Urban Analysis
Recent papers in Urban Analysis
Negli anni recenti, beneficiando del finanziamento del Fondo Sociale Europeo su due progetti di ricerca1, una decina di ricercatori ha studiato come favorire l’azione congiunta di rigenerazione urbana, riattivazione economica e sviluppo... more
Cities generate data in increasing speed, volume and variety which is more easily accessed and processed by the advance of technology every day. Consequently, the potential for this data to feedback into the city to improve living... more
"Na PARTE II da DEFINIÇÃO DA FORMA URBANA NO PLANEAMENTO descrevemos um exercício de análise do tecido urbano através da qual se pretende, a partir da caracterização física da proposta do Plano Urbanístico, deduzir a ideia de cidade que... more
Cities generate data in increasing speed, volume and variety which is more easily accessed and processed by the advance of technology every day. Consequently, the potential for this data to feedback into the city to improve living... more
RESUMO O presente artigo tem por objetivo comparar diferentes métodos de abordagem da paisagem sob a perspectiva de um palimpsesto tais como a Historical Landscape Characterization-HLC, a Historic Area Assessment-HAA e a Morfologia... more
The article aims at exploring the literature on town centre delimitation methods over the last sixty years. Specifically, the first section explores the content of the term town centre, while the second one proposes an organisation of... more
Space syntax works with the comprehensive concept of "space", either as built form or as "open space", which occurs inside and between built structures. The space syntax methodology addresses the relationship between physical elements of... more
Though sustainability is not a new concept at all, still there's no common definition of it. However, it's generally accepted that sustainable development is the one that ensure a good balance between social, economic and environmental... more
This paper presents itself as a study on the rationship between the form of the city, the Human Scale and the rolls of Urbanism and Urban Planning in the transformation of this rapport. Consequently, it presents an overview on the... more
Bu dersin amacı, kent planlamanın temel kavramlarının tanıtılması, kentsel mekanı anlamanın yollarıyla tanışılması ve kentsel ölçekte bir tasarım için gerekli altyapının verilmesidir. Dersin İçeriği Kentsel tasarımın tanımı, Kentsel... more
It describes a method for reading the image of an Urban Area that allows starting its knowledge with the aim of carrying out its overall assessment and criticism, the diagnosis of problems and opportunities that it presents and preparing... more
This document, as an introduction to a future Master Thesis, tries to demonstrate that Urban Analysis, along with a typo-morphological analysis (a method used commonly by architects and urbanists), could compensate the lack of global... more
In a challenging world of exponentially increasing numbers, relationships, and complexities, the GIS-based technologies make possible the gathering, compilation, analysis, as well as representation of very large amounts of hypothetical... more
Bu ders, bir yapılı çevreyi ya da mekânı, öznel ve nesnel açılardan değerlendirirken, mekân değerlendirmenin fiziksel, sosyal ve psikolojik yönlerini irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Kavramlar Mimarlıkta Çevresel Değerlendirme Araştırma... more
Beirut has a long-standing history of being a multipurpose hub in the Middle East. The area has witnessed a multitude of morphological transitions with the most recent being the post civil war reconstruction of the central district by a... more
A solid knowledge of computational methods is an increasingly important key competence for future architects or urban planners. In this course you will learn how to analyze and generate spatial configurations with advanced computational... more
Promoting the use of solar energy in urban environments requires knowing the geographical distribution and characteristics of the best places to implement solar systems. In this context, buildings can be used to locally generate... more
This work concerns a little portfolio of different european port cities to describe and compare waterfront organization and urban structure and watefront urban morphotype.
La città contemporanea evidenzia che i processi globali di sviluppo generano maggiori ineguaglianze rispetto al precedente ciclo di urbanizzazione, essendo tali ineguaglianze ben visibili a livello spaziale. Questi fenomeni, a partire... more
Desde meados do século XX a preocupação com a vida nas ruas e a qualidade dos espaços urbanos vem sendo tratada com bastante interesse pelos arquitetos e urbanistas. Mais recentemente essas preocupações ganharam um maior impulso,... more
/ Poster Design by Emine Köseoğlu /
2018-2019 bahar I fsmvü mimarlık bölümü I mim069 çarşamba 16.00-18.00 haliç yerleşkesi D305
mimarlıkta görsel düşünme
doç. dr. emine köseoğlu
2018-2019 bahar I fsmvü mimarlık bölümü I mim069 çarşamba 16.00-18.00 haliç yerleşkesi D305
mimarlıkta görsel düşünme
doç. dr. emine köseoğlu
Ordu Caddesi'nden bir kesitin kent biçimi değerlendirmesi.
Urban form of assessment of a section through the Ordu Street in Fatih/İSTANBUL.
Urban form of assessment of a section through the Ordu Street in Fatih/İSTANBUL.
Space Syntax and the theory of natural movement demonstrated that spatial morphology is a primary factor infuencing movement. This paper investigates to what extent spatial morphology at diferent scales (node, community and global... more
in "Studi Piemontesi", giugno 2020, vol. XLIX, fasc. 1
Promoting the use of solar energy in urban environments requires knowing the geographical distribution and characteristics of the best places to implement solar systems. In this context, buildings can be used to locally generate... more
The United Nations Paris agreement of 2015 highlighted the need for urban planning to prevent and contain urban sprawl so as to reduce trip lengths through an efficient distribution of agglomerations and a well-balanced urban pattern... more
The most significant concern of this work is the dialectical relationship between the pedestrian and the motor vehicle and its spatial projections, considering the urban space quality in the sense of its cultural and communicational... more
La tesi, finalizzata alla redazione di un progetto urbano, per un nuovo insediamento integrato di riconnessione della struttura urbana dell’area settentrionale di Napoli e di riuso delle aree delle caserme di Secondigliano, individua dei... more
The focus of the paper is on the relationship between conservation and spatial planning in mining areas, where visual characters and underground activities shape the territory. The research about the evolution of mining landscapes enables... more
Integrated urban-transport planning should exploit not only conventional methodologies, which are crucial for identifying the already established local centres of the city (places with people), but also multi-dimensional methodologies for... more
This article looks at how urbanization and mapping are umbilically linked in the case of Indian urban developments. From an anthropological and urban design viewpoint, it seeks to analyze how current gaps and restrictions in information... more
This paper discusses the results of an extended pedestrian movement project carried out in the center of Tallinn, Estonia. Having gone through several rounds of in situ studies and software prototyping, we present a synthetic method for... more
This paper describes a method for utilizing contextual social media as a mechanism for urban analysis through the use of par-ametric design engines.