between vehicles (vehicle-to-vehicle “V2V”), to ensure information exchange in order to... more
Vehicular ad-hoc network have the capability for enhancing the road safety using intelligent transportation system by communicating with each other (V-V) as well as with road side infrastructure unit (V-I) through driver information... more
This paper suggests a methodology based on the image processing technique able to automatically calculate the vehicle traffic and its components (light vehicles, heavy vehicles and motorcycles). The method also allows to evaluate instant... more
We study the problem of multihop routing in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET). IEEE 802.11p and other vehicular network standards advocate vehicles to issue periodic broadcast messages at regular intervals called beacons. Beacons include... more
In WSNs, the existing routing and clustering schemes have demonstrated the effectiveness of traffic distribution to fulfill the quality of service requirements of applications. However, due to the non existence of intelligence in those... more
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-organised system comprised of mobile wireless nodes. All nodes act as both communicators and routers. Due to the absence of centralised administration in MANETs, communications between nodes are... more
In wireless sensor network, sensor nodes are deployed randomly depending on the application. The sensor node location is very much important to make a meaningful sense of the data gathered by the sensor network. The intelligence of the... more
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is an essential part of futuristic Intelligent Transportation Systems. VANET can improve the overall traffic control system and reduce road accident deaths by providing remote health monitoring in... more
Cuenca city has 21 rural parishes that in varying degrees contribute and/or depend of the activities at the urban area, for this reason it is very important to know the movement of vehicles and people that get into the city and where they... more
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) has emerged to establish communication between intelligent vehicles. The high mobility of vehicles and existing of obstacles in urban area make the communication link between vehicles to be unreliable. In... more
He also serves as Lead Faculty for Wireless Communications for the Master of Science in Wireless Communications program. He teaches and carries out research in wireless systems, computer security, and applications of advanced technology... more
Telecommunication has become very important in modern society and seems to be almost omnipresent, making daily life easier, more pleasant and connecting people everywhere. It does not only connect people, but also machines, enhancing the... more
We present a simulation study of a cooperate car following application implemented by the Wireless Access for Vehicular Environments (WAVE) protocol stack, which uses the MAC and Physical layers defined by the IEEE 802.11p protocol. This... more
Smart cities are promising solution for providing efficient services to the citizens with the use of Information and Communication Technologies. City automation has become essential concept for improving the quality of the citizens'... more
Energy efficient Nano Servers provisioning for Information Piece Delivery in a vehicular environment
In this paper, we propose energy efficient Information Piece Delivery (IPD) through Nano Servers (NSs) in a vehicular network. Information pieces may contain any data that needs to be communicated to a vehicle. The available power... more
In this paper, we propose a rate adaptive technique for wind powered standalone (off-grid) roadside units (RSUs) in a motorway environment. In a non-rate adaptive system, the transient nature of renewable wind energy causes the RSUs to... more
There are two very important parameters in evaluation of the performance of heterogeneous wireless ad hoc networks. These are Network throughput and Delays in packet. Practically it is very difficult to get both factors optimally that is... more
Location of sensor node is required for improving efficiency and performance of node management. An accurate localization algorithm with better efficiency and lesser computing time is required. Moreover the complexity of the algorithm and... more
Scalability in VANET environment is an important issue of concern in recent years. Many approaches have been presented in the recent years and compared their merits and demerits with the existing approaches. In the present work a hybrid... more
Traffic management at road intersections is a complex requirement that has been an important topic of research and discussion. Solutions have been primarily focused on using vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Key issues in VANETs are... more
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are the potential core of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) which aims to increase people safety and improve transportation efficiency. In this paper, we provide the first known taxonomy of... more
