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Real-time surveillance systems, network and telecommunication systems, and other dynamic processes often generate tremendous (potentially infinite) volume of stream data. Effective analysis of such stream data poses great challenges to... more
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      Data MiningData AnalysisUtilityConsolidation
Much of the literature on polarization and selective exposure presumes that the internet exacerbates the fragmentation of the media and the citizenry. Yet, this ignores how the widespread use of social media changes news consumption.... more
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      Social MediaThe InternetSelective ExposureUtility
Limited empirical research exists on the explicit relevance of hedonic dimensions (aesthetics and playfulness) of humancomputer interaction design to usability. This research aims to determine the effects of color temperature on the... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceAestheticsUsability
Utility-based control (UBC) hasn't been widely adopted for commercial game AI. Some of the reasons for this are that UBC is perceived to be: (1) resource intensive, (2) difficult to design complex behaviours with, and (3) difficult to... more
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      Computer ScienceControl systemFeasibility StudyUtility
The average American is highly supportive of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology and has the opportunity to earn a high return of investment from a PV investment for their own home. Unfortunately, the average American does not have easy... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringComputer SciencePhotovoltaics
This paper presents the different utilitarian approaches to ethics. It stresses the influence of utilitarianism in economics in general and in welfare economics in particular. The key idea of the paper to explain the evolution from... more
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A new idea and approach are presented. The idea is to consider arrangements' infringements as a generalization of a breach of a term of contract. The approach is based on this idea and on the economic uncertainty principle. Problems,... more
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The debate over various definitions of sustainability has for the most part been conducted within the framework of traditional welfare economics. Discussion has centered on technical issues imbedded within the functional forms of various... more
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      Welfare EconomicsEcological EconomicsApplied EconomicsUtility
Political secularism takes many forms but a fundamental distinction is between radical and moderate kinds. The latter is a genuine secularism and not just a failure to take secularism to its logical conclusion. The failure to appreciate... more
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      ReligionHuman RightsPolitical ScienceIslam
Emphasis on maintenance, repair, and operations inventory (or MRO inventory) can lead to improved inventory control, reduced operational costs, enhanced productivity, and increased cost accounting accuracy. To review the benefits of MRO... more
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      Inventory ControlMultidisciplinaryProduction and Inventory planning and control systemsCase Study
published by the press syndicate of the university of cambridge The Pitt
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      Cognitive PsychologyExpert SystemsTechnologyDecision Making
For many decades, research in judgment and decision making has examined behavioral violations of rational choice theory. In that framework, rationality is expressed as a single correct decision shared by experimenters and subjects that... more
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      Rational ChoiceEmotions (Social Psychology)Risk ManagementBeliefs
Collecting information about patient satisfaction with orthopedic and prosthetic medical devices in terms of utility, tolerance, and compliance is essential for verifying and improving the quality of these devices. In addition, such... more
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      Quality of lifeComplianceToleranceMedical devices
The control and operation of electronic systems relies and depends on the availability of the power supply. Rechargeable batteries have been more pervasively used as the energy storage and power source for various electrical and... more
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      Control Systems EngineeringPower SystemsPower ElectronicsRenewable Energy
Digital technologies are being introduced in museums and other informal learning environments alongside more traditional interpretive and communication media. An increasing number of studies has proved the potential of digitally mediated... more
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      Information TechnologyDigital HumanitiesUsabilityAssessment
Though conventional ultrasonic methods are still widely used elsewhere, PAUT technique is applied increasingly for enhancing ISI of utility, refinery and as well the emerging wind power. PAUT together with manipulator is considered a... more
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      Energy and EnvironmentNondestructive Testing, Inspection and Evaluation (NDT/NDE)UtilityMaintenance of Buildings and Infrastrcutcural Facilities
Web Service Computing is a recent evolution in Distributed Computing series and it is an emerging and fast growing paradigm in the present scenario. Web Service Computing is a diversified discipline suite that related to the technologies... more
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      Smart GridKnowledgeQualitativeQuantitative Studies
In this work, the utility & functional characteristics of garment made from woven fabrics of bamboo/ polyester yarns have been studied in relation to pick density, weave and % of component fibers in the blends. The objective of utility &... more
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      UtilityPhysicalFunctionalTensile Strength
Aims. To explore and explain the different concepts of reliability and validity as they are related to measurement instruments in social science and health care.
