Recent papers in Vegetables
Few school-age youth consume the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables, and increasing fruit and vegetable intake in children and adolescents is an important public health goal to maintain long-term good health and to decrease risk... more
Agricultural water is a precious and limited resource. Increasingly more water types and sources are being explored for use in irrigation within the United States and across the globe. As outlined in this chapter, the Produce Safety Rule... more
Objective: To evaluate the acceptance and effectiveness of repetitive nutrition-related text messages on college students' nutrition knowledge and fruit and vegetable consumption. Participants: 150 undergraduate (18-24 y) non-health major... more
Introduction Several studies have shown the effect of dietary patterns on breast cancer risk, but none has been conducted in Argentina. The aim of this study was to extract dietary patterns from Food Frequency Questioner, to estimate... more
Stomach cancer is not common in Thailand but the life styles of the Thai population are changing to become more Western so that information for planning control programme of stomach cancer is necessary. The highest incidence rates of this... more
To estimate the burden of disease attributed to low fruit and vegetable intake by sex and age group in South Africa for the year 2000. The analysis follows the World Health Organization comparative risk assessment (CRA) methodology.... more
Enough solid evidence now exists to offer women several fundamental strategies for healthy eating. They include emphasizing healthful unsaturated fats, whole grains, good protein ''packages,'' and fruits and vegetables; limiting... more
Objective To assess the effectiveness of an intervention aimed to increase adherence to a Mediterranean diet. Design A 12-month assessment of a randomized primary prevention trial. Subjects/settings One thousand five hundred fifty-one... more
The present work describes a method for determining ascorbic acid, which combines iodometry with a voltammetric technique to detect the end point of the titration. In addition, the validity of the method applied to natural vegetable or... more
Introducció n El cá ncer de pulmó n es, desde hace añ os, el tumor diagnosticado con mayor frecuencia en los países industrializados y emergentes (tras el cá ncer de piel no-melanoma), y tambié n el que origina un mayor nú mero de muertes
Background Data on large scale community-level interventions on fruit and vegetable consumption targeting minority communities are lacking. This study examined whether a multicommunity intervention decreased disparities in fruit and... more
There is a theoretical basis for believing that healthy lifestyle interventions can improve mental well-being and evidence to show that mental well-being is protective of future health. This study contributes to the evidence base by... more
Background: Measurement of social cognitive variables is often restricted to long-term and health-related outcomes. A more comprehensive measurement of cognitive determinants would enable evidence-based design of health behavior... more
The effects of the administration of 50 mg of guggulipid or placebo capsules twice daily for 24 weeks were compared as adjuncts to a fruit- and vegetable-enriched prudent diet in the management of 61 patients with hypercholesterolemia (31... more
Sporotrichosis is the most common subcutaneous mycosis in South America. Classic infection is associated with traumatic inoculation of soil, vegetables, and organic material contaminated with Sporothix schenckii. Animals of various... more
Objective-We propose a new statistical method that uses information from two 24-hour recalls (24HRs) to estimate usual intake of episodically-consumed foods.
To determine the importance of some psychosocial aspects on the eating and physical activity patterns of Costa Rican adolescents.
Five different fractions of the biodegradable municipal solid waste (BMSW) were evaluated as potential animal feedstuffs. For each source of waste (meat waste (MW), fish waste (FW), fruit and vegetables waste (FVW), restaurant waste (RW),... more
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma is etiologically related to suppressed immune status, and certain nutrients found in fruits and vegetables have been associated with increased immune responses. However, limited information exists on associations... more
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among the variables of the dietary consumption and the anthropometric measurements of Filipino Americans (FAs). The study sample consisted of 128 participants residing in the US... more
The aim of this research was to evaluate the fertilizing capacity of an innovative zeolite product, characterised by an encapsulated structure with an organic matrix on vegetable and ornamental plants and the interaction with soil... more
Coniothyrium minitans, a mycoparasite of sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Sclerotium cepivorum, produced four closely related metabolites inhibitory to fungal growth. The major metabolite, identified as macrosphelide A, had IG 50... more
Cancer, a disease resulting from dysregulated cell growth control, is caused by an interaction of dietary, genetic, and environmental risk factors. Dietary factors, including physical activity, may contribute to approximately one-third of... more
Background Individuals consuming diets dense in fruits and vegetables consume an array of phytonutrients as well as recognized nutritional components, including vitamins, minerals, and fiber. There is a growing body of evidence that... more
Although domestic computer use is increasing, most efforts to reduce energy use through improved power management have focused on computers in the workplace. We studied 20 households to understand how people use power management... more
The role of dietary factors in the etiology of Crohn's disease (CD) is inconsistent largely due to difficulties in acquiring valid information on consumption habits. We examined the impact of diet on new onset CD in children using a... more
A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was developed for the detection of Clostridium botulinum type A, a cause of human botulism. A two primer set and an oligonucleotide detection probe were used to specifically detect Cl. botulinum type A... more
Dithiocarbamates are a class of fungicides extensively used in many crops worldwide. The current residue definition of dithiocarbamates in food for compliance with maximum residue limits, at national and international levels, is total... more
A variety of fresh market vegetables, including watermelon and tomato are economically important crops in Florida. Whitefly-transmitted Squash vein yellowing virus (SqVYV) was first identified in squash and watermelon in Florida in 2005... more
Objective: To investigate changes in the consumption of fruits and vegetables in worksite canteens using the tools of continuous quality improvement, and to gain knowledge of practical strategies being effective in increasing the... more
Background: Dietary lipids are one of the most effective stimulators of carotenoid absorption, but very limited data exist on the impact of endogenous food sources of lipids to enhance carotenoid absorption. The co-consumption of whole... more
The specific aim for this pilot study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a nutrition and media literacy intervention targeting elementary students and their parents. The purpose of the intervention was to increase child fruit and... more
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that foodborne disease outbreaks associated with fruits and vegetables increased during the past decade. This study was conducted to characterize the routes of microbial... more
Following breast cancer diagnosis, women often attempt to modify their lifestyles to improve their health and prevent recurrence. These behavioral changes typically involve diet and physical activity modification. The aim of this study... more
Background Fruit and vegetable (F/V) intake surveillance can provide information critical to the design and evaluation of interventions and the assessment of progress toward national intake objectives. The CDC's Youth Risk Behavior... more
Objective: To explore the relationship among children's diet quality, weight status and food environment in subarctic Canada. Design: In the cross-sectional study, children's BMI was calculated, diet quality was assessed using three 24 h... more
Physical activity (PA) and poor fruit/vegetable intake are contributors of health disparities among African Americans (AA). In order to design effective interventions to address these behaviors, it is essential to assess where individuals... more
To simultaneously detect Sudan dyes and carotenoids in red pepper and tomato products, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods with photodiode-array detection are developed and validated. The methods include the use of... more
ANTRACT: A carotenoid database for individual and multicomponent foods has been compiled that contains values for the five most common carotenoids (a-carotene, 3carotene,-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein) in 2,458 fruits, vegetables, and... more