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The issue of the identity, and in particular the identity of cities and places, has become an especially interesting research topic over the last years. Identity is one of the main parameters of urban space description. Nevertheless, the... more
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      Urban TransformationUrban IdentityUrban Image
The aim of the study is the problem of protecting cultural and historic properties in the cities, that have been affected and damaged as a result of war. It is shown that the properties of cultural and historical heritage are... more
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      ConservationPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrban Identity
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      Urban GeographyUtopian StudiesUrban StudiesModernist Architecture (Architectural Modernism)
A radical change and transformation process have started in every area of Turkish society with the project of modernization being the main principle of the Republican regime, and many cities in Anatolia, mainly the central cities, have... more
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      Urban IdentityUrban SpaceCity HallGiresun
Seymen, N., & Aydın Türk, Y. (2018). City and Craft: Trabzon. In H. Arapgirlioğlu, A. Atik, S. Hızıroğlu, R. L.Elliot, & D. Atik (Eds.), The Most Recent Studies in Science and Art (Vol. 2, pp. 1994-2008). Ankara: Gece... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesTraditional CraftsUrban And Regional Planning
This paper relates research from various disciplines including history, urban planning, architecture and the social sciences in order to develop a framework for designer to interpret and respond to the built environment in Dili and... more
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      Identity (Culture)Cultural LandscapesDesign Process (Architecture)Vernacular Architecture
As cities are losing place identity under the influence of industrialization, technological advancements and globalisation, a key task for mainstream politicians, urban planners/designers and residents is to understand what makes a city... more
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      ArchitectureCase Study ResearchSurvey ResearchCyprus
The presence of elemental elements in addition to beauty improves the quality of space, and this quality affects the human mind and affects the sense of place and collective memories of citizens. Urban planners should use urban elements... more
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      Urban IdentityUrban SpaceUrban Elements
Amid a globally increasing trend of urban segregation, this article asks why a particular urban place, the Gangnam area in the city of Seoul, has come to symbolize the rich and the powerful, consolidating both socioeconomic segregation... more
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      South KoreaConservatism (Political Science)Place IdentitySocial Constructionism/ Constructivism
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      Urban PlanningCity planningSocial DevelopmentSpatial planning
From the view point of environmental and community psychology perspectives, neighborhood is not only conceptualized as a constant spatial unit which has sharp, impermeable geographical borders. Within the psychological view, there are... more
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      Space and PlacePlace IdentitySense of PlaceInternal migration
Urban identity includes the city's geographical, economic, social, physical characteristics and the political structure which depends on; on the other hand, it is also an important concept to covering cultural and historical heritage and... more
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      Urban PlanningCity BrandingUrban Identityşehircilik
With the beginning of the 21st century and with the increase of urban growth in cities, the impact on urban cities significantly, especially environmental changes, climate, social and economic, which loss of some cities urban identity, As... more
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      Urban formUrban Identity
Le quartier du Nikolaiviertel, situé au centre de Berlin, est considéré comme le lieu de naissance de la ville remontant au 13e siècle. Malgré son charme médiéval, le quartier fut construit dans les années 1980. Ce dernier a été conçu... more
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      Urban PlanningUrbanismBerlinGermany
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      TurkeyIndividualismInternal migrationCollectivism
Abstract: This article explores the development of urban and interurban identities in fin-de-siècle East Central Europe as alternative sources of identity that do not fit simply within standard national-historical narratives. The author... more
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      KrakowUrban IdentityCracowPopular Press
Clifford Geertz egyik leghíresebb és legolvasottabb tanulmányában, a Sûrû leírásban határozott különbséget tesz a kutatás tárgyának és a kutatás helyszínének fogalmai között. Geertz terminológiáját követve azt lehet mondani, hogy írásom... more
