Uses of History

203 papers
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Uses of History is an academic field that examines how historical knowledge and narratives are employed in various contexts, including education, politics, culture, and identity formation. It explores the implications of historical interpretation and the role of history in shaping contemporary societal values and decision-making.
In the official narratives concerning Southern Africa’s former national liberation movements, the concept of a collective, regional solidarity in the struggle against white minority rule features prominently. Since gaining political power... more
This compilation thesis contains an introductory chapter and four original articles. The studies comprising this thesis all concern aspects of how historical culture is constituted in historical media and history teachers’ narratives and... more
Tesis donde se abordan las formas en que los videojuegos exhiben diferentes apropiaciones, traducciones y resignificaciones del imaginario del pasado, a través de un análisis de la presentación del tiempo, espacio y sujetos históricos... more
About International Public History and the use-abuse of history in museums. This essay serves as an introduction to the Memoria e Ricerca 2017 issue on History Museums and Public History. The papers we present were selected from panel... more
In this paper two interrelated topics will be discussed. First, we will explore the beginning of French Archaeology. Second, we intend to focus on the relationship between this process and the construction of Napoleon’s public image.... more
Religion in Museums: Euthanized Sacredness, in the Beholder’s Eye, or a Multi-Tool for Shifting Needs? Three suggested models to discuss how museums affect sacredness (2018) MUSEOLOGY AND THE SACRED - MATERIALS FOR A DISCUSSION Papers... more
DI-fusion, le Dépôt institutionnel numérique de l'ULB, est l'outil de référencementde la production scientifique de l'ULB.L'interface de recherche DI-fusion permet de consulter les publications des chercheurs de... more
This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the concept of historical consciousness. It argues that a focus on the epistemological problems concerning historical consciousness can be a way of constructing a theory of the concept that... more
Gotland, Åland, Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Bornholm are five island regions in the Baltic Sea which constitute, or have until recently constituted, provinces or counties of their own. Combining perspectives from two disparate academic fields,... more
Francesco Benigno è professore ordinario di storia moderna a Teramo, dove è stato (2002-10) preside della Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione. Si è occupato di storia politica europea della prima età moderna, di storia economica e... more
FreNte Al mUltiliNgüiSmo y lA diVerSidAd CUltUrAl Resumen Este artículo reflexiona sobre como las series históricas, Isabel (2012)(2013)(2014)(2015) y Carlos, Rey Emperador ( -2016, producidas por la Radio Televisión Española, representan... more
Madrygal. Revista de Estudios Gallegos, Vol. 20 (2017), ISSN: 1138-9664, pp.53-71 Resumo. A revista Galicia Diplomática (1882-1893) é un referente dentro das investigacións históricas galegas. Neste artigo pretendemos amosar unha parte do... more
To overcome the traumas of the 1992-1997 civil war, the Tajik authorities have turned to history to anchor their post-independence nation-building project. This article explores the role of the National Museum of Tajikistan, examining how... more
In this article the role of the owl in Harry Potter is examined in relation to the meaning and importance of the owl in classical antiquity. The article addresses J.K. Rowling's motivation for using the owl in a magical context, and the... more
Theoretical approach to classical reception at Curitiba, Parana. First paper on the subject, case study will be published soon. Paper in Portuguese.
Acabada la Guerra de Successió, els agents econòmics locals van saber aprofitar les oportunitats creades pel règim borbònic, i Barcelona, al capdavant de Catalunya, va créixer i es va enriquir al llarg del segle XVIII. Mentrestant, la... more
RESUMEN En el presente artículo se persigue estudiar cómo la Grandeza de España buscó en la historia y la argumentación histórica un lugar desde el cual reivindicar su identidad y su forma de comprender el papel constitutivo de la... more
This paper argues that popular history magazines may be a welcome complement to other forms of historical media in history teaching. By outlining a theoretical framework that captures uses of history, the paper analyses popular history... more
This article presents a study of how contemporary Swedish lower secondary school textbooks present the emergence of the Cold War and how 10 active lower secondary school history teachers interpreted a quo tation that was... more
Antonio de Capmany and the renewal of Catalan political historicism. Abstract: This conference, enlarged with notes and documentary appendix, situates the start of Capmany's contributions to Catalan and Spanish political thought in the... more
A brief analysis and discussion of the use of history, imagery and the fostering of a National Identity and Pride by Scandinavian Black Metal and Viking Metal bands.
