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South Florida's watersheds have endured a century of urban and agricultural development and disruption of their hydrology. Spatial characterization of South Florida's estuarine and coastal waters is important to Everglades' restoration... more
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      AgricultureEnvironmental MonitoringUrbanizationWater Pollution
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      MarketingClimate ChangeNutritionNatural Resources
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      ArchitectureUrbanizationRefugee CampsUrban Informality
den eigenen wissenschaftlichen Gebrauch unveränderte Kopien dieser PDF-Datei zu erstellen bzw. das unveränderte PDF-File digital an Dritte weiterzuleiten. Außerdem ist der Autor/die Autorin berechtigt, nach Ablauf von 24 Monaten und... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologySettlement PatternsArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyUrbanization
In the 5 th and 4 th millennia BC, complex societies developed in Eastern Anatolia, Northern (Upper) Mesopotamia, and Southern (Lower) Mesopotamia. This paper examines the available evidence for the emergence of complex societies in Upper... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyUrbanizationSyria (Archaeology)Early state societies
the medical superintendent of the Brookwood Asylum, immediately took upon himself the task of unchaining Catherine from what he clearly considered apparel reminiscent of a pre-Conollyite era ofmechanical restraint. In the first few weeks... more
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This book is the first of its kind to use historical studies and architectural research to outline Shanghai’s pragmatic developments dominated largely by its politics. Professor Reinhard Goethert from Massachusetts Institute of Technology... more
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      HistoryAnthropologyChinese StudiesUrban Politics
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to find a real-time parking location for a four-wheeler. Design/methodology/approach-Real-time parking availability using specific infrastructure requires a high cost of installation and maintenance... more
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      Computer VisionStatistical AnalysisReal-time SystemsDigital Signal Processing
This study aims at classifying land use land cover (LULC) patterns and detect changes in a 'secondary city' (Savar Upazila) in Bangladesh for 30 years i.e., from 1990 to 2020. Two distinct sets of Landsat satellite imagery, such... more
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      UrbanizationArcGISmodeling LULCCspatial changes
Perfluorinated substances are listed among emerging contaminants because they are globally distributed, environmentally persistent, bioaccumulative and potentially harmful. In a three-year monitoring campaign (2010-2013) we investigated... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceWater PurificationGroundwater
The authors establish the effect of urbanization on precipitation in the Pearl River Delta of China with data from an annual land use map (1988–96) derived from Landsat images and monthly climate data from 16 local meteorological... more
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      OceanographyStatistical AnalysisChinaClimate
Little is known about juvenile birds' movements during the post-fledging stage of development, especially in urbanizing landscapes where novel ecological factors such as invasive plants and altered densities of conspecifics might... more
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyEcologyUrbanization
The phenomenon of urbanization of poverty that has been occurring in the urban periphery of low-income countries raises some of the most urgent human and environmental challenges in the present. This paper assumes the need to recognize... more
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      UrbanizationDevelopment DiscoursesInformalityUnfairness
Aim We wanted to test whether urbanization has similar effects on biodiversity in different locations, comparing the responses of ground beetle (Coleoptera, Carabidae) assemblages with an urbanization gradient. We also wanted to see if... more
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Peri-urban agriculture (PUA) comprises a broad set of agricultural activities carried out in cities or in close proximity to cities. With increasingly permissive approaches to diverse livelihood strategies and open markets in agricultural... more
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      Organic agricultureAgricultural EconomicsAgricultureMorocco
Cities of Brazil manifest distinctive patterns of urban primacy and spatial structure. Historical-geographical analysis of Brazilian urbanization reveals consistent social and morphological characteristics. Portuguese founded early... more
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      Brazilian StudiesUrban MorphologyUrbanizationUrban Historical Geography
The paper studied the effects of urbanization on the extent of urban flooding in Lagos by using System 6c (Ashimowu Watershed) as a case study. The study utilized a scenario approach to simulate flooding processes for different land use... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceUrbanization
Two major societal changes in the world, agricultural intensification and urbanization, have changed the local food systems landscape. Over the years, technological developments, increased global supply, and changing markets (e.g.,... more
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      GeographyLocal foodAgritourismUrbanization
The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of slurry applied on its own and supplemented with mineral fertilizers or soil conditioners (UGmax and Humus Active) on the yield of Lolium multiflorum and on its total protein and... more
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      DiversityPolitical ScienceUrbanizationTourism
This review article addresses the historical argument of Norenzayan's Big Gods. It questions the claim that there is enough historical evidence to support the thesis that gods, who are observing human behaviour from high, enable... more
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      ReligionCultural EvolutionUrbanization
A comparison is made between mean maximum and minimum temperatures, Tx and Tn, respectively, taken at Khartoum International Airport (urban) and Shambat Agrometeorological Station (rural) in the capital of Sudan. The objective was mainly... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimate ChangeClimatology
The United States is often considered the progenitor of conservation planning in the world, the first to establish a vast public domain, for example. But with continued population growth, conservation planning on private lands-rural and... more
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      ConservationProperty RightsPublic DomainUrbanization
The concentration of people in densely populated urban areas, especially in developing countries, calls for the use of monitoring systems like remote sensing. Such systems along with spatial analysis techniques like digital image... more
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      Image ProcessingRemote SensingMultivariate StatisticsSpatial Analysis
