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number or safety measures. In patients with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 90 mL/min/1.73 m 2 , Pox increased by 3.25 µmol/L in the placebo group and decreased by -1.7 µmol/L in the OC3 group (p = 0.13). After 24 weeks,... more
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Urolithiasis affects approximately 10% of individuals in Western societies by the seventh decade of life. The most common form, idiopathic calcium oxalate urolithiasis, results from the interaction of multiple genes and their interplay... more
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The conventional technique for percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) ends by placing a nephrostomy tube within the access tract. However, feasibility and safety of tubeless PNL have been widely demonstrated. In this modification, a ureteral... more
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      SurgeryMedicineStentsProspective studies
The multipurpose medicinal plant, Cola acuminata, was chosen for this investigation. Prominent effects on body weight and weight gain was observed. The toxicity on liver, kidney and heart was correlated with changes in the activity of... more
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    • Toxicology
The Spanish version of the Wisconsin Stone Quality of Life (WISQOL) questionnaire was developed and validated. A doubleback translation of the WISQOL was conducted and syntactic amendments were made, resulting in the Spanish version of... more
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      MedicineReadabilityKidney StonesInternal Consistency
Sulfonated and fluorescent polymethylsiloxanes (SO3H‐PMS) were synthesized, and their effect as additives on in vitro calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystallization was evaluated. SO3H‐PMS was prepared by hydrosilylation and sulfonation reactions... more
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      ChemistryInorganic ChemistryCrystal GrowthCalcium
Renal stone disease is a global problem with a 12% global prevalence. For the management of renal stones percutaneous nephrolithomy (PCNL) is the urological intervention of choice. There have been several instances of post-PCNL urinary... more
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      Antimicrobial resistanceBacterial infectionsFungal InfectionsCross-infection
Introduction: A severe kidney infection associated to gas production in the renal parenchyma and/or collecting system is known as emphysematous pyelonephritis. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of urolithiasis on the... more
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      NephrologyKidney diseasesChronic kidney diseaseUrolithiasis
Stone disease is a unique condition that requires appropriate management in a timely manner as it can result in both emergent conditions and long term effects on kidney functions. In this study it is aimed to identify the up-to-date... more
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      AnesthesiologyMedicinePsychological InterventionAnesthesia
Currently an evidence-based approach to nephrolithiasis is hampered by a lack of randomized controlled trials. Thus, there is a need for common platforms for data sharing and recruitment of patients to interventional studies. A first step... more
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      MedicineUrolithiasisMedicine and Health SciencesReferral
Purpose: To design a simple, cost-effective system for gaining rapid and accurate calyceal access during percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). The design consists of a low-cost, light-weight, portable mechanical gantry with a needle... more
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      RoboticsMedicineComputer assisted orthopaedic surgeryComputers
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      UltrasoundMedicineUltrasonographyUrinary System
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      UrologyMedicineUrinary SystemAnuria
Objective: We conducted a study to describe the characteristics of pediatric urolithiasis patients in Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Aceh-Indonesia. Material Methods: Between January 2013 and March 2016, we retrospectively reviewed the medical... more
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      Incidence GeometryMedicinePediatric UrologyPediatric
Objective: We conducted a study to describe the characteristics of pediatric urolithiasis patients in Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Aceh-Indonesia. Material Methods: Between January 2013 and March 2016, we retrospectively reviewed the medical... more
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      Incidence GeometryMedicinePediatric UrologyPediatric
The purpose of this research was to look into the traditional approach of preventing and treating kidney stones. According to existing research, kidney stones affect 12% of the global population between the ages of 20 and 30, and men are... more
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    • Ethanobotanical study
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Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc., an economically important medicinal plant belongs to the Leguminosae family. Being Afro-Asian origin, the plant has long tradition of uses. It is primarily used for its antiurolithiatic property... more
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      BiologyArbuscular mycorrhizal fungiRhizobiumEndophytes
Medical records from cats diagnosed with uroliths at nine United States veterinary teaching hospitals from 1980 to 1999, and records of cats with uroliths submitted for analyses to the Minnesota Urolith Center from 1981 to 2000, were... more
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      MedicineCatsUnited StatesThe
In 1908, Drs. George Muller and Alexander Glass made the following statements about uroliths in dogs: ''When the stone is present and causing retention of urine, there is nothing left but to remove the stones by means of an operation... more
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      Treatment OutcomeMedicineCatsDogs
Results of experimental and clinical investigation have confirmed the importance of dietary modifications in medical protocols designed to promote dissolution and prevention of uroliths. The objectives of medical management of uroliths... more
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Gluten is a concentrated vegetable protein consisting of a composite of the proteins gliadin and glutenin. These exist, conjoined with starch, in the endosperms of some grass-related grains, notably wheat, rye, and barley. Gliadin and... more
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      ChemistryAcute kidney injuryCrystallizationMedicine
Objective—To confirm that the predominant mineral type in naturally occurring uroliths in ferrets is struvite; to determine whether age, breed, sex, reproductive status, geographic location, season, and anatomic location are risk factors... more
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Objective—To compare the efficacy and safety of using 2 commercially available, low-magnesium, urine-acidifying dry foods to dissolve sterile struvite uroliths in cats. Design—Prospective, multicenter, randomized clinical trial Sample—37... more
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      DietMedicineCatsAnimal Feed
Objective—To characterize the efficacy and safety of laser lithotripsy in the fragmentation of urocystoliths and urethroliths for removal in dogs. Design—Prospective case series. Animals—100 dogs with naturally occurring urocystoliths and... more
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      SurgeryPredictionTreatment OutcomeMedicine
