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This paper outlines the national approach to stormwater management in Malaysia, and evolving implementation practices by State and Local government authorities. The process of departing from the traditional, monodisciplinary approach is... more
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      Urban PlanningEcologyEnvironmental PlanningStorm Water Management
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      Recycled aggregatesPervious pavementUrban Drainagesustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)
In this study, we present a methodology to discretize a non-assessed basin based on terrain analysis using the SRTM digital elevation model (DEM) and a high resolution surface model (DSM) with a drainage network semi-automatic extraction... more
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      Environmental ScienceBasin ModelingUrban DrainageUrbanization Processes
In the design of a stormwater detention tank is important to guarantee a sufficient retention time for the sedimentation of suspended solids, the biological uptake of nutrients and the die-off of bacteria carried in rainwaters. Long... more
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      Water qualityUrban And Regional PlanningWater PollutionProbability and statistics
Flood control detention facilities are widely used for stormwater control in urban areas. Standard design procedures are in most cases based on the design storm approach: a single flood event at a time is considered, at the beginning of... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementSustainable Water Resources ManagementUrban Drainagesustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) can be considered the joint product of water engineering and urban planning and design since these systems must comply with hydraulic, hydrologic, and social-ecological functions. To enhance this joint... more
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      Environmental ScienceWaterUrban PlanningUrban Landscape
Floods always occur in some cities located in coastal areas of Indonesia, including in Kemijen area of Semarang city. This study aimed to analyze the technical, institutional and community participation aspects in the management of... more
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      InstitutionsUrban DrainageFlood MangementPolder Systems
This article reviews various anomalies of speleothems formation in underground rivers and drains in Moscow. Travertine speleothems form on the inner walls of collectors, which is similar to the same forms of subrelief in karst caves.... more
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      MoscowUrban explorationCave and Karst StudiesUrban Drainage
Urban flood incidents induced by heavy rainfall in many cases entail flooding of combined sewer systems. These flood waters are likely to be contaminated and may pose potential health risks to citizens exposed to pathogens in these... more
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      Urban DrainageHealth Risks
O trabalho apresenta metodologia para elaboração de Plano de Drenagem Urbana como componente de Plano Municipal de Saneamento Ambiental e alguns dos seus elementos mais significativos, buscando permitir uma melhor percepção de sua... more
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      Urban DrainageEnvironmental Sanitation PlanUrban Drainage Master Plan
Reingenieria del sumidero vial
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      HydraulicsHydraulic and HydrologyUrban Drainagesustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)
The hydrodynamic rainfall-runoff and urban drainage simulation model SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) is a state of the art software tool applied likewise in research and practice. In order to reduce the computational burden of long... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringParallel ComputingMultidisciplinary
RESUMEN: La Calle Muntaner es una de las calles más importantes de Barcelona y en el tramo entre la Vía Augusta y la Calle Herzegovina no presenta imbornales de captación lo que puede afectar la seguridad de la circulación peatonal y... more
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    • Urban Drainage
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    • Urban Drainage
A moderate rainfall event can lead to harsh flash floods in most of the compact cities. Present urbanization happening in these cities creates an imbalance between generated urban runoff volume and effective drainage capacity. For the... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeFlood Risk ManagementUrban Planning
This study is carried out to evaluate the efficiency of the management and maintenance of the drainage system at Taman Damai Jaya, Skudai. A total of 100 residents are randomly selected from the total population to be the respondents of... more
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      Sustainable DrainageBuilding Maintenance ManagementRepair and MaintenanceIrrigation & Drainage
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
This project attempts to design an efficient, economic easy -to-maintain drainage system for Haruk estate with a total area of 24,435 m2 on which 9 rectangular channel layouts was designed to solve the problem of surface ponding and other... more
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      Stormwater (Engineering)Storm Water ManagementUrban Drainage
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a viable runoff reduction mechanism and an important player in the hydrologic cycle of vegetated green stormwater infrastructure (GSI). As a dynamic process, ET is dependent on both meteorological factors (e.g.,... more
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      Green InfrastructureStormwaterWater sensitive urban designUrban Hydrology
The process of making something grow, develop, or become successful again is called Revitalization. Industrial revitalization is one kind of revitalization which refers to bringing something back to life, public attention, or vigorous... more
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      Water resourcesDrainage EngineeringUrban DrainageDrainage
Sungai Cikapundung adalah salah satu sungai stategis di Jawa Barat dengan populasi penduduknya tertinggi di Indonesia. Beriringan dengan masalah dalam pembangunan perkotaan, masalah yang terpenting adalah sumberdaya air sebagai sumber... more
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      HydrogeochemistryHeavy metalsUrban DrainageGeoenvironmental studies of Ground and surface water related to contamination
Poor drainage contributes immensely to pavement deterioration and subsequently causing increased annual repair expenditure. The investigation is conducted to provide extensive diagnosis to point out the causes of roads problems associated... more
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      Drainage EngineeringUrban Drainage
A new technology (Capiphon Drainage Belt, or CDB) is applicable to drainage and irrigation tasks. When compared with existing drainage technologies such as slotted pipe, the technology is expected to provide: • simpler installation •... more
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      Drainage EngineeringIrrigation & DrainageUrban Drainage
Drainase Perkotaan
