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      Architectural TheoryBangkokUrban Design TheoryMetacity
Can Altay has transformed The Showroom into the production site of a single edition newspaper: The Church Street Partners’ Gazette. The second issue continues tracking the redevelopment processes through the inhabitants' voices, while... more
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      Contemporary ArtHomelessnessUrban RegenerationUrban Studies
O acampamento militar foi entendido explicitamente como simulacro urbano pelo menos desde as Historiae de Políbio, uma das principais fontes antigas. Os procedimentos para o alojamento dos exércitos constituíam matéria usual nos livros de... more
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      Military HistoryUrban HistoryArchitectural HistoryArchitectural Theory
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      ArchitectureUrban HistoryArchitectural HistoryUrban Studies
What will come with the passing of time? What will be the scenarios of tomorrow? The future and its many possibilities has been the core of the experiences organised for the Masters of Design and Innovation students during their trip to... more
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      DesignFashion designIndustrial DesignDesign Theory