Objective—To compare efficacy, required resources, and perioperative complications between laser lithotripsy and cystotomy for urolith (ie, urocystoliths and urethroliths) removal in dogs. Design—Retrospective case-control study.... more
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      SurgeryTreatment OutcomeMedicineDogs
Objective—To determine frequency of and interval until recurrence after initial ammonium urate, calcium oxalate, and struvite uroliths in cats and whether breed, age, or sex was associated with increased risk for urolith recurrence.... more
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      Treatment OutcomeMedicineGreat BritainUrolithiasis
Few studies show that &quot;emergency extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (eESWL)&quot; reduces the incidence of ureteroscopy in patients with ureteric calculi. We assess success of eESWL and look to study and identify factors which... more
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      Treatment OutcomeMedicineGreat BritainUrolithiasis
The treatment of urolithiasis has changed dramatically over the past several decades. Novel technologies have led to new management protocols. Percutaneous chemolysis as a primary or adjuvant treatment for urinary tract stones has widely... more
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      SurgeryCalciumMedicineUric Acid
frequencies of hyperoxaluria (25 and 11 %) and phosphaturia (40 and 27 %).There were no differences in age at first stone, incidence of stone recurrence or positive family history (20 and 25 %). The findings demonstrate multiple risk... more
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      UrologyIncidence GeometryMedicineInternal Medicine
frequencies of hyperoxaluria (25 and 11 %) and phosphaturia (40 and 27 %).There were no differences in age at first stone, incidence of stone recurrence or positive family history (20 and 25 %). The findings demonstrate multiple risk... more
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      UrologyIncidence GeometryMedicineInternal Medicine
Nephrolithiasis is a multifactorial disease and it has relation with genetic disorders and environmental factors. Stones are most common in adults and are associated with several metabolic disorders. Calcium oxalate is the most common... more
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      MedicineKidney StonesHypercalciuria
ESWL uygulanan üreter üst bölüm taşlı hastalarda işlem sonrasında farklı miktarlarda sıvı alınmasının taştan arınma oranlarına etkisi olup olmadığını araştırmak. Gereç Yöntem: Üroloji polikliniğine radyoopak üreter üst bölüm taşı nedeni... more
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    • Medicine
All stones share similar presenting symptoms, and urine supersaturation with respect to the mineral phase of the stone is essential for stone formation. However, recent studies using papillary biopsies of stone formers have provided a... more
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      HydroxyapatiteMedicinePediatric NephrologyRisk factors
Micro-computed tomographic imaging (micro-CT) provides unprecedented information on stone structure and mineral composition. High-resolution micro-CT even allows visualization of the lumens of tubule and/or vessels within Randall's... more
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      ChemistryComputed TomographyImagingKidney diseases
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      ResearchMedicineUnited StatesClinical Sciences
Background: The problem of human kidney stones is currently a common disease. This is due to several variables, including nutrition, genetic factors, and geographic region. Kidney stones can be eliminated in several ways, including laser... more
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      Kidney StonesCalcium Oxalate Stones
Cystinuria is an inherited disorder affecting luminal transport of cystine and dibasic amino acids. Because of the poor solubility of cystine in urine, stone formation in the kidney occurs frequently. Cystinuria is associated with... more
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frequencies of hyperoxaluria (25 and 11 %) and phosphaturia (40 and 27 %).There were no differences in age at first stone, incidence of stone recurrence or positive family history (20 and 25 %). The findings demonstrate multiple risk... more
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      UrologyIncidence GeometryMedicineInternal Medicine
frequencies of hyperoxaluria (25 and 11 %) and phosphaturia (40 and 27 %).There were no differences in age at first stone, incidence of stone recurrence or positive family history (20 and 25 %). The findings demonstrate multiple risk... more
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      UrologyIncidence GeometryMedicineInternal Medicine
Phyllanthus niruri (Pn) is a plant that has been shown to interfere in the growth and aggregation of calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystals. In the present study we evaluated the eVect of Pn on the preformed calculus induced by introduction of a... more
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      ChemistryScanning Electron MicroscopyMedicineStruvite
Objective: To compare the efficacy of Silodosin and Tamsulosin as a medical expulsive therapy given for the conservative management of distal ureteric calculus in terms of Stone Clearance Rate. Patient and Methods: A Prospective... more
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      UrologyMedicineUrolithiasisAlpha blockers
What's known on the subject? and What does the study add? Current knowledge on the subject of "medical stone management" is available in fractionated form. This study is a comprehensive and critical review of the literature and provides... more
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      ProbioticsTreatment OutcomeMedicineColic
Objective: To assess the prediction of stone clearance and complications of percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) using the 'STONE' nephrolithometry score, assessing stone size, tract length (skin-to-stone distance), degree of obstruction,... more
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Urolithiasis, or kidney stones, is a prevalent urological disorder affecting approximately 10% of the population. This review examines the types, pathophysiology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment modalities, prevention strategies,... more
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      NeuroscienceUrologyAcute kidney injuryUrolithiasis
Background: Renal stones, commonly known as kidney stones, are a significant urological condition caused by the crystallization of dietary minerals in the kidneys. Their composition varies and can include calcium oxalate, calcium... more
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      FTIR spectroscopyUrolithiasisRenal Stones
The incidence of urolithiasis increased dramatically during the last decades in adults as well as in children. Today, when a urinary stone is suspected, the imaging modality used most frequently is non-contrast enhanced computed... more
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Introduction. Several studies showed an association of overweight and obesity with calcium oxalate stone disease (CaOx). However, there are no sufficient data on the influence of body weight on the course of the disease and the recurrence... more
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      UrologyMedicineAlgorithmClinical Sciences
Introduction: calcium oxalate, phosphate, struvite, uric acid, and cysteine make up the majority of urinary stones. Moreover, only 0.5 -3.5 percent of urinary stones have a different composition. A thorough history, physical examination,... more
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      Ureteral stonesUreterolithiasis