Value Sensitive Design

310 papers
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Value Sensitive Design (VSD) is an interdisciplinary approach to designing technology that accounts for human values throughout the design process. It integrates ethical considerations, stakeholder engagement, and empirical research to ensure that technological artifacts align with and promote the values of users and affected communities.
Lo statuto della riflessione filosofico politica sulla tecnologia assume oggi una rilevanza cruciale nell’indagare l’impatto delle nuove tecnologie sulla dimensione strutturale e sovrastrutturale delle società e delle democrazie, dei... more
This paper presents our investigations in how value sensitive design of interactive systems could motivate people to contribute to semantic web applications. In two case studies we adopted the Value Sensitive Design (VSD) framework... more
Increasing automation in the healthcare sector calls for a Hybrid Intelligence (HI) approach to closely study and design the collaboration of humans and autonomous machines. Ensuring that medical HI systems’ decision-making is ethical is... more
Open Research is a publicly accessible, curated repository for the preservation and dissemination of scholarly and creative output of the OCAD University community. Material in Open Research is open access and made available via the... more
Care ethics has been advanced as a suitable framework for evaluating the ethical significance of assistive robotics. One of the most prominent care ethical contributions to the ethical assessment of assistive robots comes through the work... more
It is commonly agreed that so-called echo chambers and epistemic bubbles, associated with social media, are detrimental to liberal democracies. Drawing on John Rawls's political liberalism, we offer a novel explanation of why social media... more
Conceptual engineering is the design, evaluation and implementation of concepts. Despite its popularity, some have argued that the methodology is not worthwhile, because the implementation of new concepts is both inscrutable and beyond... more
This edited collection presents a selection of papers from the 2012 conference of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET), an international network of scholars and practitioners who seek to understand... more
This article reviews the academic literature (1996-2016) that emerged under value sensitive design (VSD). It investigates those VSD projects that employed the tripartite methodology, examining the use of VSD methodological elements, and... more
Digital ethics is being discussed worldwide as a necessity to create more reliable IT systems. This discussion, fueled by the fear of uncontrollable artificial intelligence (AI) has moved many institutions and scientists to demand a... more
Digital ethics is being discussed worldwide as a necessity to create more reliable IT systems. This discussion, fueled by the fear of uncontrollable artificial intelligence (AI) has moved many institutions and scientists to demand a... more
This article reviews the academic literature (1996–2016) that emerged under value sensitive design (VSD). It investigates those VSD projects that employed the tripartite methodology, examining the use of VSD methodological elements, and... more
This paper criticizes the thesis of the neutrality of moral values of artifacts, and makes the case for a proposal known as Value Sensitive Design, which states that moral values must be considered in the construction and analysis of... more
Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) lack resources, hindering the quality and quantity of service they can deliver. Meanwhile, NPOs at times have underutilized or even spare resources due to the inability to scale expertise in staffing and... more
We have used value sensitive design as a method to develop an agent-based model of values in humanitarian logistics for refugees. Schwartz's theory of universal values is implemented in the model in such a way that agents can make value... more
w guns kill people without a human directly intervening to make the decision of whom and when to kill? Can we then hold on to the claim that this technology, namely an autonomous weapon, including its actions (the act of killing a... more
We have used value sensitive design as a method to develop an agent-based model of values in humanitarian logistics for refugees. Schwartz's theory of universal values is implemented in the model in such a way that agents can make value... more
Ethics by Design concerns the methods, algorithms and tools needed to endow autonomous agents with the capability to reason about the ethical aspects of their decisions, and the methods, tools and formalisms to guarantee that an agent's... more
In this panel, we explore: (1) the impacts of electronic media on informed consent; (2) how electronic media can be designed and used to preserve informed consent; (3) the relationship between protecting privacy and informed consent; (4)... more
In this paper, we analyse the ethical relevance of emerging informational aspects in robotics for the area of care robotics. We identify specific informational characteristics of contemporary and emerging robots, especially the fact of... more
Crowdsourcing (CS) of micro tasks is a relatively new, open source work form enabled by information and communication technologies. While anecdotal evidence of its benefits abounds, our understanding of the phenomenon's societal... more
This contribution discusses the development of the Data Ethics Decision Aid (DEDA), a framework for reviewing government data projects that considers their social impact, the embedded values and the government's responsibilities in times... more