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      Jewish HistoryMicrohistoryUrban IdentityAssimilation
Contratada doctora de Sociología y coordinadora del máster Sociología de la Población, el territorio y las migraciones. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
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      LondonUrban IdentityUrban ChangeCitymarketing
مساله هویت اصولا یكی از پیچیده ترین و بحث برانگیزترین مباحث نظری و حرفه ای در شهرسازی است . در عرصه معماری بحث از هویت تقلید از آثار گذشته را به ذهن متبادر میكند ، در حالی که هویت با تقلید از گذشته متفاوت است . در واقع هویت آن حقیقت وجودی... more
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      Identity (Culture)Sustainable ArchitectureUrban IdentityFacade Design
At the end of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century, the urban landscape faced a rapid and dramatic increase in Gated Communities (GCs) in most of the cities around the world. As part of the trend in suburbanisation,... more
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      Urban LandscapeGated CommunityLifestyleUrban Identity
Seymen, N., & Aydın Türk, Y. (2018). “Bir Kültür Bileşeni Olarak Zanaat ve Mekan”, CRAFTARCH’18 International Art Craft Space Congress – Revitalizing Art Craft Space Relations, Konya, Türkiye, 5-7 Aralık 2018 (pp.283-295), Eğitim... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesTraditional CraftsUrban And Regional Planning
Although place-related identity is receiving increasing attention within the environmental psychology field, little attention has been paid to deepen on place identity at the local level and better understand the social nature of urban... more
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      Social RepresentationsConsumer BehaviorUrban IdentityCiticenship
Bu çalışmada kimlik kavramı üzerinden yola çıkılarak, kentlerin karakterini belirleyen kent kimliği kavramı tartışılmıştır. Kimliği belirleyen öğeler, kentin yapılı çevresindeki kimlik öğeleri ile bu öğelerin kentli üzerindeki... more
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      Identity (Culture)Urban IdentityBeşiktaşİMge
Recently, massive urbanization, increasingly denser cities and environmental consciousness are pushing architects to build "green" skyscraper. This paper examines the emergence of a notable type of skyscrapers that depart from purely... more
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      AestheticsSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityArchitectural Design
In contemporary urban planning literature, a significant concern is being paid towards the concept of “urban identity” after the loss of characters, essence, soul, individuality and distinctiveness of many cities, especially those with a... more
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      Cultural IdentityUrban TransformationUrban HeritageUrban Identity
Understanding the urban aesthetic of a city is an essential knowledge in the field of urban design. It not only support the urban development of the city, but it also enhances the linkage of culture and history into the urban paradigm,... more
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      AestheticsArchitectureRome, City ofUrban Planning
The aim of this research was to examine the spatial and cultural integration of internal migrants in terms of social psychological variables (the physical and social facilities of the cities, multiculturalism, place identity etc.) in the... more
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      MulticulturalismPlace and IdentityMigrationTurkey
THE ROLE OF URBAN LANDSCAPE VALUES DURING CITY BRANDING PROCESS FOR KUŞADASI Cities that have become production centers with the industrial revolution have rapidly begun to develop in terms of population and technology. Recently, in the... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureCultural LandscapesBrandingUrban Landscape
The journal of an association of institutes concerned with the quality of built environment. The publishing framework is shaped around the forces which act on built environment, which maintain, change and transform it. The content... more
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      Space and PlaceSense of PlaceUrban IdentitySkyscrapers
Bostancı, S.H., Kavraz, M., & Aydın Türk, Y. (2010). "Kent Aydınlatmasının Kentsel Kimliğe Etkileri Üzerine İnceleme", 6th International Sinan Symposium - Designing The Future, Edirne, Türkiye, 29-30 Nisan 2010 (pp.269-276), Trakya... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesUrban Design (Urban Studies)Public Space
Ocakçı, M., & Aydın Türk, Y. (2012). Kentsel Kimlik. In M. Ersoy (Ed.), Kentsel Planlama Ansiklopedik Sözlük (pp.226-228). İstanbul: Ninova. KENTSEL KİMLİK: Kimlik doğadaki herhangi bir varlığın başka varlıklardan ayrılan... more
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      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesUrban And Regional PlanningUrban Design (Urban Studies)
Seymen, N., & Aydın Türk, Y. (2016). "Kent, Mekan ve Kimlik: Kentsel Temalar", 2nd International Conference on Urban Studies - Cities Between The Global and The Local: Strategies, Opportunities, Challenges, İstanbul, Türkiye, 11-13 Mayıs... more
