Urban Growth
Recent papers in Urban Growth
The authors establish the effect of urbanization on precipitation in the Pearl River Delta of China with data from an annual land use map (1988–96) derived from Landsat images and monthly climate data from 16 local meteorological... more
Los Modelos Basados en Agentes (MBA) están siendo cada vez más utilizados en la simulación de sistemas espaciales complejos, como es el caso del crecimiento urbano. En la presente comunicación se introduce parte de un modelo desarrollado... more
Although remotely sensed images have been used to study urban growth patterns the world over, very few studies have employed these methods to examine the growth of Iranian cities. Shiraz is perhaps the most important city in the southern... more
The scientific literature has documented the growing risks of flooding posed for Asia’s coastal cities by the combination of climate change, as reflected in sea level rise and intensified storms and storm surges, and ongoing urban growth... more
Peri-urban agriculture is a pivotal issue in the debate on sustainable management of land in metropolitan regions worldwide. Multiple socioeconomic and environmental solutions introduced by new models of peri-urban agriculture are playing... more
Sistemas de información geográfica: Algunas aplicaciones en planificación y gestión urbana ROBERTO A. FIGUEROA Instituto de Geografía Pontifi cia Universidad Católi ca de Chile RESUMEN En un contexto de cont inuo crec imiento urbano en el... more
We thank Jan Brueckner and two anonymous referees for their comments on an earlier version of this paper. We alone, however, bear responsibility for errors.
Rapid industrialization and economic growth in South Korea since the 1970s have resulted in severe environmental disturbance and pollution, problems aggravated by the imprudent expansion of urban areas. This paper analyzes and predicts... more
Transit-oriented development (TOD) has become the dominant urban growth planning paradigm in the United States. Yet scant evidence has been proffered to indicate that it will produce significant environmental and social benefits... more
A markedly intense rain fell on southeastern Mexico during the period of 29 October–1 November 2007. As a result, the state of Tabasco recorded the gravest flood in the last 50 years. A reconstruction of the event is presented, including... more
Latin America is among the most urbanized regions of the world with relatively high motorization levels compared with the rest of the developing world. The automotive air pollution problem in Latin America is essentially a metropolitan... more
Healthseekers [i.e., people seeking climactic cures from diseases, such as tuberculosis (TB)] migrated to the American West starting in the 19th century. Local officials, interested in promoting urban growth, capitalized on this... more
This study explores the combined application of remote sensing, spatial metrics and spatial modeling to the analysis and modeling of urban growth in Santa Barbara, California. The investigation is based on a 72-year time series data set... more
The city of Puebla in the last decades has presented a slowed urban growth. Situation that has generated conurbation with contiguous rural localities, where still have agricultural zones with great productive value, as it is the case of... more
This paper presents a brief introduction of rapid urbanization and its consequences for air pollution in Asia. The second section elaborates local capacity for urban air quality management (UAQM). The third section discusses the capacity... more
China is home to one-fifth of the world's population and that population is increasingly urban. The landscape is also urbanizing. Although there are studies that focus on specific elements of urban growth, there is very little empirical... more
Continual, historical, and precise information about the land use and land cover (LULC) changes of the Earth's surface is extremely important for any kind of sustainable development program, in which LULC serves as one of the major input... more
Background: Urban containment policies attempt to manage the location, character, and timing of growth to support a variety of goals such as compact development, preservation of greenspace, and efficient use of infrastructure. Despite... more
Prior research developed a cellular automaton model, that was calibrated by using historical digital maps of urban areas and can be used to predict the future extent of an urban area. The model has now been applied to two rapidly growing,... more
Air pollution has become a growing problem in megacities and large urban areas through out the globe, and transportation is recognized as the major source of air pollution in many cities, especially in developing countries. Contribution... more
The process of development control involves a technique for the systematic compilation of expert quantitative analysis and qualitative assessment of project land use and property development viability, including its effect on the... more
This paper develops a vintage model of residential housing for an open city, where the utility level of residents is given by an exogenous function of time. Producers behave myopically in that they believe the future. price per unit of... more
The monograph addresses the factors aecting the degree of sustainability exhibited by population growth in peripheral urban settlements. Development dierentials between core and peripheral regions in countries of dierent size and various... more
Accommodating urban growth in the fast growing city of Istanbul encounters several problems. This paper discusses the development of greenfield sites in Istanbul by examining the institutional structure of the land development process of... more
This paper presents an integrated study of urbanization trends in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province of China, by using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing. The study explores the temporal and spatial characteristics... more
Studies of the city traditionally posit a division between a city's economy and its culture, with culture subordinate in explanatory power to work. However, post-industrial and globalizing trends are dramatically elevating the importance... more
The combined use of allocation modeling and geographical information system (GIS) technologies for providing quantitative assessments of aggregate supply and demand is evaluated using representative data for the Front Range Urban Corridor... more
We determined the rate of urban growth, the types of land cover that were being converted, and the spatial pattern of the urban growth in the municipality of Luquillo in Puerto Rico. Rapid population and urban growth have occurred in the... more
With rapid global urban growth, the proximity between urban and protected areas will increase. We identify four categories of nations, based on the proportion of people in urban areas, the amount of protected area, and the 1995 and... more
El presente trabajo de tesis titulado “El proceso de crecimiento urbano en la periferia Norte de Mazatlán: caso sector Libramiento”, plantea una caracterización de las fases de expansión y consolidación del crecimiento urbano acontecido... more
In contrast to typical urban regions dominated by a core city located in the region’s centre and a suburban fringe, the Austrian Rhine Valley, selected as the study area, can be described as a peri-urban region with some medium-sized... more
Low-cost housing provision has been a major focus of government in post-apartheid urban South Africa. While successes can be noted, there is growing concern regarding the social and environmental sustainability of housing programs and the... more
Public parks as representative of urban green areas have played an excellent role to against degradation of urban environment while keeping the rapid pace of urban growth. Development, maintenance and preservation of the quality of public... more
Land acquisition is the primary means used by governments to meet increasing land demand driven by rapid economic and urban growth in China. Since development is prohibited on non-state-owned land, land acquisition in which landownership... more
Native populations of the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), a microendemic salamander from Central Mexico, have seen alarming decline in the last decades owing to habitat loss caused by urban growth. The last remnant of its distribution is... more
Urbanization is arguably the most dramatic form of irreversible land transformation. Though urbanization is a worldwide phenomenon, it is especially prevalent in India, where urban areas have experienced an unprecedented rate of growth... more
Alexandria is the second largest urban governorate in Egypt and has seen significant urban growth in its modern and contemporary history. This study investigates the urban growth phenomenon in Alexandria, Egypt using the integration of... more
Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) is located on the western seacoast of India on the Arabian Sea. It was originally a cluster of seven islands, which were later joined to form the present city. Greater Mumbai Region consists of 7 islands... more