Ambiguity is usually considered anathema in Human Computer Interaction. We argue, in contrast, that it is a resource for design that can be used to encourage close personal engagement with systems. We illustrate this with examples from... more
Usability is a main quality attribute for any interactive product. Usability in touchscreen-based mobile devices is something essential and should be considered when launching a new product; it could be a distinguishing feature in a... more
Purpose – The underlying objective of this literature review was to investigate what kinds of semiotics researches have been employed in user interfaces design and usability evaluation, and how were they employed.... more
One of the enduring problems of researching and designing digital technologies for the home is that both media technologies and uses tend to be dispersed spatially and temporally throughout the environment and routines of home. This... more
Embodied agents are often designed with the ability to simulate human emotion. This paperinvestigates the psychological impact of simulated emotional expressions on computer users with aparticular emphasis on how mismatched facial and... more
Multi-touch tables are increasingly being used in public spaces such as museums, art galleries, and libraries to help engage the public and provide access to collections. Design- ing applications for this type of environment where a wide... more
A mental model is a model that people have of themselves, others, the environment, and the things with which they interact, such as technologies. Mental models can support the user-centered development of digital libraries: if we can... more
This study compares a traditional 3D WIMP (Window Icon Menu Pointer) modeller to a prototype of a novel system with a 6DOF haptic feedback device, stereovision and a co-located display, both in quantitative and qualitative terms. The... more
Usability defects test escapee can have a negative impact on the success of software. It is quite common for projects to have a tight timeline. For these projects, it is crucial to ensure there are effective processes in place. One way to... more
Hardback 978-1-4094-0777-5 $119.95 Includes 110 b&w illustrations
Research related to emotion in human-computer interaction (HCI) often tends to focus onhow a computer can autonomously detect the emotional state of a user and then adapt itself accordingly. Another important strand of emotion-related... more
""As map-based visualizations of documents become more ubiquitous, there is a greater need for them to support intellectual and creative high-level cognitive activities with collections of non-cartographic materials — documents. This... more
In order to study how the notion of User Experience (UX) evolved over the last few years, an international survey originally conducted in 2008 by Law et al. has been replicated. Its main goal was to get some insights on the points of view... more
It is generally recognized that our behaviours affect the environment. However, it is difficult to correlate behaviour of an individual person to large-scale problems. This is usually due to insufficient ergonomy of available tools. The... more
"Whilst at the Universities of Bristol and the West of England, in collaboration with BBC R&D, I have been responsible for the first higher dynamic range, higher resolution and higher frame rate experiments to measure which combination of... more
Participatory Design (PD) provides a variety of tools and techniques for involving users in innovation processes. However, user involvement in PD is often limited to singular, face-to-face events supporting short-term rather than... more
The paper is concerned with various ways of analysing the subjective assessment of displaying digital signage con-tent. In the beginning the brief description of the signage system evolution is described and next, the carried out... more
An important strand of research that is often neglected in the field of affective computing is that of how users respond to simulated displays of emotion. We present an overview of the few studies that have explicitly investigated this... more
In the past decade researchers of human-computer interaction and other related fields have expanded their investigation from studying the usability of information technology to studying users’ experiences with it. This more holistic... more
Advocates of embodied agents often assume that such agents will enhance human-computer interaction (HCI) as they take advantage of our pre-existing social skills andprovide an interface that is natural and engaging to use. But this is not... more
An overview of our work on evaluating an affective embodied agent within a nutritional scenario (over extended periods of interaction)is provided. Results from an investigation into how subjects respond to the agent’s emotional expressions... more
El fenómeno de las redes sociales comienza a generar investigaciones diversas, pero de momento ninguna ha planteado las relaciones entre los usuarios de una red social desde el punto de vista conductual y psicológico. A tal efecto, hemos... more
Abstract: Numerous research groups around the world are attempting to build realistic and believable autonomous embodied agents that attempt to have natural interactions with users. Research into these entities has primarily focused on... more
"Interactive multi-touch screens in museums are often used for a dual purpose: to both educate and entertain visitors. With this in mind, how can the sense of ‘delight’ in the use of a multi-touch screen in a museum be explained? What... more
"Web-distributed tools that complement community-based environmental monitoring (CBEM) initiatives can improve processing of and access to information, supporting environmental education and better informing decision-making. To this end a... more
Software development field is becoming more productive day by day with the wonderful model name Agile. Agile is the main focus of research now a days. It is because of its abilities of handling changes in efficient way through iterative... more
Digital library interoperability is supported by good quality metadata. The design of metadata creation and management tools is therefore an important component of overall digital library design. A number of factors affect metadata tool... more
Using Mid-Air Gestures To Enhance Collaborative Experiences For Disabled Users On Multi-Touch Tables
Multi-touch tables can help facilitate and improve collaborative interactions yet many users with physical disabilities (e.g. wheelchair users) find it extremely difficult to interact with large tables. This paper presents... more
We introduce a new multi-touch table “shoaling” application that we have been working on with the new Library of Birmingham (UK). This application contains shoals of assets taken from the Library’s collections that flock and swim around... more
User interfaces of computer applications encompass a number of objects such as navigation links, buttons, icons, and thumbnails. In this chapter, these are called interface signs. The content and functions of a computer application are... more
El análisis del tipo de uso de la interactividad y el multimedia permite diagnosticar la evolución en el modus operandi del ciberperiodismo. Los principales periódicos digitales internacionales incorporan herramientas propias del web 2.0,... more
The question of interactivity in technical commu-nication is complex. First, building interactive technical documents means relinquishing some amount of control over authorship, readership, and document presentation, each of which can be... more
Recent research has suggested that affective embodied agents that can effectively express simulated emotion have the potential to build and maintain long-termrelationships with users. We present our experiences in this space and detail... more
The question of how and why people adopt technologies is an area that has received great scrutiny, but less attention is given to those who willingly choose to avoid particular technologies. This article considers current models of... more