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Tourists are told that ravens at the Tower of London first had their wings clipped in the reign of Charles II, who heard an ancient prophesy that Britain would fall if they left. In fact, the tower ravens are entirely a Victorian... more
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      British HistoryAnthrozoologyHistory Of LondonAnimals in Myth (Anthrozoology)
October 10, 2023 update. After an effort of many years, I have prepared a comprehensive timeline of UFO history that will be useful to UFO researchers and historians. “UFOs and Intelligence” is an up-to-date retrospective of UFO history... more
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      Cultural StudiesMilitary IntelligenceFolkloreIntelligence
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFolkloreMedia and Cultural Studies
Доповідь для конференції "КУЛЬТУРА ВОЛИНІ – ШЛЯХ КРІЗЬ ВІКИ" 6–7 листопада 2014 року. Присвячена міським легендам Луцька, їх типології та значенню в житті міста.
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    • Urban Legends
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFolkloreMedia and Cultural Studies
Although folklorists have seldom concentrated on politics, folklore thrives among decision-making elites and the politically aware citizenry. One genre is the “policy legend,” a traditional text that describes institutions or social... more
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      FolkloreCivil Society and the Public SphereFolk legendsTradition
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreFolklore (Literature)Contemporary legends
Since the year 2000, a large number of traffic incidents have occurred on the freeway next to the mountain Skarvberget, north of the town of Gävle in Sweden. In total, the number amounts to 59 different cases of difficult accidents, and... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreUrban LegendsSupernatural Folklore
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      FolkloreSocial SciencesFilm StudiesFilm Analysis
Està més o menys assumit que les llegendes són coses del passat. Que les que han arribat al nostre temps són simples supervivències; restes de superstició i ignorància del paradigma mític en l'era de la racionalitat i la ciència. O... more
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      Estudios CulturalesHistoriaEconomiaFilosofía
The vaṃśāvalīs (chronicles) of Nepāl is interesting not only in the sense of its historical accounts but also in the myths and legends they record. These recordings are so abundant in Nepāl, with the oldest being the famous... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryFolkloreMythology
Few UFO organizations have invested funds to finance actual UFO research with grants, prizes, and scholarships. This article reveals the example of the Spanish "Anomaly Foundation" (1996-2013).
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      SociologyFolktalesAnthropology of ExtraterrestrialsSponsorship
Che cosa raccontava la nutrice al piccolo Cicerone prima di metterlo a letto? Quali barzellette circolavano nelle botteghe dei barbieri di Atene? Nell'antichità, esattamente come oggi, nella vita di tutti erano presenti fiabe, facezie,... more
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      Mythology And FolklorePlutarchApuleiusPetronius
Celem prezentowanej pracy jest wyznaczenie obszaru kultury współczesnej, w którym można by rozpocząć poszukiwanie współczesnych mitów. Zostanie on zawężony do narracji potocznych. Zawarte w części teoretycznej refleksje na temat struktury... more
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      MythologyNeed for Cognitive ClosureUrban LegendsContemporary Legends and Mythologies
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      FolkloreSupernaturalContemporary legendsUrban Legends
Over the course of two years of fieldwork in the labor camps of Qatar, I frequently encountered myths, urban legends, and rumors told to me by the many labor migrants I came to know. In this paper, I take those urban legends as my data,... more
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      EthnographyApplied, engaged, and public anthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyThe Persian Gulf
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      FolklorePopular CultureHistory of Folklore Theory and MethodContemporary legends
Urban legends are stories that have been fabricated and interwoven into the history and essence of a city (Young, 2016). An urban legend usually lies in part truth, an incident or the ambience of a place is given prime importance and a... more
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      MythologyCultural History Of GhostsUrban LegendsGhost stories
Cet article présente des légendes urbaines diffusées à Bruxelles et reflétant un imaginaire urbain mâtiné de caractéristiques locales. Présentés comme des faits-divers alors que leur véracité est douteuse, ces récits... more
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      Urban LegendsBruxellesRécitsRumeur
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      Conspiracy TheoriesUrban LegendsRumors
The author investigates, in comparative terms, belief narratives where pins and needles are said to travel inside the human body. What we term ‘migratory needles’ are well attested in oral tradition from the Middle Ages onwards – we can... more
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      Mythology And FolklorePsychiatryFolkloreMythology
A little-known pastime of the late UFO authority Dr. J. Allen Hynek was his interest in stereoscopic photography. Recently, images related to his UFO investigations between 1962 and 1982 have surfaced, adding a new dimension to Hynek's... more
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      PhotographyUFOsAliensUrban Legends
This paper explores the origin of the Maria Labo urban legend and its impact on the social life of Davao City.
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    • Urban Legends
Comprised of many different versions, the story of The Bunny Man is an urban legend based out of Fairfax County Virginia from 1970.