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      Drainage EngineeringUrban Drainage
CONTENTS Section 1 Scope of Application 1 Section 2 Definition of Terms 1 Section 3 Onsite Sanitation 3 Section 4 Offsite Sanitation 7 Section 5 Drainage 13 Section 6 Special Establishments 14 Section 7 Health Care Establishments... more
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      Environmental EngineeringOccupational Health & SafetyEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental Sanitation
The annual monsoon blues the city faces is because of the lack in understanding of how the hydrology of the city changes during monsoon. This is perhaps because we have been treating natural systems (dealt primarily in Landscape Design)... more
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      Urban Drainagesustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)Urban flooding
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    • Urban Drainage
Classificazione e funzionamento delle fognature romane 5 Italo Riera Cloacae a Roma e nell'Italia nelle fonti epigrafiche 23 Marcello Spanu Sulle foricae delle terme imperiali di Roma 33 Richard Neudecker LA DOCUMENTAZIONE CARTOGRAFICA E... more
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      Urban DrainageAncient hydraulic technologyAncient hydraulics systems
A well organized infrastructure for water supply, rain water drainage and sewers, as well as a municipal service for the collection and disposal of lavatory waste existed in Athens since the 5th century BC. Drainage and sewerage works... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryCity planningWater and SanitationUrban Drainage
Dissertação de mestrado. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o “Programa de Canalização de Córregos, Implantação de Vias e Recuperação Ambiental e Social de Fundos de Vale”, Procav, iniciado em 1987, cuja segunda fase... more
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      Planejamento UrbanoSão Paulo (Brazil)Urban DrainageDrenagem urbana
Los estudios relacionados con el drenaje urbano se han centrado en general en los problemas asociados a la cantidad de agua caída sobre una cuenca urbana. Pero en los últimos años se ha empezado a observar un segundo problema: el de la... more
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      Water qualityUrban DrainageCalidad De AguaDrenaje Urbano
Banten belakangan merupakan daerah yang kerap kali mengalami permasalahan banjir.
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      Drainage EngineeringUrban Drainage
In this work a new analytical probabilistic approach to model and size storage basins for stormwater control is proposed.
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      HydrologyRainwater HarvestingStormwaterStorm Water Management
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      Geotechnical EngineeringHighway engineeringTraffic EngineeringUrban Drainage
Recent developments in flood modeling have led to the concept of coupled ͑sewer/surface͒ hydraulic models. In this paper two coupled models are examined; a one-dimensional ͑1D͒ sewer model coupled with a 1D surface network model ͑1D/1D͒... more
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      Irrigation & DrainageSewerUrban Drainagesustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)
This concept paper describes the behavior of a clogged drain in an event of a heavy rainfall. Solid waste accumulates in drainage systems, heavy rainfall, increased runoff volume and stagnation of runoff flow could collectively lead to... more
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      HydrologyUrban PlanningMunicipal Solid Waste ManagementUrban Studies
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    • Urban Drainage
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      Roman HistoryArchitectureSpace SyntaxWater
Initial studies showed that Capiphon drainage technology out performs slotted pipe with sock (Drain Coil) in soil. It also had a higher flow-rate in free water at low hydraulic head. In soil when flooded, Capiphon commenced flow before,... more
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      Acid Mine DrainageIrrigation & DrainageUrban Drainagesustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)
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      Roman HistoryArchitectureUrban HistoryUrban Planning
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      Urban DrainageAncient hydraulics systems
In response to the needs for paradigm shift the way the stormwater is managed, the Malaysian government has launched the new Stormwater Management Manual for Malaysia (DID, 2001) incorporating the latest development in stormwater... more
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      Sustainable Urban EnvironmentsStormwaterUrban Drainagesustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)
The sewer system of many historical or holy cities is not well associated with the present need. The managing of the sewer system of such cities is very difficult. Karbala, located in central Iraq, is one such city that experiences... more
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      Urban DrainageFloating PopulationSewerage SystemUrban stormwater modeling and management
This paper outlines the national approach to stormwater management in Malaysia, and evolving implementation practices by State and Local government authorities. The research focused on new concepts for the urban stormwater runoff and... more
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      Irrigation & DrainageUrban Drainagesustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)
Le immagini di proprietà dello Stato italiano provenienti dal territorio regionale sono state pubblicate su concessione del MiBACT -Dipartimento per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici -Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e... more
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      GlypticsAquileiaUrban DrainageRoman Glyptics and Jewelry
Perubahan iklim merupakan isu yang sedang dihadapi oleh masyarakat global, yang dipengaruhi oleh variabilitas curah hujan dan suhu udara. Penelitian ini di lakukan di wilayah sungai Nasal-Padang Guci, dengan menganalisis trendline curah... more
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      HydraulicsWater qualityWater Resources ManagementUrban Drainage
a map showing the drainage system of Guatemala City, updated 2015
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      GuatemalaUrban DrainageDrainage
Abstrak. Kawasan di sekitar kolam retensi Siti Khadijah Palembang, terutama jalan Demang Lebar Daun sering mengalami genangan banjir akibat luapan air dari kolam retensi, sehingga menyebabkan kemacetan lalu-lintas yang cukup panjang.... more
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      Urban DrainageFlood ControlHec-Hms
Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is used in this study for simulating rainfall driven flow in a sewer system that can cause overflow in sewer networks. The simulation is carried out in a residential area located in the Bhagyanagar,... more
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      Storm Water ManagementUrban DrainageSURFACE RUNOFF PREDICTIONDigital Elevation Model
An applied case of the modified rational method in R and the hydRopUrban tool.
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringProgramacionUrban Hydrology