Urban social segregation, Urban sociology
Recent papers in Urban social segregation, Urban sociology
This paper proposes a computer simulation framework for investigating the role of built form – specifically physical venues-in the dynamics of neighborhood integration and segregation. Looking to Schelling's classic work (1971) and the... more
Publicada em 2006, a primeira edição deste livro teve uma acolhida generosa e esgotou-se rapidamente. Esta segunda edição mantém os seus propósitos originais de alcançar tanto a academia como um público mais amplo, mas não o mesmo... more
Recent researches have underlined that, despite local specificities, the degree of residential segregation in Southern European cities is generally low, somehow confirming long time assumptions. This paper however argues that other forms... more
Abstract – This article draws from eldwork conducted in 2004-2008 in San Felice and Milano 2, using among other methods ethnographic observation and 34 in-depth interviews. It analyzes how discrimination- based segregation takes place in... more
Hacer historia, escribir historia o pensar históricamente requiere de una ubicación espacial y temporal del problema elegido. Si bien todas las investigaciones históricas están ubicadas en un espacio definido, la historia urbana es quizás... more
Espelhando diferenças econômicas, étnicas, sociais ou culturais e constituindo uma das marcas das cidades contemporâneas, a segregação vem sendo objeto de preocupação de cientistas sociais e urbanistas desde a primeira metade do século... more
Early city plans situated railroads to clear slums, linking the long-standing infrastructure interests of businessmen to the agendas of Progressive reformers. In Cincinnati, nineteenth-century business leaders advocated railroad... more
In questo contributo presentiamo i principali risultati della rilevazione effettuata negli Istituti di Pena Minorili (IPM) di Nisida (Napoli), Palermo e Catanzaro. L'ipotesi teorica di partenza, largamente suffragata dai dati ufficiali... more
A partir das características peculiares da história da urbanização de Campinas (São Paulo - Brasil) o artigo levanta questões acerca das práticas de planejamento urbano e suas contradições. A cidade de Campinas se caracteriza por uma... more
Notwithstanding some merits of Anderson's celebrated book, in this review essay I argue that she is wrong about integration being a proxy for justice. I offer a number of criticisms, not least of which her cherry picking the empirical... more
Αντικείμενο της μελέτης αποτελεί, κατ’ αρχάς, η διερευνητική χρήση δύο κλασικών δεικτών διαχωρισμού για τη συγκριτική προσέγγιση τον κοινωνικού διαχωρισμού στις έξι μεγαλύτερες ελληνικές πόλεις. Στη συνέχεια, επιχειρείται η προσέγγιση του... more
Deuxième capitale du Cameroun allemand après Buea pour son ouverture sur la mer, la ville de Douala s’est révélée attractive et est devenue le plus grand centre de concentration de la population du Cameroun. Sa population a... more
The History and representation of Jardim Itatinga red light district appoint to how is the organization of different prostitution territories in the city of Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The “Zona” was planned by the public... more
This thesis notes that there is a lack of systematic research investigating segregation patterns based on how public space is used and frequented by citizens. In order for understanding of urban segregation to reach beyond residential... more
Urban development in North-Western Region of India comprising Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Chandigarh is at cross roads. The Region is facing many crucial and new urban challenges in post liberalization era.... more
Although there have been extensive studies on Chinese urbanization, few researches focus on the migrant workers in the world factory city and contextualize their livelihoods in those neighborhoods. This paper pays attention to the... more
Resum: El volum recull els criteris per al desenvolupament del Pla de Barris de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona elaborats pel Consell Asessor del Pla. El volum, editat per Oriol Nel·lo, president del Consell, conté aportacions de Francesc... more
"TERRITORIALITY AND ETHNICITY IN MANCHURIA: THE EXAMPLE OF THE CITY OF MUKDEN UNDER JAPANESE OCUPATION During the first half of the twentieth century the former territory of Manchuria in Northeast China became one of the greatest... more
Within the scope of search for solutions to the housing problem emerging at the aftermath of the Industrial Revolution, a rapid urbanization episode was experienced between mid 19th century and mid 20th century. During this course, the... more
1877-78 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı’nın ardından yüzbinlerce göçmen İstanbul’a sığınmıştır. Bu süreçte kente gelen peripatetik kökenli Lofçalı hamal aileler önce diğer göçmenlerle birlikte bir süre Beşiktaş’taki Akaretlerde kalacak, daha sonra ise... more
C omo otras ciudades en el mundo, durante las últimas décadas Madrid ha experimentado intensos cambios económicos y sociales impulsados por un elevado crecimiento económico y un rápido cambio en las actividades productivas. En este... more
Las bandas juveniles no son forzosamente asociaciones de delincuentes, sino una forma de convivencia cuyo origen y contexto social debe estudiarse a fondo, a fin de rescatar sus aspectos positivos (que los tiene) y tratar de eliminar sus... more
This article reviews recent geographical research on Islam and Muslim identities. In the wake of the events of 11 September 2001, the forms taken by public debate surrounding Muslim communities and societies have been manifold and not... more
In today's current processes of urbanization, urban projects are the basic tools for the realization of spatial transformation and production of space needed for globalization. With the effect of globalization the importance of cities has... more
“Ciudadanía y convivencia: una aproximación a la intervención comunitaria intercultural en el Casco Histórico de Zaragoza” Capítulo en "POLITICAS PÚBLICAS Y SOCIALES: TIEMPOS DE RUPTURA Y OPORTUNIDAD". Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.... more
La planification stratégique des agglomérations connaît depuis deux ans, en France, un important renouvellement, qui prend acte de l’échec, depuis les années 70, des politiques planificatrices. L’outil de cette planification stratégique,... more
Die jüngere kulturelle und soziale Entwicklung Warschaus hat Journalisten in aller Welt dazu verführt, der polnischen Hauptstadt den Titel "Das neue Berlin" zu verleihen. Die über 400 Gated Communities, die es heute in der Stadt gibt,... more
Coordonné par Olivier Legros et par Tommaso Vitale, tous deux membres d’Urba-Rom, Observatoire européen des politiques en direction des groupes dits roms/tsiganes, ce numéro de Géocarrefour, qui réunit cinq contributions de jeunes... more
Abstract (in English, Russian and French): This paper analyzes how the image of Tashkent, the capital of Russian colonial Turkestan, was built at political, visual and literary levels during the 19th and 20th centuries. From the... more
Political street art and slogans appear as visual markers of the shifting, complex discourses of power struggles, marginality and counter-cultures that establish a new reality that must be seen and heard. As an art form, it is largely... more
L'analogie entre l'apartheid et la situation en Israël-Palestine envahit les commentaires et les analyses. Elle prend cependant différentes formes. L'usage radical et systématique de l'analogie vise à condamner l'Etat d'Israël et le... more