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      FolkloreGhostsFolk legendsParanormal
Орловский государственный университет им. И.С. Тургенева Центр городской антропологии (Москва) ФОЛЬКЛОРНЫЙ ТЕКСТ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ КУЛЬТУРНОМ КОНТЕКСТЕ: ТРАДИЦИЯ И ЕЕ ПЕРЕОСМЫСЛЕНИЕ Международная научная конференция Орел, 18-19 марта 2016... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropologyFolkloreSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Szerkesztői előszó / Nagy Ilona: A Grimm-meséktől a modern mondákig. Folklorisztikai tanulmányok. MTA BTK Néprajztudományi Intézet – L’ Harmattan, Budapest, 2015. 7–13. A kötet teljes szövege elérhető:... more
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      AngelologyHungarian StudiesContemporary legendsFolk and Fairy Tales
Фольклор о московском метрополитене широко представлен среди городских легенд мегаполиса, однако до сих пор последовательно не изучался. В статье дан срез сюжетов и мотивов современных нарративов о метро, среди которых рассказы о... more
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      AnthropologyFolkloreSocial SciencesUrban Legends
Diprosopus? Legend? Fake?
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      Curiosity & InterestCabinets of CuriositiesArtificial Cranial DeformationFreak Shows
The Green Knight was a character featured in the classic poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (fourteenth century) and its derivative The Green Knight (c. 1500). This knight came into Arthur’s hall and asked any one of his knights to... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyMythology
In this thrilling adventure tale by the father of science fiction, three men embark on an epic journey under the sea with the mysterious Captain Nemo aboard his submarine, the Nautilus. Over the course of their fantastical voyage, they... more
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      Non Fiction WritingMythology And FolkloreHistoryOceanography
Este artículo apareció publicado originalmente en catalán en:
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      Hoax LiteratureLiteraturaUrban LegendsFolclore e Cultura Popular
Emin Kuzucular




Sultan Gölü, Sütoluk, Subatan,
Kız Kayası, Kız-Oğlan, Kızyandı,
İkiz Oluk, Taş-Dam, Kamerhan
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreFolktalesFolk legends
Resumen en español/English abstract Presentación y análisis de cerca de 600 informes de "aterrizaje ovni" (explicados e inexplicados) ocurridos en España y Portugal hasta 1985. Libro publicado por Plaza & Janes (Barcelona), 1986. Autores:... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSociologyFolkloreFolktales
Some beliefs in the supernatural have not diminished appreciably in modern cultures, in spite of many predictions that they would do so. This course will examine traditional beliefs about supernatural beings, supernatural realms, and... more
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      FolkloreVernacular ReligionGhostsCultural History Of Ghosts
Le fogne delle città antiche? Erano infestate da piovre mostruose. Gli imperatori romani? Erano costantemente impegnati a tramare contro i propri stessi sudditi, eliminando geniali inventori che avrebbero potuto rendere più semplice ed... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAncient HistoryFolkloreClassics
'Your Highness' means precisiely what it says: 'Giant' Patrick Cotter O'Brien (Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland, 19th January 1760 – Epping Forest, London, England, 8th September 1806) We Gilflurts have never been a tall family and so... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient HistoryPrehistoric Archaeology
Este artigo resume parte de uma pesquisa sobre a história do terreno do MASP, o Museu de Arte de São Paulo, concebido por Lina Bo Bardi. Estudando o projeto, nunca construído, de Affonso Eduardo Reidy para o MAM-SP (Museu de Arte Moderna... more
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      São Paulo (Brazil)Lina Bo BardiUrban LegendsBrazilian Modern Architecture
A newly identified contemporary legend. A professional (doctor, executioner, mason, midwife, priest...) is brought, typically blindfolded, to a place where a crime is committed in their presence. He or she help the criminals according to... more
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      FolkloreMidwiferyArthur Conan DoyleContemporary legends
Las leyendas urbanas y los rumores que circulan en Internet se encuentran anclados en la tradición oral y en el folclore de las sociedades. Su difusión se ha "modernizado" al circular de forma electrónica a través de las herramientas de... more
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      RumorUrban LegendsLendas Urbanas; Contemporary Legends; Urban LegendsRumour, gossip, urban legends & Complo theories
It would be fair to say that Molly Malone, the heroine of the song ‘Cockles and Mussels’ and the subject of the famous statue, is one of Dublin City’s most famous icons. Having been located originally at the end of Grafton Street, Molly’s... more
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      Music HistoryFisheriesIrish HistoryUrban Legends
Guy Breton, French radio journalist, writer and television producer, told a curious story of time travel that would have taken place in June 1925 in Paris. It seems that he invented it on the basis of an urban legend that was circulating... more
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      FranceTime TravelParisUrban Legends
On the basis of new late medieval manuscripts of the 'Tractatus ymaginis Salvatoris' - the legend of the Salvator Icon in the Papal Lateran - the paper revises the genesis of this oldest Roman image legend and its adaption by Nicolaus... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesLiturgy
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    • Urban Legends
Resumen: “En el túnel del tiempo” (partes 1,2 y 3) se documenta el comienzo de mi actividad de divulgador y de ufólogo (1965-1968). He creído que esta información, artículos, fotografías y recortes de prensa pueden ser de algún interés a... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyAntropologia UrbanaAliensUrban Legends
The October 1973 Pascagoula abduction story inspired other alien photograph jokes in the US.
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      Anthropology of ExtraterrestrialsPsychology of Anomalous ExperiencesFolk and Fairy TalesMitologia
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFolkloreMedia and Cultural Studies
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnthropologyUrban LegendsPhilippine Mythology
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      History of IstanbulUrban Legends