User Education

64 papers
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User education refers to the systematic process of teaching individuals how to effectively utilize information systems, tools, or resources. It aims to enhance users' skills, knowledge, and confidence in accessing, evaluating, and applying information, thereby improving their overall experience and productivity in various contexts.
This study evaluated the User Education Programs (UEPs) in the Public Sector Universities' libraries of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This study aimed to explore the overall scenario of the user's education, to probe how much time is allotted for... more
Library is an integral part of the academic institutes and the society as a whole. It's a place where information is stored in the form of print and non-print media. When information seekers visit the library for the first time, they are... more
In this study, the effects of zirconia and titania particles on the abrasion behavior and hardness of Ni-P and Ni-P-ZrO2 coatings on ST37 substrate by electroless technique were investigated. For this purpose, Ni-P-ZrO2 composite coatings... more
The purpose of this research was to appraise the adequacy of the preparatory methodology course in terms of meeting the needs of the students for whom the course was designed. In conducting the study, five research questions based on the... more
Nickel coating has a poor surface mechanical properties. In order to improve the mechanical properties, nickel were covered with ceramic particles. In this study, the Ni/TiN composite coatings were produced by Watts bath containing TiN... more
Electrodeposition of composites is a low-cost and low-temperature method, which is used to make metal matrix composite coatings. In this study, various amounts of surfactants of anionic sodium dodecylsulfate and cationic... more
In this study, nickel-phosphorus coating was prepared by electrodeposition technique on the 304 stainless steel substrate. The effects of current density, phosphorous acid concentration, time and pH on the phosphorous content was... more
Applying a Ni-P electroless coat on the surface of BN(h) particles has a beneficial effect on their wettability in vortex technique during composite manufacturing. In this investigation, different preliminary treatments consisting of... more
The paradigm shift in medical academic practices in Pakistan is becoming a challenge for medical librarians. Majority of medical schools in Pakistan have started problem based learning, undergrads medical research program and Postgraduate... more
This is the preprint in English of the paper, which after translation by Oristelle Bonis, appeared as:
Academic libraries collect materials to support the teaching and research objectives of their parent bodies. The library serves both the teaching and non-teaching staff of the university, college of education, polytechnic and researchers... more
O presente estudo faz o balanco da implementacao e do desenvolvimento de uma estrategia de formacao em literacia de informacao, realizada na Biblioteca da Faculdade de Psicologia e do Instituto de Educacao da Universidade de Lisboa. Para... more
This study investigated the library use and study habits of undergraduate students in the University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State of Nigeria. The use of the library is one of the most important aspects of education, and it cannot... more
Within the ambit of libraries, library user education is a vital service that serves as a conduit for users to gain the fundamental skills and information needed for efficient information access, evaluation, and usage. Notably, guided... more
To encourage the use of library and to participate in the teaching and research programme as well as to become anucleous of intellectual gravity for the community it serves the, library staff provides various types of sevices.User... more
To encourage the use of library and to participate in the teaching and research programme as well as to become anucleous of intellectual gravity for the community it serves the, library staff provides various types of sevices.User... more
This study, titled "Assessment of Workplace Civility Atmosphere in Higher Education Institutions: A Comparative Study among Select Universities in Assam, India," employs a mixed-methods approach to evaluate and compare perceptions of... more
In contemporary higher education, the significance of cultivating a civil and positive atmosphere within academic institutions goes beyond the traditional role of knowledge dissemination. The dynamics of a university's civility atmosphere... more
Information literacy refers to the abilities of an individual in identifying, retrieving, and utilising appropriate and required information. The present study attempts to examine the information literacy skills of the research scholars... more
Library Websites are the mirror of a library, it showcases its profile, activities, services and whole things which is related to that library and its staff. Now a days it is very much important for any kind of libraries, it may be... more
from 2014 to 2017. As the Department operates undergraduate, graduates and postgraduates level programs, so research production at these levels is the major target of this study. Data for this paper was collected from the mentioned... more
This study investigated the library use and study habits of undergraduate students in the University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State of Nigeria. The use of the library is one of the most important aspects of education, and it cannot... more
