Vegetation Ecology
Recent papers in Vegetation Ecology
The ingression of woody plants into savannas, known as bush or shrub encroachment, has become a global concern. Fire has been acknowledged as a key factor in managing woody vegetation in savannas. This study assessed the role of fire in... more
Een landschapsbiografische en Historisch ecologische visie op de Oeffelter Meent, Meerkampen en Koude Hoek.
Excursie van de KNNV, Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging
Excursie van de KNNV, Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging
Urban growth has been fast for decades. Because money is very important in this urban-based world, humanity focuses on economic development, and is often too busy to deal with sustainability. Therefore, in a world that is constantly... more
Este artigo avalia a eiciência dos métodos de parcelas de área ixa (PA) e pontos quadrantes (QD) na descrição de uma comunidade lenhosa de Cerrado Típico. Utilizamos 10 PA e 140 QD, distribuídos em cinco transeções. Comparamos a densidade... more
Kniha Počátky zemědělství ve Starém světě nabízí globální pohled na jeden z nevýznamnějších fenoménů vývoje lidstva. Nejstarší prvky zemědělství byly přítomny u lovců a sběračů, jimž je věnována značná pozornost. Na základě soudobých... more
Urban growth has been fast for decades. Because money is very important in this urban-based world, humanity focuses on economic development, and is often too busy to deal with sustainability. Therefore, in a world that is constantly... more
Theriologische excursie KNNV Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging naar de Vierlingsbeekse Molenbeek. Laaglandbeek vanuit de Peel . Stromend over de Maasterrassen.
In recent years there has been an increase in the number of people who do not eat some or all animal products, called vegetarians. We asked if we could call them a subculture of consumption in terms of the scientific definition. Is there... more
Question: What are the trends and patterns in the application of ordination techniques in vegetation science since 1990?
Primer capítulo de introducción de la publicación “Traducir un bosque”, editada y coordinada por Santiago Morilla y publicada por la Diputación de Granada (2021): Los estudios y experimentos sobre comunicación entre plantas nos indican... more
This study is made based on an interview between Professor Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Dr. Md. Abu Sayem about environmental issues. Professor Nasr connected religious / spiritual views of the environment with the present ecological... more
The study was carried out in Kalsa watershed of Western Himalayan Ecoregion to quantify the landscape structure with special reference to different forest ecosystems. Vegetation and land use map generated using satellite remote sensing... more
A variety of chemicals including foaming agents are used to aid in the protection of forest resources from the wild land fires. The fire-fighting foams (FFFs) are formulations composed principally of surfactants. As a part of Japanese... more
The Isalo National Park is the fourth largest and one of the earliest protected areas in Madagascar. It was created in 1962, and covers an area of about 82 000 ha. The whole park (especially its southern section) is intensively managed by... more
An experiment was conducted to study the water requirement and irrigation scheduling in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata). The treatment consisted of three irrigation levels viz. 100%, 80% and 60% on ET (Evapo-Transpiration) basis... more
Panorama andino sobre cambio climático 44 45 GeneraciÓn de escenarios desaGreGados del cambio climático Para los andes troPicales
The influence of ungulates on tree saplings is well ocumented. However, few models can predict thefuture consequences of browsing—for example, their effect on the development of the species composi-tion of a tree stand. When a certain... more
This page link is for the cover and early indexing part of this volume. For the vegetation communities replace the number (and letter a) from the URL address (e.g. 201a) with a 2XX, where XX relates to the number of the veg community. So... more
Distribution of tree diameter in a specific stand provides basic information for forest management. Little attention is given to the use of probability distribution functions in characterising the stem diameters of most Nigeria indigenous... more
Keeping Asian Rhacophorid Treefrogs of the genus Theloderma Tschudi, 1838 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) in captivity: some notes of experience.
The contribution of wetlands to livelihood in the forms of resources of direct consumptive uses, fishing and agriculture are of great importance to riparian communities in sub-Saharan Africa. It is unfortunate to note that these same... more
Guide to monitoring of biodiversity and conservation status of ravine forests (*9180 habitat) in Poland.
Despite the rapid urban transformation in green space in most cities in Ghana, knowledge on urban tree diversity and the evidence of the consequences of built-up expansion on trees is scanty. This article provides a novel contribution to... more
Question: Can vegetation relevé databases be used to analyse species losses and gains in specific vegetation types in Germany over time? Does the type of response (increase or decline in relative frequency) conform to observed largescale... more
A B S T R A C T Green infrastructure and in particular green roofs are crucial to meet the challenge of sustainable urbanisation fostered by the current European Research and Innovation agenda. Several documents were issued in the last... more
Tabelle i.. Vorkommen seltener und gefährdeter Arten der Kalksümpfe in der Eifel. Außerdem hatte Parnassia palustris in 5306 und 5706 jeweils ein Vorkommen. Kurze Mitteilungen 201 flava s. str. in Erlenbrüchern (Alnion glutinosae) vor.... more
The article summarizes the data on mires of the Oxycocco-Sphagnetea from Ukrainian Carpathians. 71 never published before relevés are presented. On the basis of analysis of this data and 55 relevés from literature 5 associations are... more
Identifying and characterizing vascular plants in time and space is required in various disciplines, e.g. in forestry, conservation and agriculture. Remote sensing emerged as a key technology revealing both spatial and temporal vegetation... more
The rapid growth of human population, the ownership of the automobile, the rapid introduction of technologies and the science and the global form of economic development have led to an outrageous rapid change of the earthy landscape and... more
This paper explores the relationship between tourism and the challenges of governance in the Arctic region. Recently, both political and academic interest in the Arctic has been on the rise as a result of the increasing geopolitical... more