Value of Art

54 papers
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The value of art refers to the significance, worth, or importance attributed to artistic works, encompassing aesthetic, cultural, economic, and social dimensions. It examines how art influences individual and collective experiences, shapes identity, and contributes to societal discourse, while also considering market dynamics and the role of art in various contexts.
Análisis de la obra 'Pisando la uva, Jávea' de Joaquín Sorolla, una pintura realizada en su tercera estancia de 1900 cuando pintó diversos cuadros relacionados con la elaboración de la pasa y el pisado de la uva
The article deals with the value-semantic, communicative and cultural aspects of the phenomenon of the art fair being defined as a space for updating the works of contemporary artists and the exchange of ideas and senses, considering... more
This chapter is based on more than a decade of art world research in Singapore but offers a single case of a composer who has composed a work for an orchestra. This study presents the creative reputation dilemma faced by many artists who... more
A problem of perfection at art is analyzed in the article according to paradigm of the art market as a system of cultural, economic and social interactions of the art world. The author finds out the vitality of the artwork not only as its... more
As is the case with almost every work, this one is very much indebted to many people. My deepest debt of gratitude is owed to Prof. Aurora Teixeira, a prominent thinker who has influenced me profoundly. This dissertation was largely... more
Many films are produced annually, but only a small number of films reach the state of being considered and identified by consumers as film brands. Film-brand identification is difficult to achieve, but it leads to engagement behaviours... more
Արվեստի գործի գնահատումը հանդիսանում է մշակութաբանական փորձագիտական ոլորտի արդիական խնդիրներից: Ապրանքագիտական ստույգ վերլուծությունները չեն մեկնաբանում արվեստի ստեղծագործության իրական արժեքն ու գինը: Որքան էլ ընդունենք, որ արվեստի... more
This chapter is based on more than a decade of art world research in Singapore but offers a single case of a composer who has composed a work for an orchestra. This study presents the creative reputation dilemma faced by many artists who... more
Introduction in the publication The Trouble with Value: Art and Its Modes of Valuation Published on the occasion of The Trouble with Value exhibitions at Bunkier Sztuki Gallery of Contemporary Art, Kraków (15.12.2017–21.3.2018) and... more
In 2018 three fairy tales thematising the animal character of the whale were published in Slovak literature for children: A. Gregušová – Gréta [Gréta]; A. Macho a P. Kavecký – Gerda. Príbeh veľryby [Gerda – The story of the whale]; A.... more
The paper criticises the current online trend of praising all children‘s books without first reviewing them critically. According to the author, pseudocritical online reviewers are either incapable of telling a good book from a bad one or... more
En 1905, los visitantes de museos de talante conservador se escandalizaron ante las pinturas de Matisse, Derain, Vlaminck y sus amigos; y, de ahf, la popular-idad posterior del termino les fauves (las fieras) con que estos artistas fueron... more
Досліджено арт-ринок як ціннісно-смисловий простір актуалізації мистецтва, визначальні засади якого розглянуто крізь призму теорії спонтанного порядку. Ця концепція була запропонована лавреатом Нобелівської премії з економіки Фрідріхом... more
The article deals with the value-semantic, communicative and cultural aspects of the phenomenon of the art fair being defined as a space for updating the works of contemporary artists and the exchange of ideas and senses, considering... more
Henri Matisse nació el último día de 1869, en una ardea francesa del norte. Abandonó sus estudios en derecho, para estudiar pintura y como muchos pintores conoció las limitaciones económicas. Sufrió graves enfermedades y fue sometido a... more
In 1956, Nelson Goodman offers a theory of mereological nominalism, according to which there is nothing but concrete individuals. This paper examines the relation of aesthetics to nominalism in Goodman’s philosophy and shows that... more
Uncontrolled destruction and damage to the environment during the construction of the projects of the metro and transfer center (Martı Project) in the Fındıklı-Kabatas line are the most important problem that initiated this study.... more
惠特尼美术馆于搬迁前,选择杰夫·昆斯的大规模回顾展做为闭馆展。本文分析惠特尼美术馆做此决策的原因,提出昆斯的影响力除了源自于金融与媚俗之外,他延续了沃霍尔创造的语境,以及作品中风格正向单纯的儿童取向,是昆斯对当代艺术特有的突破与其独特的成功因素。 Before relocation, Whitney Museum of Art chose to hold a large-scale retrospective of Jeff Koons for its closing... more
Texte paru dans le catalogue de l'exposition "Gutai" au musée Soulages, Rodez, 2018, p. 48-52.