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      GlobalizationUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrbanism
The article reveals the possibilities of public history approach in exploring communicative space of the modern city. The object of research is the city of Zaporizhzhia (Ukraine) that has rich diverse history. Experience of creative... more
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      Landscape EcologyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesUrban History
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      BrandingTourismUrban IdentityCity Image and Percieved Tourism
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      ColonialismLocalizationGerman Colonial EmpireImperialism
1992 yılında Dünya Mirası Konvansiyonu (The World Heritage Convention) doğal ve kültürel miras alanlarını “kültürel peyzaj” kavramıyla “toplumun ve yerleşmenin zaman içerisinde geçirdiği evrimi, insan ve doğal elemanların farklı... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban Design and Heritage ConservationUrban Identity
Le origini dell’iconografia della citta` dell’Aquila possono essere rintracciate nel puntuale ancorche´ sintetico disegno di alcune emergenze architettoniche locali che fungono da sfondo o da quinta nelle scene di battaglia poste a... more
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      Urban HistoryHistory of the CityUrban IdentityL'Aquila
The purpose of this study is to explore meaningful places and clarify their importance in urban life in the 21st century. This research argues that the quality of urban life is based on the experience of urban open spaces. Such experience... more
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      Space and PlaceIdentity (Culture)Urban Open Space DesignUrban Design (Urban Studies)
Research and theoretical models on international migration as a process of continuing contact between different cultural groups have examined the issue in terms of the reasons for movement, several socio-demographic features of... more
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      Place and IdentityMigrationPlace IdentityTurkey
This thesis concerns early medieval dress brooches from urban and rural sites in South West Scania. The purpose is to investigate similarities and differences between urban and rural sites as well as between the rural places in... more
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      Social Identityearly Middle AgesUrban IdentityEarly Medieval Brooches
Origin, development, youth culture and identity in Metal music as an urban culture in Lima - Peru.
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      Urban AnthropologyYouth CultureUrban CultureIdentity construction and cultural production
Tarihi kent merkezleri günümüzde yeniden yapılanma süreci içerisine girmektedir. Bu yeniden yapılanma süreci içerisinde küreseleşme etkisiyle kent merkezlerindeki ticari yapılanma farklı bir modele evrilirken; yeni bir kent kültürü ve... more
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      Tourism StudiesUrban PlanningUrban TourismCommercial
Urban identity is the whole of the concrete and non-concrete qualifications of a city peculiar to itself, and differentiates from the other cities with such qualifications. At the present, when globalization and the results of it are... more
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      Urban StudiesUrban ProjectsUrban IdentityIstanbul
Birinci Basım / First Edition • © Aralık 2020 ISBN • 978-625-7702-95-9 © copyright Bu kitabın yayın hakkı Gece Kitaplığı'na aittir.
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      Landscape ArchitectureSocial and Collective MemoryUrban DesignUrban Identity
© Minden jog fenntartva, beleértve a sokszorosítás, a nyilvános elôadás, a rádió-és televízió adás, valamint a fordítás jogát az egyes fejezeteket illetôen is.
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      Cultural StudiesIdentity (Culture)National IdentityCity Branding
Uzun bir ticaret geçmişine sahip olan Şişhane Bölgesi, İstanbul'da aydınlatma pazarının merkezi olarak bilinen önemli bir zanaat mahallesidir. Atölyelerin, dükkânların ve toptancıların zaman içerisinde kümelenerek bölgede oluşturduğu... more
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      Space and PlaceUrban StudiesCreative IndustriesUrban Sociology
A short approach to the urban identity of the city concerning the project of Rudi Čajavec

Published in: Reassembling the City, Wien/Banjaluka, 2014
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      Urban IdentityBanja LukaBrownfields
Cities, like a living organism, form their own memory and identity with their social codes and cultural values that have preserved the past and present. The city builds its urban identity while creating its memory with spatial and... more
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      Urban IdentitySürdürülebilirlikSustainibilityKentsel sürdürülebilirlik
The aim of this paper is to use the example of the towns of Astorga, León and Oviedo in order to highlight how the fight against tax exemption was a core issue on the public action of the commoners, whose responsibility in tax matters... more
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      Medieval HistoryUrban HistoryHistoria SocialConflictos Sociales