EMMNAUEL D. GUARDE, PhD Mangyan Alangan 2015 Rooted in the need to provide culturally relevant and responsive education to the Mangyan-Alangan community, specifically the kindergarten pupils in the municipalities of Baco and Naujan,... more
The division of Academic Affairs is the heartbeat of institutional transformation. These leaders are responsible for stewarding the university’s intellectual and operational core while simultaneously navigating a complex ecosystem at the... more
Purpose: The objectives of this study were to determine the sustainable manufacturing strategies commonly used by multinational firms in Nairobi and to establish the relationship between sustainable manufacturing strategies and production... more
The travail of man in the world today is that he has become an object of fate to other subjects rather than the other way round. He is constantly at war with himself and his world. He allows others to define him, but can't redeem himself... more
The Department of Agriculture Agricultural Training Institute is continually keeping up with the challenges on the implementation of its extension programs." This study elaborates on the effectiveness of the Learning Sites (LS) and... more
Keywords Hometown Tax Donation • AIDA • Tax credit • Tax return • Gifts 2.1 Overview of Hometown Tax Donation Hometown Tax Donation is a system that enables citizens to donate to prefectures or municipalities of their choice. Donations... more
Research Series has been established as a subseries of the SpringerBrief in Economics Series, but in fact this exciting interdisciplinary collection encompasses scholarly research not only in the economics but also in law, political... more
La gestión de la identidad digital implica un proceso permanente y consciente del manejo de información personal y contenido que se comparte en Internet, con miras a proteger la privacidad y reputación digital. El objetivo del artículo es... more
The infratemporal fossa is a complex area located at the base of the skull, deep to the masseter muscle. It is closely associated with both the temporal and pterygopalatine fossae and acts as a conduit for neurovascular structures... more
Four small masses of epithelial tissue are embedded in the connective tissue capsule on the posterior surface of the thyroid glands. These are parathyroid glands, and they secrete parathyroid hormone or parathormone. Parathyroid hormone... more
The larynx is a respiratory organ located located within the anterior aspect of the neck. Anterior to the inferior portion of the pharynx but superior to the trachea, lies below the hyoid bone in the midline at C3-6 vertebra level. Its... more
The majority of people in the Philippines patronized the services of government hospitals with particular emphasis on affordability and health care services, including laboratory tests. Laboratories are a crucial component of hospitals... more
Not-for-Profits (NFP) play an important role in the United States. Boards of Directors are integral components of governance associated with NFPs. This case discusses some of the financial issues with which the Board must be both aware... more
Bringing together a multidisciplinary conversation about the entanglement of nature and society in the Korean peninsula, Forces of Nature aims to define and develop the field of the Korean environmental humanities. At its core, the volume... more
The goal of this research was to assess factors influencing participation of households in solid waste management in Muhanga city of southern province, Rwanda; more specifically, the research had the following specific objectives were to... more
The biblical writers utilize the metaphor of marriage to describe the relationship between God and humanity. Within this imagery, the people of God are often depicted as a bride. This thesis contributes to an understanding of the metaphor... more
Pembukuan dan pencatatan pajak pada dasarnya merupakan jenis kegiatan akuntansi perpajakan. Hal ini berfungsi sebagai suatu pedoman yang bertujuan untuk mempermudah wajib pajak terutama dalam menunaikan kewajibannya, terutama yang... more
Inhibitors of bacterial cell wall synthesis Beta lactam antibacterial drugs Penicillins * Cephalosporins* Carbapenems * Monobactams* Beta-lactamase inhibitors * Non-beta lactam antibacterial drugs Vancomycin* Teicoplanin*... more
Atypical mycobacteria have distinctive lab x-tics They are present in the environment & are not communicable from person to person. As a rule, these mycobacterial species are less susceptible than M tuberculosis to antituberculous... more
Protozoa is a group of single-celled organisms found in the env’t or transmitted to man and cause d’se Protozoal organisms can exist as with hosts in two forms: Without any harm caused to the host Mutualism Symbiosis Endosymbiosis... more
The anal canal is the last part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is about 3 to 4 cm long and lies completely extraperitoneally. It begins at the anorectal junction distally from the perineal flexure and ends at the anus.
A great opportunity for international researchers to send their abstracts and participate in the conference, as the conference covers all costs including plane tickets, accommodation and publication of researches for free in a reliable... more
Ppt konsep penghasilan di dalam akuntansi pajak
Materials play a big part in the manufacturing firms as it account for about 56% of the annual turnover. This research analyzed the attention and recognition the Kenyan manufacturing firms are giving to the materials management. The... more
Purpose: The objectives of this study were to determine the sustainable manufacturing strategies commonly used by multinational firms in Nairobi and to establish the relationship between sustainable manufacturing strategies and production... more
The Department of Agriculture Agricultural Training Institute is continually keeping up with the challenges on the implementation of its extension programs." This study elaborates on the effectiveness of the Learning Sites (LS) and... more
The legal framework for the Philippine Third Sector has been very supportive and encouraging. Third Sector Organizations (TSOs) may exist and operate without being registered with any government agency. Registration is required only if... more
Tax planning dan Pengendalian atas PPh pasal 21
The biblical writers utilize the metaphor of marriage to describe the relationship between God and humanity. Within this imagery, the people of God are often depicted as a bride. This thesis contributes to an understanding of the metaphor... more
Research Series has been established as a subseries of the SpringerBrief in Economics Series, but in fact this exciting interdisciplinary collection encompasses scholarly research not only in the economics but also in law, political... more
This paper delves on the governmental services in the Philippines highlighting the delivery of services to the transacting public characterized by bureaucratic inefficiency that engenders corruption. The assessment begins with a... more
Keywords Hometown Tax Donation • AIDA • Tax credit • Tax return • Gifts 2.1 Overview of Hometown Tax Donation Hometown Tax Donation is a system that enables citizens to donate to prefectures or municipalities of their choice. Donations... more
Research Series has been established as a subseries of the SpringerBrief in Economics Series, but in fact this exciting interdisciplinary collection encompasses scholarly research not only in the economics but also in law, political... more
As modern constitutions speak in the name of the people, they contribute to constituting the body politic by making potentially contentious claims about its members' identity, rights, and duties. Focusing on the North and South Korean... more
Critical book report