Urban Social Geography
Recent papers in Urban Social Geography
... 2005; Geis 2005; Greiffenhagen and Neller 2005, for a research overview see Vetter 2007 ... a public community,'Stadtumbau Ost'cannot be afforded,(vhw 2003: 67; own translation). ... for Urban Development... more
This article analyses the contribution of housing squats and Housing Rights Movements (HRMs) in Rome in envisioning a new model of public estates that could respond to the surge and complexification of the post-2008 housing crisis. The... more
המונח 'סטודנטיפיקָציה' מתאר תהליך בו אוכלוסיית סטודנטים נעשית מאפיין בולט של מקום וגורמת לשינויים חברתיים, פיזיים וכלכליים בסביבתו. דארן סמית' (Smith, 2005), מראשוני החוקרים בתחום, טבע את המונח בהתייחסו לתהליכים המתרחשים בערי אוניברסיטה... more
La Iniciativa Comunitaria URBAN ha sido el principal instrumento operativo para la regeneración urbana en el marco de la política regional de la Unión Europea durante los periodos 1994-1999 y 2000-2006. El programa ha recogido como... more
This is a chapter from Madanipor, A. and Knierbein, S. (2014) Public Space and the Challenges of Transformation in Europe, London: Routledge
Review article that focuses on twenty years of publications on the city of Bangalore with special attention to: - Askew—A Short Biography of Bangalore by TJS George - Reengineering India—Work, Capital, and Class in an Offshore Economy by... more
Millainen on ihanteellinen elinympäristö? Kysymystä ovat pohtineet monet ekspertit, ml. arkkitehdit, taiteilijat, filosofit ja biologit. Vastausta on haettu mm. savannilta kahden miljoonan vuoden takaa, ihmisten taidemausta ja... more
The Tweed Ring spawned a vibrant financial sector that was integral to its brief success but has never been previously examined. William “Boss” Tweed and his allies employed banks controlled or comanaged by Tammany politicians to... more
Михаил Ильченко (Институт философии и права уро ран; старший научный сотрудник; уральский федеральный университет, доцен т; кандидат политических наук) [email protected].
We often think of cities as major drivers of economic development and growth. Big cities expand our access to infrastructure like public transit and public education. They allow for more efficient distribution of social services such as... more
Cycling as a transport mode has gradually become more attractive in cities during the last 10 years. However, not all cities give due consideration to cycling issues in the planning process. In many transport systems, cycling and issues... more
Historically, the Government of Bangladesh has faced serious challenges in urban sanitation while public policy continuously bypasses questions related to the overall condition of the urban slums and their complex and filthy... more
Resumo: Este trabalho discutiu a verticalização urbana de Londrina no período de 1950 a 2000, tendo como principal objetivo analisar a produção vertical do espaço urbano londrinense. Apresenta a distribuição espacial dos edifícios de 4 e... more
Certificazione scientifica delle Opere I contributi pubblicati in questo volume sono stati oggetto di un processo di referaggio a cura del Comitato scientifico e degli organizzatori delle sessioni della Giornata di studio della Società di... more
The Historical Center of the city of Lorca (Region of Murcia) was declared Historic and Artistic Center with the purpose of preserving its valuable archaeological, architectonic and artistic medieval, Renaissance and eclectic heritage... more
Öz Davranışsal coğrafyanın çalışma konularından biri olan şehir imajı, şehir hakkında edinilen algıların bütününü ifade eder. Bir şehre ait imaj algısının oluşmasında bireysel özellikler ve şehir hakkında sahip olunan deneyimler... more
This thesis examines the gentrification of the Dutch neighborhood of Klarendal, seeking to fill in a gap in the literature regarding the connection of fashion and gentrification. Tapping into the tradition of Radical Geography and... more
Conférence de JJ HELLUIN – PAPIER VELIN 14 décembre 2004 –
Vaulx en Velin , Amphithéâtre de l’école d’architecture de LYON
Vaulx en Velin , Amphithéâtre de l’école d’architecture de LYON
The entry begins with a definition of geography and with a description of what the discipline shares with the other social sciences and what makes it distinctive among them. Terminological clarifications are provided with regard to the... more
Programma del Convegno AISU 2018 (Genova, Scuola Politecnica, 4-5 giugno 2018)
This paper explores the politics of slum dwelling and slum demolitions in the state of Maharashtra, India. Specifically I have used the case study of the slum Golibar located in Khar East, not too far from the Bombay city center. Looking... more
Beyond Defining the "Food Desert": A Feminist Perspective I listened with intent to four Food Not Bombs members congregated in my tiny kitchen.
Presentation at the Second Cross-disciplinary Seminar of the Nice Street Art Project NSAP #4.
Atti del Convegno per la rivitalizzazione del Sestriere Giudecca a VENEZIA. Il mio intervento di apertura del Convegno e gli altri
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference, https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/rbml/files/2014/09/One-Dimensional-Man-at-Fifty-Conference-Program1.pdf
The aim of this course is familiarizing the students of Urban Planning, Architecture and in any field of Spatial Studies in general with varied sources on urbanism in the English-speaking world. During the course the students will deal... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
(in Chapter 1 "Exploring the production of urban space: Differential space in three post-industrial cities", Poicy Press, 2016) https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/exploring-the-production-of-urban-space Here I set out an... more
Overview of architectural theorist Bill Hillier's theory of space syntax, covering permeability, history of street patterns, beady-ring structure, and convex & axial space.
Local G statistics calculation procedure
Gamification is widely intended as the mobilisation and implementation of game elements in extra-ludic situations, including the management of social problems and issues. By mobilising virtual rewards and playful elements, mobile apps,... more
RESUMO Este trabalho observa as restrições de um pensamento crítico que, ao acentuar a materialidade do real como seu objeto de estudo, especialmente o espaço, não contemplou a crítica necessária a uma sociedade determinada por... more
Obwohl es eine Reihe von ForscherInnen und PraktikerInnen in Wien gibt, die intensiv mit dem Prozess und den Konsequenzen von Gentrifizierung in Wien beschäftigt sind, fehlt bis dato ein Buch, das die unterschiedlichen Arbeiten und... more
Tekirdağ şehri, Marmara Bölgesi’nin Ergene Bölümü’nde yer alır. Çalışma sahasını oluşturan şehir, Marmara Denizi’nin kuzeybatısında yer alan geniş koylu bir kıyının kenarına yerleşmiştir. İdari bakımdan Tekirdağ ili Süleymanpaşa ilçesi... more
La mayoría de los venezolanos y las venezolanas están de acuerdo con el mandato constitucional que promueve la democracia "participativa y protagónica"; sin embargo, no existe el mismo consenso con respecto a las bondades de las... more
This is the outcome of an urban analysis and planning workshop, realised between February - September 2016 in Kıyıköy // Midye // Medea // Μήδεια in KIRKLARELI / TURKEY. Around 80, 1st year undergraduate students of the Urban and Regional... more
architecture, through the design of space, creates a virtual community with a certain structure and a certain density. This is what architecture does and can be seen to do, and it may be all that architecture does. If space is designed... more
Монография кандидата географических наук Н.В. Багапша посвящена изучению этнодемографических процессов в городе Гудауте на протяжении последних ста тридцати лет. В работе анализируется история изменения этнической структуры населения... more
In this article, I focus on place release, which relates to an environmental serendipity of happenstance events and experiences (Seamon 2018). Through unexpected actions, encounters, and situations in place, people are "released" more... more