Urban Morphology
Recent papers in Urban Morphology
book review of The morphology of the times: European
cities and their historical growth by Ton
Hinse, DOM Publishers, Berlin, Germany,
2014, 304 pp. ISBN 978 3869223094.
cities and their historical growth by Ton
Hinse, DOM Publishers, Berlin, Germany,
2014, 304 pp. ISBN 978 3869223094.
Rivers as one of the most important topographic factor have played a strategic role not only on the appearance of cities but they also affect the structure and morphology of cities. In this paper I intend to find out the influence of... more
Bu makale Berlin kentinde İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrasından günümüze dek uzanan periyotta kentin biçimlenmesinde önemli yer tutan mimari ve kentsel tasarım yarışma projelerini ve bunların arkasında yatan fikirleri incelemeyi... more
Cities of Brazil manifest distinctive patterns of urban primacy and spatial structure. Historical-geographical analysis of Brazilian urbanization reveals consistent social and morphological characteristics. Portuguese founded early... more
This Dissertation is protected by copyright and/or related rights. It has been brought to you by ScholarWorks@UNO with permission from the rights-holder(s). You are free to use this Dissertation in any way that is permitted by the... more
The development of modern transport networks inherited and implemented from the North has almost single-handedly shaped and informed the urban fabric of South African cities. This, in relation with a tumultuous socio-political past, has... more
Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce... more
In Costa Rica, the social housing (VIS) projects developed in the last decade have been located in areas far from urban centers of limited access to facilities and infrastructure due to the prohibitive cost of land ownership in most... more
When this is written, the world holds its breath, waiting for the US to decide on a plan to save the countrys (and the worlds in prolongation) financial market. What and who will dictate growth and prosperity internationally in the future... more
There is growing attention to the use of greenery in urban areas, in various forms and functions, as an instrument to reduce the impact of human activities on the urban environment. The aim of this study has been to investigate the use of... more
A model is proposed for determining the temporal and spatial patterns of anthropogenic heat fluxes in UK urban areas. It considers buildings, traffic, and metabolic heat flux sources and has been evaluated to a good accuracy against... more
Chapter 5, in Southeast Asian Culture and Heritage in a Globalising World - Diverging Identities in a Dynamic Region, edited by Rahil Ismail, Brian Shaw, and Ooi Giok Ling, published by Ashgate, 2009... more
This article focuses on analyzing the urban morphology of Hoi An historic change under development, in specific, analyzing the characteristics of the street, organisation the public space, the development in architecture in order to point... more
This paper presents a mixed methodology, adapted from Conzenian, typological, and Space Syntax methods, which seeks to overcome several identified limitations of these established morphological and movement-focused approaches in dealing... more
Sanayi Devrimi ile birlikte ivme gösteren kentsel gelişme, özelikle 21. yüzyılın ilk yarısı ile birlikte gerek fiziksel form olarak gerek nüfus yoğunluğu açısından katlanarak büyümeye devam etmektedir. Özellikle ulaşım sistemlerindeki... more
Cultural buildings are the key-pieces that gives character to urban form, yet it is more often perceived as the iconic landmark, an isolated object that is devoid of context. The significance of cultural buildings should be more than its... more
"Le territoire d’Amsterdam a plus que quintuplé entre 1585 et 1663. Cette croissance a, au travers des siècles, attiré l’attention des historiens comme des urbanistes. Ils ont passé au crible fin le développement de la ville au XVIIe... more
Resumo: O objectivo da salvaguarda dos bens patrimoniais é a consolidação de traços identitários dos nossos antepassados. O homem necessita de memória histórica, ou seja, de interiorização do passado; como ser cultural, ele não poderá... more
Desenvolvimento de website www.atlasurbanistico.com.br. A pesquisa Atlas Urbanístico de Vitória, coordenada pela professora Dra. Flavia Botechia e pelo professor Dr. Heraldo Ferreira Borges desde 2014, tem como objetivo principal a... more
Küresel ölçekte artan kentsel yoğunluk ve karmaşıklık; kentsel gelişim, değişim ve yeni bağlamlara uyumlanma (adaptivity) anlamında mekânsal ve biçimsel yeni zorlukları da beraberinde getirmektedir. Kent mekânının oldukça dinamik, yer yer... more
Oliveira V, Pinho P, Batista L, Patatas T and Monteiro C (eds.) (2014) Our common future in Urban Morphology, FEUP, Porto.
Local mean age of air Homogeneous emission method Air exchange efficiency a b s t r a c t Wind can provide relevantly clean external (rural) air into urban street network, i.e. city ventilation. The local mean age of air denotes the time... more
O objetivo deste artigo é a compreensão, a partir do registro documental cartográfico das plantas do projeto com a divisão dos lotes, do processo de projeto dos lotes do projeto urbanístico, Novo Arrabalde. Trata-se o mais extenso projeto... more
review of Brenda Case Scheer. (2010). The Evolution of Urban Form: Typology for Planners and Architects, Chicago, IL: American Planning Association Planners Press ISBN: 978-1-932364-87-3, 144 pp.
"Na PARTE II da DEFINIÇÃO DA FORMA URBANA NO PLANEAMENTO descrevemos um exercício de análise do tecido urbano através da qual se pretende, a partir da caracterização física da proposta do Plano Urbanístico, deduzir a ideia de cidade que... more
Bir kenti meydana getiren yapılar topluluğunu anlamak ve analiz edebilmek için planlama ilkelerini etkileyen çeşitli faktörleri dönemsel olarak detaylıca araştırmak gerekir. Bu bağlamda Kent Morfolojisi kavramı Mimarlık disiplini ile... more
Apoio: Funcultura; Secult; Governo do Estado do Espírito Santo
Apoio: Funcultura; Secult; Governo do Estado do Espírito Santo
Resumo O presente artigo apresenta um registro da evolução histórica e morfológica da cidade do Rio de Janeiro através da leitura e interpretação dos mapas produzidos para a cidade em sua zona de expansão sul. Na primeira parte do artigo... more
The city is like a palimpsest, a product of collective memory and the materialization of the culture of its inhabitants along a historical timeline. The city is a repository of history; it is the locus of the collective memory of the... more
A short viewpoint concerning the idea that large-scale master planning has given way to more granular urban design strategies: repair, reuse, reveal, regionalize and rupture,
Este artigo trata de relações entre processos de apropriação espacial, vitalidade e morfologia urbana. Apoia-se em estudos empíricos e encontra fundamentação teórica em autores clássicos e contemporâneos de diferentes... more
FOREWORD by Ivor Samuels: "Dr Lovra’s approach to this diversity of urban forms is based on her ori- ginal synthesis of two important schools of urban morphology, the Italian or Caniggian School and the British or Conzenian School. The... more
Aluminium alloys are used in various fields of engineering, aerospace, automobile and construction industries. But they have peer wear resistance due to low hardness. In the present research, the influence of shot peening treatment on... more
Cellular automata are models that deal with both nature and artefacts: they can indeed simulate living beings as well as be employed in the creation of objects. After the introduction of this concept by Stanislaw Ulam and John Von Neumann... more
This work aims to analyze the morphological changes in the city of Belem, in state of Para, Brazil, from its initial occupation in the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century, when the city went through a great economic growth... more
This study concerns the urban periphery of Rome in the period 200 to 500 AD. Our thesis is that the periphery in this period obtained a new meaning and gradually began to surpass the centre in importance, and that this displacement of... more