The study investigated information needs and seeking behavior of children in public libraries: A case study of Benue state public library. Five (5) objectives with corresponding research questions were formulated to guide the study. The... more
A survey carried out during 1998 investigated the use of the World Wide Web for user education in 68 UK university libraries. Almost three‐quarters of the libraries surveyed make use of the Web for this purpose. The Web is used as a... more
Recently, nickel-tungsten (Ni-W) coatings have been investigated by many researchers as a corrosion-resistant, wear-resistant, and high-hardness layer. However, reinforcing particles is also used to form composite and improve the... more
Tem o objetivo de realizar um mapeamento e uma categorização do termo rede social e suas derivações em comunicações científicas da Ciência da Informação no Brasil. Propõe-se mapear os locais de publicação das comunicações científicas,... more
This study was designed to examine the availability and utilization of library facilities and information resources in University of Agriculture Makurdi Demonstration Secondary School. Four objectives were achieved and four research... more
I would like to acknowledge and thank the following individuals and institutions for playing a crucial role in ensuring that I was able to complete this arduous journey in Higher Education. Mr. Patrick Zimu, my Research Supervisor, thank... more
This study investigated library instruction methods, effect and the challenges in academic libraries using the Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun (FUPRE) students as the target population. Library instruction is a core... more
(2011), a well stocked and organized library is a pride of any educational institution. Academic journals according to the College at Brockport (2013) are periodicals in which researchers publish articles on their work. Research articles... more
This study aims to develop a model of information literacy guidance related to the role of college librarians during the Covid 19 pandemic. The source of the data is obtained by observing the college repository access model, and... more
This study investigated the library use and study habits of undergraduate students in the University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State of Nigeria. The use of the library is one of the most important aspects of education, and it cannot... more
A number of studies have been conducted in relation to electronic learning (e- learning) in higher education and many have noted the effectiveness of e-learning over recent decades. However, only a few have investigated on the use of... more
XIII Jornadas APDIS, realizadas em Lisboa, na Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saude de Lisboa (ESTeSL), de 14 a 16 de marco de 2018.
This study investigated the library use and study habits of undergraduate students in the University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State of Nigeria. The use of the library is one of the most important aspects of education, and it cannot... more
This study investigated the library use and study habits of undergraduate students in the University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State of Nigeria. The use of the library is one of the most important aspects of education, and it cannot... more
This study investigated the library use and study habits of undergraduate students in the University of Agriculture Makurdi, Benue State of Nigeria. The use of the library is one of the most important aspects of education, and it cannot... more
XIII Jornadas APDIS, realizadas em Lisboa, na Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL), de 14 a 16 de março de 2018.A ACRL editou, no ano 2000, Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, documento que... more
EnglishIntroduction - Librarians and teachers have developed strategies in higher education to support students' academic performance, particularly due to information literacy skills, which are considered as a powerful intervention... more
Discusses the user orientation programmes on library resources, library services and facilities to the users. Opines that library professionals should instruct the library users to utilize the resources effectively and efficiently. use of... more
Abstrak Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran tentang literasi informasi perspektif pustakawan. Literasi informasi diharapkan mampu direalisasikan di perpustakaan mengingat perpustakaan sebagai sumber informasi yang terlengkap.... more
Introduction: In the present study, the Ti-10Mo-X (TiC & TiB2) composite produced by spark plasma sintering (SPS) with different amounts of ceramic reinforcements (0.5≤ X ≤ 4) was chosen as substrate for development of new biomaterials.... more
This paper defines the concept of reading culture and analysis the efforts that are being undertaken to promote and need to develop the reading habit in users. Further examines various factors of poor reading culture and important roles... more
PurposeThe present paper's purpose is to review the literature related to quality assessment and performance evaluation in academic libraries, whether empirical or theoretical, and to extract key issues. It aims to explore which... more
Aborda o impacto do trabalho The Forms of Capital de Pierre Bourdieu na literatura científica internacional por meio da análise das citações feitas a ele em publicações científicas. Através de um estudo bibliométrico, 5.631 documentos... more