Translated in Dutch by SWP publisher Paul Roosenstein, from: Rygaard, N.P. (2021): Climate Change, Migration, Urbanization, and the Mental Health of Children at Risk in the European Union - A Discussion of the Need for Large Scale... more
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      Climate ChangeDistance EducationFoster CareInternational Migration
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      Global HealthForecastingPublic HealthUrbanization
The false stable fly, Muscina stabulans (Fallén), was surveyed along an urban-rural gradient at Almirante Brown, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Samples were taken at monthly intervals from May 2005 to April 2007. Hourly captures of... more
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      ZoologyArgentinaPopulation DynamicsPopulation ecology
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      Human GeographySocial GeographyUrban GeographyEconomic Geography
The world is undergoing the largest wave of urban growth in history. More than half of the world's population now lives in towns and cities, and by 2030 this number will swell to about 5 billion. 'Urbanization has the potential to usher... more
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      GeographyUrbanizationLand UseAsian Social Sciences
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An essay on the effects of media on humanity and its future
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      TechnologyMedia StudiesNarrativeStorytelling
obtained from other sources such as websites from international organisations, including UN and WHO. Some information came from earlier reviews and books of particular relevance; these works are in the public domain and are referenced... more
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      PovertyGlobal HealthChild WelfareColonialism
The paper puts forward a workable rural development strategy. It shows on which principles, which historical realities and which statistical facts such a strategy should be based. It looks at what the government is doing to promote rural... more
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      PovertyAgricultural DevelopmentRural DevelopmentUrbanization
Differences in the distribution of population within and across metropolitan areas are seen as a product of the development of the metropolis during different transportation epochs. Age cohorts of census tracts in Cleveland, Ohio, may be... more
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The ecological context for the woodlands of much of eastern North America requires that they be understood as part of a cultural landscape. The dominant urban and agricultural matrix of southern Ontario is a novel landscape with remnant... more
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This article describes emerging structures of power and informal workers’ everyday resistance in the context of a European Union ecotourism project in the post-industrial Romanian mining town of Bălan. In 2011 and 2012, a public-private... more
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      SemioticsEcotourismWaste ManagementUrbanization
2 0 1 1 ) Modernization and future care preferences: a cross-sectional survey of Arab Israeli caregivers.
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      Social ChangeNursingModernizationConsumer Behavior
Traditionally, from their very origins in medieval Europe, universities had two main features. They were urban, not rural-monastic. And they were professional schools which provided training in the skills that conveyed power and prestige... more
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      Human GeographyVeterinary EducationForecastingResearch
Many studies focus on the competitive characteristics of cities-such as accessibility, infrastructure, knowledge, creativity, institutions, face-to-face-contacts, tacit knowledge, and business interaction-and how these attract FDI, firms,... more
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      Urban GeographyEconomic GeographyGlobalizationRenewable Energy
The contribution shares the approach of critical urban studies that have conceptualized urbanization more as a process than as a sum of spatial forms. Thus, the contribution studies the urbanization process not only from the point of view... more
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      UrbanizationSeasonalityNight LightsLand uses
Detailed understanding of landscape changes along the urban-rural gradient provides a useful tool to compare the structural and functional differences of landscape patches at different orientations. Although several case studies have been... more
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      EngineeringRemote SensingSpatial AnalysisTemporal Data Mining
This paper examines recent developments in migration studies. It reviews literature related to the potential role of internal population movement in the occurrence of schistosomiasis in Brazil and modifies Prothero's typology of... more
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      Spatial AnalysisMedical MicrobiologyBrazilPopulation Dynamics
Global environmental changes (GEC) such as climate change (CC) and climate variability have serious impacts in the tropics, particularly in Africa. These are compounded by changes in land use/land cover, which in turn are driven mainly by... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeCoffeeAgriculture
Background: It is generally believed that overweight is less prevalent than undernutrition in the developing world, particularly in rural areas, and that it is concentrated in higher socioeconomic status (SES) groups. Objective: The... more
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      EngineeringPhysiologyResearch MethodologyObesity
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      Ecological DesignChinaGreen architectureEnvironmental Sustainability
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      EconomicsPovertyDeveloping CountriesUrbanization
By using the concepts such as power, discourse, and «reverse» (counter) discourse, this paper contextualises colonial discourse and nationalist counterdiscourse through a critique of the concepts – Goa Dourada and Goa Indica. A comparison... more
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      Maritime HistoryPolitical ScienceState FormationUrbanization
The objectives of the Consulting Assistance on Economic Reform (CAER II) project are to contribute to broad-based and sustainable economic growth and to improve the policy reform content of USAID assistance activities that aim to... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyEconomicsInternational Trade
TUDOR-LOCKE, C., B. E. AINSWORTH, L. S. ADAIR, and B. M. POPKIN. Objective Physical Activity of Filipino Youth Stratified for Commuting Mode to School. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 465-471, 2003. Purpose: The Cebu... more
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      Sports & Exercise PychologyPhilippinesPhysical ActivityTransportation
Urbanization generates human-made habitats with novel resources. Such change is not homegeneous, and includes different urban land uses characterized by specific habitat traits. In this study we explored the ecophysiologial response of an... more
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      EngineeringStressEcologyUrban Ecology