El setembre de 1970, és a dir, fa més de quaranta-cinc anys, Pere Molas ens va obsequiar a la Marina López i a mi amb un exemplar del seu llibre tot just aparegut aleshores, Los gremios barceloneses del siglo XVIII, amb una dedicatòria... more
This article focuses on the use and reception of classical antiquity in the first Harry Potter film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
... 833-856. (22) L. TRAUBE, MGH, Poetae 3, 1896, p. 409-420. (23) A. DUBREUCQ, Jonas d'Orléans. ... Éditée et traduite par LL, Paris, 1935 (Les classiques de l'histoire de France au Moyen Âge 16). (26) E. DÜMMLER, MGH, Poetae... more
El segle XVIII és prestigiós per la implantació de la crítica, que, pel que fa al coneixement històric, es produí en dues direccions: la crítica bibliogràfica, que va aconseguir desemmascarar les pràctiques falsàries dels segles... more
This review essay challenges three main claims about originalism in American legal thought. While it affirms that originalism could be the Law of a legal system, it first challenges the mainstream idea that American originalism is the... more
This article deals with the use and reception of classical antiquity in Monty Python's film Monty Python and the Holy Grail - more specifically the use and reception of the Odyssey
The essay appraises a relevant topic developed by the Ancient Greek historians, strictly linked to the structure of the historical knowledge as a whole: the ingenious employ of fakes and simulations, thought otherwise than merely... more
La política uruguaya ha sido reconocida incluso en términos comparativos como una política de partidos. Si esa fue la pauta que permitió la acumulación de aprendizajes ciudadanos y cívicos, nada autoriza a pensar que ella se impuso de un... more
Human trafficking is a complex phenomenon fueled by the tremendous growth in the global sex market. Exploitation is driven by poverty, uneven development, official corruption, gender discrimination, harmful traditional and cultural... more
The definition of a national collective memory has undoubtedly been one of the most important ways to legitimize authoritarian regimes . The Portuguese dictatorship was no exception and in this process the Middle Ages were one of the... more
This article is about how director Christopher Nolan used the myths surrounding the ancient hero Theseus in his movie Inception. In the article Nolan's possible knowledge of classical antiquity and the period's writers, characters and... more
I pretend to analyze the image construction of the conqueror of Mexico Hernán Cortés, as well as its cultural and political importance in the late eighteenth century. My objective is to explore the cultural memory constructed around this... more
Historical consciousness is a popular concept in history education that has often been considered as difficult to apply in educational practice. Taking its departure in the Swedish Schools’ Inspectorate’s recent critique of how Swedish... more
During the Cold War, Norway was a member of NATO, Sweden was neutral but depended on Western support in the event of a crisis, while Finland's foreign policy priority was to win and retain the Soviet Union's confidence. The purpose of the... more
L'Associazione Culturale "Persistenze o Rimozioni", bandisce un Call for papers per il suo VII convegno annuale dal titolo "Il passato del presente. Usi e abusi della storia nella formazione delle identità collettive". Il convegno si... more
This panel explores the changing place of three Early Modern figures (Pope Innocent XI, Count-Duke of Olivares, and Peter I of Castile) in Southern European imagination over the last centuries. We offer a cultural approach to analyse a... more
This article introduces the reader into contemporary uses of medieval Iberian history by far-right nationalist groupings, focusing mainly on Spain and Portugal, but also exploring other contexts such as pan-European networks of far-right... more
The past is commonly summoned in political speeches and projects. The medieval past has been used as the cradle of nation-states and ‘the West’. This article will address how the Anglo-Saxon past has been used, from the seventeenth... more