Unsaturated soil
Recent papers in Unsaturated soil
Considerably long periods of time are required to measure soil-water characteristic curves using conventional equipment such as pressure plate apparatus or a Tempe cell. A commercially available, small-scale medical centrifuge with a... more
In this paper, lab tests coupled to a semi-pilot test section are used to derive data for the calibration of a numerical model. The paper is aimed at proposing a set of experiments, which can be used to calibrate a numerical model before... more
Knowledge of soil hydraulic properties is required for soil-water flow models. Although many studies of individual methods exist, comparisons of methods are uncommon. Therefore, we compared application ranges and results for six... more
The authors should be commended for presenting such an innovative approach to the estimation of the collapse potential in unsaturated soils. This is a pioneering work that sets the basis for further developments on the use of... more
This paper presents a complete finite-element treatment for unsaturated soil problems. A new formulation of general constitutive equations for unsaturated soils is first presented. In the incremental stress-strain equations, the suction... more
Leaking underground storage tanks are a worldwide problem nowadays, therefore gasoline degradation and distribution in the subsurface have been widely studied. Brazil is the only country to currently use ethanol as fuel and as an... more
At present, the road construction along hilly terrains in many parts of Thailand, increase rapidly due to urban expansion. The construction techniques mostly used involve cut and fill and the construction materials found in the area.... more
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides convincing evidence of global warming as a result of increased greenhouse gas production. There has been a greater occurrence of extreme climate events in recent decades. We... more
Existing models for predicting the small strain behaviour of unsaturated soil are not capable of predicting the initial shear stiffness during suction reduction under normally consolidated conditions. This problem has been addressed in... more
Physicochemical analyses were carried out on soil samples from four different waste dumpsites in the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA), Nigeria to ascertain the effects of the refuse dumpsites on soil and groundwater... more
The unsaturated soil hydraulic functions involving the soil-water retention curve (SWRC) and the hydraulic conductivity provide useful integrated indices of soil quality. Existing and newly devised methods were used to formulate... more
By means of a drainage and seepage tank, an experimental flow net system inside the body of a homogeneous earth embankment dam model, formed from Leighton Buzzard Silica sand, was developed and studied in this experimental research paper.... more
The unsaturated soil behavior is of prime importance in many of the geotechnical and geoenvironmental applications. The characterization of the engineering behavior of unsaturated soil is entirely dependent on the soil-water... more
The determination of soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) is of major concern in unsaturated soil mechanics. For decades experimental and theoretical studies are performed to investigate the constitutive relationship between soil... more
... Lourenco, SDN, Gallipoli, D. , Toll, DG, and Evans, F. (2006) Use of Tensiometers for the Measurement of Soil Suction. In: 10th Confresso Nacional de Geotecnia, 22 - 26 May 2006, Lisboa, Portugal. ... Authors: Lourenco, SDN,... more
Au cours des dernières décennies, un intérêt croissant est porté à la terre crue en tant qu'éco matériau de construction pour son caractère local, sa capacité à réguler l'hygrométrie des espaces intérieurs et la faible consommation... more
The water movements in the unsaturated zone, together with the water holding capacity of this zone, are very important for the water demand of the vegetation, as well as for the recharge of the groundwater storage. A fair description of... more
An unsaturated soil is a state of the soils. All soils can be partially saturated with water. Therefore, constitutive models for soils should ideally represent the soil behaviours over entire ranges of possible pore pressure and stress... more
A qualitative study of fabrics as observed through a petrological microscope was carried out. Some evidence is shown of differences in the fabrics of the samples, resulting from differences in compacted properties and subsequent... more
In geotechnical practice most soils are in unsaturated conditions, for instance the compacted soils used in several engineering constructions (such as earth dams, highways,
The progress in constitutive models for unsaturated soils is briefly reviewed at first; and then the state of the art of elastoplastic constitutive models for unsaturated soils is summarized. This paper focuses on introducing an... more
This paper presents an overview of constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils and the numerical algorithms for solving the associated boundary value problems. It first discusses alternative stress and strain variables that can be used in... more
Plate-load tests are a common field method to estimate soil bearing pressure. Classic-result-test interpretations do not consider the matric suction effect. This paper analyzes the matric suction effect in bearing pressure from plate-load... more
A simple thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) constitutive model for unsaturated soils is described. The effective stress concept is extended to unsaturated soils with the introduction of a capillary stress. This capillary stress is based on a... more
The soils of Jinka in Southern Ethiopia were studied based on the detail works on soil pit description, characterizing and classification following the FAO and USDA guidelines. For this, along with the topo-sequence and landscape, six... more
The van Genuchten (vG) function is often used to describe the soil water retention curve (SWRC) of unsaturated soils and fractured rock. The objective of this study was to develop a method to determine the vG model parameter m from the... more
Composite geotextiles with polyester yarn reinforcement have been commonly used in combination with unsaturated soils. Both unsaturated and saturated shear strength of the interfaces were investigated between a composite geotextile and... more
“Raw earth” (“terre crue” in French) is an ancient building material consisting of a mixture of moist clay and sand which is compacted to a more or less high density depending on the chosen building technique. A raw earth structure could... more
The paper gives a brief description of double wall cell triaxial equipment for testing soil samples under unsaturated conditions and presents results of some of the calibrations necessary to achieve accurate measurements of inner cell... more
Determinations of unsaturated soil parameters using experimental procedures are time consuming and difficult. In recent years, the soil–water characteristic curve (SWCC) has become an important tool in the interpretation of the... more
Au cours des dernières décennies, un intérêt croissant est porté à la terre crue en tant qu'éco-matériau de construction pour son caractère local et la faible consommation d’énergie qui caractérise son cycle de vie global. Toutefois, sa... more
The current research has investigated the soil quality status under dryland vegetation of Yabello district, Southern Ethiopia in which we should identify the nature and extent of salinity problem of the area for further research bases.... more
The prediction of heave in unsaturated, expansive soils has historically been studied primarily as a onedimensional type analysis. This paper proposes a methodology that can be used for the prediction of one-, two-, or three-dimensional... more
Cracks along asphaltic-concrete shoulder of highways are one of the most common infrastructure damages found in the central part of Thailand where sedimentary soils of high plasticity were widely deposited and sometimes used as subgrade... more
Mounding often occurs beneath engineering structures designed to infiltrate reuse water. AQTESOLV software and a spreadsheet solution for Hantush, together with soil moisture water balance (SWAGMAN farm model), were used for... more
1] The simulation of conservative solute transport in a heterogeneous unsaturated soil depends on the description of spatial variability of soil hydraulic and chemical properties. The data from the Las Cruces Trench Site were used to... more
The water retention behaviour of soils is an essential aspect of understanding the unsaturated behaviour of soil materials. This paper looks at a relatively new method of measurement for soil water reten-tion curves, using high capacity... more
Theoretical procedures are presented in this paper to interpret the undrained shear strength of unsaturated soils in terms of two stress state variables, net normal stress, (σ - ua) and matric suction, (ua - uw). The proposed theory is... more
The importance of unsaturated soil mechanics stems from the fact that the majority of geotechnical engineering projects are taking place in unsaturated soil zones. Soil suction, especially matric suction, is controlling the unsaturated... more