Uses of History

202 papers
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Uses of History is an academic field that examines how historical knowledge and narratives are employed in various contexts, including education, politics, culture, and identity formation. It explores the implications of historical interpretation and the role of history in shaping contemporary societal values and decision-making.
Ce travail de recherche sur la réception des classiques veut répondre à un problème lié à la théorie de la littérature et à la philologie : pourquoi étudier la réception antique d'un texte et la pensée de son auteur au XXIème siècle et... more
Entrevista realizada en español, transcrita por Filipe Noé da Silva. Hecha el 30 de julio de 2024. Duración: 52 minutos y 07 segundos. Enlace al video de la entrevista:... more
This thesis investigates historical narratives that were exhibited during a plenary session in the European parliament prior to accepting the resolution Importance of remembrance for the Future of Europe. The resolution states that the... more
This is the first of two articles, devoted to the lost Egyptianizing Danish silent movies, entitled Mumiens Halsbaand (aka The Fatal Necklace) and Sfinxens Hemmelighed (aka The Secret of the Desert). They were filmed in Denmark in the... more
This thesis is concerned with how history is communicated, manifested, and given meaning in different ways in the present, which is summarized by the Swedish term historiebruk, translated as the use of history. By developing a theoretical... more
Niende og siste artikkel i serien «Drømmen om det norrøne» publisert på i går. Vikingarven er fremdeles levende, nesten mer enn noen gang. Men hva er det egentlig som gjenspeiles i alt dette? Er det selve den historiske... more
Recension av: Tobias Berglund & Niclas Sennerteg: Baltikums befrielse. Natur och kultur, Stockholm, 2023.
I denne oppgaven skal jeg se på vikingtiden i England. Først og fremst skal jeg ta utgangspunkt i de tilgjengelige kildene man har om vikingene og deres tid i England. Før så å se litt på det norrøne samfunnet og hvordan det var satt opp... more
In the summer of 1974, the 7:84 (Scotland) Theatre Company spent two weeks in Ireland performing The Cheviot, The Stag and the Black, Black Oil, an innovative, radical “ceilidh entertainment” that outlined a history of exploitation in the... more
Resumo: O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar alguns desenvolvimentos críticos em torno do conceito de recepção clássica, discutindo sua formulação por Charles Martindale no contexto intelectual do dos anos 1990, algumas de suas revisões... more
Resumo: O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar alguns desenvolvimentos críticos em torno do conceito de recepção clássica, discutindo sua formulação por Charles Martindale no contexto intelectual do dos anos 1990, algumas de suas revisões... more
This publication brings together the papers submitted for the 45th symposium organised by ICOFOM under the general theme Taboos in museology: Difficult issues for museum theory, to be held in Prague and Brno (Czechia) 22-27 August 2022.... more
This paper focuses on the ways in which political actors make use of historical legacies to present their own determination to sustain their country’s national security. We use the example of the annual celebrations of the anniversary of... more
Boken er en lettfattelig uvidenskapelig historie om Norge i perioden 1500 f.Kr. til 525 e.Kr. basert på kunnskap fra skriftlige kilder og arkeologiske funn i Europa og Asia. Kunnskapen finnes fritt tilgjengelig og dekker mange fagfelt.... more
History education comprises moral issues and moral aspects, often perceived as an important and meaning-making foundation that makes learning relevant and interesting. The interrelationship between time layers fuels historical... more
Prexy Nesbitt, a Chicago-based anti-apartheid activist and educator, revised his original talk at Chapman College, Orange, California, february 25, 2008, to include new material. 16 pages
In unserer vielfältigen Gesellschaft werden "alternative Fakten" zunehmend zu einem Werkzeug in den Auseinandersetzungen um die Interpretation von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Diese Konflikte drehen sich nicht nur um die Deutung... more
The main objective of the Europa en Juego project is the critical and contrasted analysis of the type of ideology and historical revision that the video game is offering in the European context and, from this aspect, how the digital game... more
The importance of the autonomous Åland Islands, which are a part of Finland, has been greatly emphasized in terms of geopolitics since the conflicts caused by Russia in the 2000s. The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, 2022,... more
Type de publication : Article de collectif Collectif : Paul Claudel et la Bohême. Dissonances et accord Auteur : Lenderová (Milena) Résumé : Prague fut le premier poste européen du poète. Il y noue des liens avec les intellectuels et... more
Ulf Zander är professor vid Historiska institutionen, Lunds universitet.