The paper deals with the problem of determinants of the auction prices of the works of art. A special attention is given to the attributes of works of art i.e.: the name of artist, time of creation,... more
Arthur Danto's extensive body of criticism is naturally informed by his theory of art. In addition to considering his aesthetics from the standpoint of its intensive formulation in texts like the seminal " The Art-World, " or elaborations... more
Through looking at the notion of intrinsic motivation, the emergence of Internet Art, its alternative valuation system, and the new Post-Internet Art of today, this short literature review will attempt to set foot in answering the... more
El Fauvismo, una de las corrientes artísticas de las Vanguardias Históricas nacidas en los primeros años del siglo XX, posee ciertas particularidades que dificultan su estudio y sistematización. Sin embargo, sus planteamientos teóricos y... more
Movimiento artistico con paleta de colores diversas, técnica de puntillismo
Biografía Artista Frances, que destacó como el mejor colorista del siglo XX y fue gran rival de Pablo Picasso. Matisse emergió como Post-Modernista y alcanzó la prominencia en un principio como el lider del movimiento Francés "fauvismo".... more
Das Nachwuchsforum "Kommentare zum Wert der Kunst" bietet Doktorand/innen, wissenschaftlichen Volontär/innen und anderen Nachwuchsakteur/innen im Kunstfeld die Möglichkeit, das Programm des 33. Deutschen Kunsthistorikertages 2015 in Mainz... more
Paul Gauguin: Su experimentación audaz con el color fue lo que colocó los cimientos para el estilo sintetista del arte moderno, mientras que su expresión del significado de los temas en sus pinturas, bajo la influencia del cloisonismo, en... more
Undergraduate students (n=21) preparing for careers in early childhood and elementary education, were surveyed to determine perceptions of the value of arts education in the community and in public schools. During survey administration,... more
While there are a variety of approaches to examining the valuation of digital media art, I limit my discussion to its economic valuation within the context of Western capitalist economies. In this paper, I argue that the dematerialized... more
The belief that art stands independent of the social process and that the artist is free from the obligations and standards that are part of the cultural ethos is both misguided in theory and false in fact. Yet the claim of freedom for... more
This paper is an attempt to analyse some Bollywood movies to illustrate how the consumer culture is enhanced through the commercial ads via the medium of movies. Through product placement a commercial product is presented before the... more
Das Thema des 33. Deutschen Kunsthistorikertages lautet: Der Wert der Kunst. In den verschiedenen Sektionen und Podiumsgesprächen des Kunsthistorikertages werden Wertbegriffe und Wertzuschreibungen in der Kunst anhand ausgewählter Werke,... more
Orígenes y desarrollo (1905)(1906)(1907)(1908)(1909) El arte de Van Gogh se considera como una de las fuentes del fauvismo y del expresionismo (por ejemplo El catorce de julio). La influencia de Gauguin en el nacimiento del fauvismo... more
In this dissertation, I provide a philosophical analysis of public art. I focus on its “publicness,” and draw implications at the level of public art’s ontology, appreciation, and value. I uphold the view that an artwork is public when... more
"In this paper I try to make sense of the idea of artistic luck, which may be conceived by analogy to the idea of ‘moral luck’. I begin by considering what I call artistic luck in general (§ 2). Then I discuss artistic luck proper (§... more
"The Harmonic Math, Chromatic numbers and sounds" presents a novel framework that integrates numerical systems with color representation through a unique chromatic approach based on cyclic orders. The concept revolves around the... more
I analyze the genre preferences of UK film audiences, applying correspondence analysis to data produced for the BFI’s report Opening Our Eyes on the cultural contribution of film. Although there is a weak correlation between the... more
Conference: Intellectbase, Nashville, TN Paper Category: Research-In-Progress Track: Education KEY WORDS: Art Education Music Education Art Experiences Music Experiences Perception of Art and Music Education ABSTRACT Undergraduate... more