Increasingly, Dutch municipalities use novel data practices for public management. These range from data analysis for more efficient waste management, to generating novel data sources for analysing criminal activities, to combining... more
This contribution discusses the development of the Data Ethics Decision Aid (DEDA), a framework for reviewing government data projects that considers their social impact, the embedded values and the government’s responsibilities in times... more
Online search engines, social media, news sites and retailers are all investing heavily in the development of ever more refined information filtering to optimally tune their services to the specific demands of their individual users and... more
This paper is a viewpoint rather than grounded in research. It questions some of the established ICT norms and traditions which exist both in industry and academia. The aim is to review current ICT ethics educational strategy and suggest... more
Despite the abundance of methods and models, the design research is still often entangled in concepts irrelevant to design practice. This paper rethinks the discourse of design research and the evolving role of a designer. The most... more
Technological research for the exploitation of marine energy has produced significant advances which promise to expedite the process of transitioning to renewable resources. However, many issues hinder the effective exploitation of marine... more
This paper is a viewpoint rather than grounded in research. It questions some of the established ICT norms and traditions which exist both in industry and academia. The aim is to review current ICT ethics educational strategy and suggest... more
The increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for making decisions in public affairs has sparked a lively debate on the benefits and potential harms of self-learning technologies, ranging from the hopes of fully informed and... more
In recent years, the HCI community has recognized the need to address long(er) term information system design around ongoing societal problems. Yet how to engage stakeholders effectively in multi-lifespan design thinking remains an open... more
by c jon
We present a preliminary but groundbreaking study of the media landscape of Twitter. We use public data on whom follows who to uncover common behaviour in media consumption, the relationship between various classes of media, and the... more
A vision for the Operator 4.0 is presented in this paper in the context of human cyber-physical systems and adaptive automation towards humanautomation symbiosis work systems for a socially sustainable manufacturing workforce. Discussions... more
Acknowledgments vii Introduction xiii 1 The Old Way 1 2 Biophilia 11 3 The Technological Turn 27 4 A Room with a Technological Nature View 45 5 Offi ce Window of the Future? 65 6 Hardware Companions? 89 7 Robotic Dogs in the Lives of... more
Usable security research to date has focused on making users more secure, by identifying and addressing usability issues that lead users to making mistakes, or by persuading users to pay attention to security and make secure choices.... more
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the buzzword for the era and is penetrating our society in levels unimagined before-or so it seems to be (see e.g. Newman, 2018; Branche, 2019; Horaczek, 2019). In IT-ethics discourse there is plenty of... more
In this paper we look into how several different AI technologies are addressed in the ethics literature. We claim that in many cases the technologies are not defined well enough for the moral concerns to be as relevant as they could. We... more
In the debate on how to improve efficiencies in the humanitarian sector and better meet people’s needs, the argument for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADMs) systems has gained significant traction... more
This article introduces Designing for Care (D4C), a distinctive approach to project management and technological design informed by Care Ethics. We propose to conceptualize “care” as both the foundational value of D4C and as its guiding... more
The meanings of law form an object of visualisation. As well as the types of legal situations, the pre-textual interdependencies of the legal terms should be made visible. Situations can be governed by legal machines. The research subject... more
In this paper, we propose a methodology to maximize the benefits of interdisciplinary cooperation in AI research groups. Firstly, we build the case for the importance of interdisciplinarity in research groups as the best means to tackle... more
A little less than a decade after the emergence of Industry 4.0 in the industrial world, the new paradigm 5.0 is gaining ground, which is simultaneously reflected in the definition of a smart society. In fact, we are witnessing an... more
It is commonly said that each scholar stands on the shoulders of giants. I have been blessed with many giants whose efforts brought this work to a successful conclusion. My advisor, Dr. Maxine Cohen, has been both empowering and... more
The significance of human values in everyday life highlights the integral role of this concept in any design that aims to improve the quality of human life. By emphasizing the need for a comprehensive value framework for design, the... more
In order to encourage ethical considerations and integrity in Big Data applications that incorporate Machine Learning techniques, this paper introduces a case as to how we intend to apply Value Sensitive Design (VSD) methodology in the... more