Most existing multi-hop broadcast protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks do not consider the problem of how to adapt transmission parameters according to the network environment. Besides the propagation environment that determines the... more
In Modernization, adhoc network provides the facility for mobility of one place to another either mobile or the vehicles. Now these days the vehicular adhoc networks plays an important services for transforming the vehicles from one place... more
In this paper, we propose a rate adaptive technique for wind powered standalone (off-grid) roadside units (RSUs) in a motorway environment. In a non-rate adaptive system, the transient nature of renewable wind energy causes the RSUs to... more
In this paper, we propose a rate adaptive technique for wind powered standalone (off-grid) roadside units (RSUs) in a motorway environment. In a non-rate adaptive system, the transient nature of renewable wind energy causes the RSUs to... more
Now a days, low range of communications and low bandwidth usage of sensor networks are unavoidable. The life time and energy harvesting of the sensor nodes is one more main constraints for the developers to make the efficient... more
The MANET is one of the most useful networks that established dynamically among all connected devices without fixed infrastructure in a decentralized approach. Smart devices such as Smart home automation entry point, smart air... more
Build time is a vital factor of layered manufacturing as it affects cost of the prototype. Reducing the manufacturing time of the products is an endless process, without compromising the quality of the model. Various approaches have been... more
Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is a type of ad-hoc network in which the speed/movement of the nodes is very high as compared to MANET. Also topology of the nodes changes rapidly. As a result, the communication breakages between nodes... more
Vehicular ad-hoc network plays an important role in road safety and congestion of traffic on the road. To provide the reliable and efficient communication during data transmission, various methods and algorithms are used with this... more
La Oficina de Diagnóstico, Evaluación de Pavimentos y Puentes (ODEPP), de la División de Administración Vial, tiene el agrado de presentar los datos de tránsito vehicular recopilados en la Red Vial Básica del País durante el año 2014.
comprende el estudio del EAL para evaluar el transito de una ruta de la ciudad de trujillo
egún Cal y Mayor el tránsito es una fase o parte del transporte. El éxito en satisfacer estas necesidades, ha sido y será unos de los principales contribuyentes en la elevación del nivel de vida de las sociedades de todos los países del... more
— The growing need to reduce the carbon footprint and the operation expenditure (OPEX) in communication networks necessitates the deployment of wind powered base stations (BSs) and roadside units (RSUs) for vehicular communication... more
With the rapid growth of interest in media-rich user experience, content distribution networks (CDNs) gained considerable attention. Since, most of the energy is consumed by cache points (CPs) and the associated equipment, it is... more
This paper studies the location of the position method is developed by applying factual analysis on GSM base station (RSS) down link signal strength by using wavelet transform. The GSM received signal strength is converted in terms of... more
Se plantea que con señalización habilitar los carriles principales y los auxiliares para cruce hacia el sur y norte desde la Juan Pablo II tanto desde el oriente y el poniente.
Providing real-time cloud services to Vehicular Clients (VCs) must cope with delay and delay-jitter issues. Fog computing is an emerging paradigm that aims at distributing small-size self-powered data centers (e.g., Fog nodes) between... more
En este artículo se presenta el caso del Cruce de calles entre la 59 Avenida Sur (Av. Francisco Gavidia Sur - Av. Las Amapolas) y la Calle El Progreso. Un caso que se resuelve con poca inversión, ya que se trata de nada más señalización... more
En este artículo tratamos el caso de la 49 Avenida Norte en el tramo comprendido entre el paso a desnivel con la Alameda Juan Pablo II y el paso a desnivel de la 1a. Calle Poniente.
Esta parte 2, trata del caso de otra importante arteria vehicular de San Salvador, en orientación Poniente - Oriente y viceversa, la cual es la CALLE LOS SISIMILES, en un tramo en el que no posee el ancho suficiente para 4 carriles, sin... more
Vehicular Networks is considered a major step in the field of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). In this technology, some equipment will be installed on vehicles and special places at roadsides which will enable the wireless... more
28 Resumen En Costa Rica muchas capas bituminosas de rodadura fallan por las solicitaciones impuestas por los vehículos. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de la determinación de los Factores Camión en 8 importantes rutas de Costa Rica.... more