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Background: Mapping from health status measures onto generic preference-based measures is becoming a common solution when health state utility values are not directly available for economic evaluation. However the accuracy and reliability... more
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      Quality of lifeActivities of Daily LivingUtilityHealth Status
This paper analyzes secondary and primary source literature written about William Marshal - a comparatively famous 12th century knight - in order to determine what influences his reputation has had on authors, as well as what... more
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      Medieval HistoryBias12th century EnglandDistortion
Courts' verdicts issued by the judge ideally contain aspects of legal certainty, justice, and utility. It is not easy though to synergize the three aspects aforementioned. Between aspects of legal certainty and justice, in particular,... more
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      HumanitiesPoliticsNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Love
In recent years, the field of decision making has benefitted greatly from a renewed interest in how people face choices involving uncertain outcomes. Decision Making: Descriptive, Normative, and Prescriptive Interactions is a collection... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceExperimental Psychology
Following requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, most U.S. states require utility companies to adopt interconnection and net metering policies, allowing customers to become prosumers who both consume and produce electricity,... more
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      EconomicsEnergy EconomicsPhotovoltaicsRenewable Energy
As the use of qualitative inquiry increases within the field of social work, researchers must consider the issue of establishing rigor in qualitative research. This article presents research procedures used in a study of autoethnographies... more
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      BusinessDiscourse AnalysisHistorySociology
Purpose of life 1 THE PURPOSE OF LIFE Contents Rivalry Our nothingness Means and ends Purpose Fun and money Futility Superfluity Suffering Wisdom RIVALRY 1 Herd purpose Other people, who are not quite real to us, are the source of all our... more
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Seringnya terjadi gangguan kubikel, utamanya akibat terjadi korona pada komponen kubikel tegangan menengah menyebabkan pasokan listrik kepada pelanggan terganggu. Penyebab terjadinya korona pada kubikel dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringUtility
o the best of present knowledge, schizophrenia is a disorder with variable phenotypic expression and poorly understood, complex etiology, involving a major genetic contribution, as well as environmental factors interacting with the... more
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PT. PERTAMINA (Persero) merupakan perusahaan BUMN penyedia energi yang memiliki peran vital bagi kelangsungan hidup negara, maka dari itu proses berlangsungnya perusahaan menjadi sangat penting untuk diperhatikan agar stabilitasnya terus... more
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      Electrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringControl EngineeringElectronics
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ABSTRACT The evaluation of user interfaces is a rich theme in terms of concepts, approaches, and tools. The related tools are numerous that they are mainly classified into two categories. The first one includes the tools based on expert... more
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      Human Computer InteractionUsabilityUtilityUser Interface Evaluation
Di tengah Pandemi Covid-19, yang berdampak besar terutama pada sektor ekonomi masyarakat Indonesia. Sebuah Kontroversi muncul yang menimbulkan pro-kontra banyak kalangan, yaitu pada hari Senin 5 Oktober 2020 Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat... more
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      UtilitarianismUtilityFilsafatJeremy Bentham
Makalah ini disusun dari berbagai sumber. Makalah ini berisi tentang uraian–uraian yang mengenai proses pengolahan air pada PT KRAKATAU TIRTA INDUSTRI
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      Water TreatmentUtility
Planning and development is mutually supportive and is highly a complicated activity. Most of the urban issues lie with land related activities as land is a scarce and highly valuable commodity. Traditional methods of surveying and the... more
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      GeographyGeologyGeomaticsUrban Planning
A partir de la noción de suceso, entendida como acción significativa que se separa de lo cotidiano, se busca estudiar el modo en que las actividades son estructuradas en el espacio desde la arquitectura, por fuera del enfoque... more
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      ArchitectureLudwig Mies van der RoheFunctionalismUtility
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      Chemical EngineeringWater TreatmentUtility
Sistem elektrikal merupakan suatu rangkaian peralatan penyediaan daya listrik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daya listrik tegangan rendah. Dalam rangkaian peralatan yang disediakan meliputi sarana penyesuaian tegangan listrik (trafo/... more
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      Chemical EngineeringWater qualityUtilitySteam Boilers
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      PsychologyPsychological AssessmentPsychometricsPersonality Disorders
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryUtilityUtilisation of Browse Plants to Livestock Feeds
The average American is highly supportive of solar photovoltaic (PV) technology and has the opportunity to earn a high return of investment from a PV investment for their own home. Unfortunately, the average American does not have easy... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyEnergy
Utility bill like electric, mobile bill etc. payment is becoming a routine work to us. This is the age of telecommunication. So, utility bill payment using telecom support will be a wonder work. This paper will show the various ways that... more
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      AutomationSystems Analysis and DesignUtility
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      Civil EngineeringArchitectureUtility
Francis Bacon and René Descartes have traditionally been presented as leaders of opposed philosophical currents. However, more and more studies show important continuities between their philosophies. This article explores one of them:... more
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      History of MedicineSelf CareRené DescartesFrancis Bacon
Numa economia global é necessário uma ética global, universal. Como ligar a ética à economia num mundo interdependente? Que ética escolher de entre as várias teorias éticas? O utilitarismo e a maximização da utilidade promove a felicidade... more
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The paper shows that the RG score, used by the Researchgate open scientific gateway, is seriously flawed. The hard-core center of the RG Score, besides interactions, is the journal impact factor system, used in the RG Score and the... more
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Editoras: Denisse Roca-Servat y Jenni Perdomo Sánchez Este libro aporta nuevos elementos a los urgentes y necesarios cuestionamientos colectivos, teniendo en cuenta los nuevos paradigmas teóricos y políticos de la transformación social en... more
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      GovernanceWater SupplyUrban Political EcologyUtility
To predict recreational-fishing impacts on freshwater fish species, it is important to understand the interplay between fish populations, anglers and management actions. We use an integrated bioeconomic model to study the importance of... more
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      Life historyEcologyUtilityFisheries Sciences
Background: The use of biomarkers in basic and clinical research as well as in clinical practice has become so common that their presence as primary endpoints in clinical trials is now accepted. A biomarker refers to a broad subcategory... more
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      DementiaAlzheimer's DiseaseBiomarkersUtility
Art is useless, and always will be. The artist, however, chooses eagerly to wallow and slosh in the mud of the unknown. For Georges Bataille, uselessness is a virtue, one to embrace in order to reject the confines of structured, everyday... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionGeorges BatailleUtility