Los espacios de memoria son una construcción social (material y simbólica) que refleja las dinámicas políticas, culturales e históricas de un grupo social y las luchas por las memorias públicas. En el periodo del posacuerdo en Colombia,... more
Aquest article intenta donar a coneixer els primers passos d'una investiga-cid que té com a objectiu essencial analitrar les fornles de mobilització ar-mada de la ('atalunya dels s. XVI i XVII, la seva importincia dins del... more
Kekkosella oli monellakin tavalla erikoinen ja erityinen huumorintaju. Hän oli ennen kaikkea sutkautusten ja tilannekomiikan ystävä. Tämän kaltaisen huumorin harrastaja ei etukäteen paljasta kertovansa vitsiä ja pakota läsnäolijoita... more
The online public conversations seem like Twitter has begun as a common communication tool by people tweeting their ideas, opinions and taking stands, committing themselves during last 5-10 years. This overall assumption has taken its... more
Au gros ouvrage dont il va être question ici, le De laboribus Herculis de Coluccio Salutati, les historiens de la mythographie n'accordent le plus souvent qu'une attention distraite 1. Composé peu après la somme
Un elemento importante a la hora de diseñar un videojuego es la his-toria sobre la que se van a incorporar el resto de los elementos del juego (retos, 1 Introducción Uno de los elementos que se utilizan actualmente para incrementar la... more
Es tracta d'explicar tres aspectes fonamentals de l'obra que ens ha deixat el professor Ernest Lluch: a) Els estudis sobre l'economia del territori i sobre l'estructura de l'economia catalana i valenciana. Lluch va començar duent a terme... more
La notion large de « conspiration » renvoie à un phénomène pluriel, qui peut désigner, à Rome, une grande variété de crimes politiques tels que l'aspiration à la tyrannie, l'organisation d'un coup d'État, la planification d'assassinats de... more
Nel vocabolario corrente, le origini sono un inizio che spiega. Peggio ancora: che è sufficiente a spiegare.
Genealogías de la política uruguaya moderna: el liberalismo como "concepto fundamental" y su primacía sobre el republicanismo en el siglo XIX.
Boka Afro-Regions: The Dynamics of Cross-Border Micro-Regionalism in Africa er et friskt bidrag i debatten om regionalisering i Afrika. I motsetning til den ambisiøse og tilsynelatende urealistiske regionaliseringsretorikken fremført av... more
førsteamanuensis i sosialt arbeid ved Nord universitet Beate Rossvoll Eidissen, masterstudent i samfunnsvitenskap ved Nord universitet.
Distribution électronique pour I.I.S.A.. Distribution électronique pour I.I.S.A.. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions... more
I would like to thank my advisor and psychologist in one-Jens Kjeldsen, for empathetically leading me through the process of writing a Master thesis. Without his advices and always a positive attitude the process would have been far more... more
És indubtable que la primera generació de postguerra en la narrativa catalana-entenent com a tal els autors que inicien la seva producció en aquests anys i que aporten. a més, noves influenciesestá encapQalada per Maria Aurelia Capmany i... more
Ruinas (1866) es una novela breve de Rosalía de Castro que propone una dialéctica entre pasado y presente a través de la imagen de la ruina al situarse, además, en un momento de transición que genera tensiones y crea nuevas... more
In the modern world, which is striving for globalization and an increase in the number of means of communication, many researchers return to the history of the Great Silk Road as a means of transcontinental communication of peoples,... more
Å ville spesifisere termen masse er en selvmotsigelse; det er å fylle noe med mening som ikke har det. Man sier "arbeidermassen" Men massen er aldri arbeidernes masse, like lite som et annet sosialt subjekts eller objekts. "Bondemassene"... more