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Chapter written for inclusion in University of Leeds Centenary publication 'Challenge and Renewal'. Includes many former staff and students in interview. Sadly the book was never published due to issues beyond the control of the editorial... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryHigher EducationDrama
We'll be among the bookfair exhibitors of the International Medieval Congress in Leeds. Come visit our virtual bookfair (🔗 to discover our new titles, our research projects and offers for IMC attendees. 📍 Leeds, UK... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ReligionMedieval StudiesMedieval Culture
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArabic PapyrologyRed Sea StudiesUniversity of Leeds
Rethinking the Medieval Frontier Conference – Leeds University,
10 April 2018
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      Medieval HistoryViking StudiesFrontierUniversity of Leeds
The Alhambra, a medieval Islamic palatine city located in Granada, Spain, is examined in this thesis as the product of material transformations and changing visual perceptions over time. Selected areas of the Nasrid palatial complex... more
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      ArtArchitectureUniversity of Leeds
This paper discusses how urban spaces can be used in subjective and creative ways that run counter to their intended uses. Using a local space as her case study, the cemetery at the University of Leeds, Tina introduces novel and inventive... more
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      PsychogeographyNeoliberalismCemeteryUniversity of Leeds
The candidate confirms that the work submitted is her own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and... more
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      Public DiplomacyPolitical ScienceDiplomacyUniversity of Leeds
This study investigates the sources of difficulties that Damascus University learners face in their composition writing courses at the Department of English Language and Literature. The research is carried out through a longitudinal study... more
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      EngineeringUniversity of Leeds
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    • University of Leeds
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      Medieval HistoryEarly ChristianityCognitive Science of ReligionRitual Studies
Reported in this thesis is a study of combustion in a disc-shaped combustion chamber spark ignition engine, and in-cylinder flow and combustion in an idealised pent-roof spark ignition engine. Both engines were skip fired, to remove... more
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    • University of Leeds
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    • University of Leeds
This thesis examines the relevance of the National Policy on Women (NPW) to the aspirations of Nigerian women through their eyes. It also investigates the extent to which state institutional capability exists to implement the policy (and... more
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      Political ScienceGender EqualityGender MainstreamingUniversity of Leeds
This thesis examines the opinions of, and advice tendered by, members of the Northern Department of the British Foreign Office during the years 1939-1942. Previous works on this era have focussed predominantly on the role of Winston... more
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      HistoryPolitical ScienceSoviet UnionUniversity of Leeds
The data set is derived from a cross-sectional survey among 150 multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in-patients in the National Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital (NIDCH) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The aims of the study... more
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      MedicineTuberculosisUniversity of Leeds
The microbial transformation of Fe (III) to Fe (II) can be coupled to the oxidation and reduction of organic contaminants in sub-oxic to anoxic environments. A multidisciplinary approach was adopted in this study to investigate the... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisPetroleumStable Isotope GeochemistryEnvironmental Chemistry
After all, is there a problem? And if so, what is it? Are there [transsexuals], really? (de Beauvoir, 1997 [1949]: 33 my insertion).
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    • University of Leeds
The status of sensation fiction as "popular literature" led Victorian critics to dismiss the genre as light literature, a tendency which has been perpetuated in literary criticism until very recent years. In this work, I attempt to place... more
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    • University of Leeds
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      EgyptGlobal HistoryIndian Ocean TradeYemen (History)
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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    • University of Leeds
Through creative practice and critical engagement this thesis argues that film and television adaptations of the work of Thomas Hardy have failed to capture elements of his writing both in terms of content and form. Hardy’s writing is... more
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      SociologyUniversity of Leeds
The candidate confirms that the work submitted is her own, except where work which has formed part of jointly authored publications has been included. The contribution of the candidate and the other authors to this work has been... more
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      BusinessAccountingSustainability ReportingIntegrated Reporting
This study investigated the experience of school science and its relationship to take-up of science amongst post-16 students in England. The empirical work was based on a two-phased mixed methods approach. The first phase consisted of... more
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    • University of Leeds
This thesis aims to answer the question: is there an ideology conditioning European A festivals’ awarding and representation of Italian cinema in the years 2000-2017 and, if so, how does it function? The project presents a systematic... more
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      PsychoanalysisArtFilm StudiesFilm Theory
CFP: (Re-)Forming Sculpture, Doctoral & Early Career Research Conference University of Leeds & The Hepworth Wakefield 26 - 27 June 2018 @forarthistory #summersymposium Keynote Speakers: Martina Droth, Deputy Director of Research,... more
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      History of SculptureSculptureDecorative ArtsSculptural Studies
This paper provides a methodology for critiquing dominant discourses as they pertain to spatial representation. Institutions and organisations offer up an idealogical narrative about themselves that represents how they wish to be... more
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      AestheticsFelix GuattariAffectUniversity of Leeds
High-quality, centre-based Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) benefits toddlers' development. New research investigated the effects of the COVID-19 disruptions on attendance and learning. It showed that ECEC boosted language... more
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    • University of Leeds
The candidate confirms that the work submitted is his own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and... more
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      Health CarePolitical SciencePoliticsUniversity of Leeds
In film, the communicative meanings associated with linguistic varieties in dialogue fulfil different diegetic functions, such as character portrayal. Consequently, the subtitling of linguistic varieties has received considerable critical... more
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      SociologyFilm StudiesLinguisticsMultimodality
This thesis investigates the employment of personal assistants (PAs) by disabled individuals in the UK. Personal assistance is considered to be one of the most essential services necessary for disabled people to achieve ‘independent... more
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      SociologyDisability StudiesSocial CareCo Operatives
This study is concerned with the comparison of religious education in Turkey and England with special reference to the teaching of Islam in secondary state schools. It aims to realise the following two main objectives in terms of... more
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      SociologyReligious EducationIslamUniversity of Leeds
Speakers were invited to consider issues of identity and heritage, arising from artistic reinterpretations of the past. In the call for papers, the organiser drew upon the work of Jerome de Groot. Writing in Remaking History: The Past in... more
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      HistorySocial IdentityCultural HeritageConsumption
Immersive Healthcare Collaboration 1. The design and development of immersive tools that are driven by learning requirements, and informed by the science of human behaviour and cognition. 2. Rigorous evaluation prior to, and during... more
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    • University of Leeds
Development of energy policy is often informed by economic considerations via aggregate production functions (APFs). We identify a theory-to-policy process involving APFs comprised of six steps: (1) selecting a theoretical energy-economy... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceEconomicsEconometrics
This thesis is a descriptive, evaluative and comparative study in the field of translation studies. One of the objectives for this thesis is to explore a valid criterion by which a literary translation can be evaluated efficiently and to... more
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      SociologyUniversity of Leeds
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Leeds (Department of Italian), 2004.
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      GeographyUniversity of Leeds
Get Ex Lover Back spellcasters, Need Ex Lover Back Spells, Marriage/Love Spells, Bring Back Lost Love Spells, Voodoo spells, Success spells, Black Magic spells, Divorce spells, Trusted Love Spells, wish spells Need Real Online Spell... more
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      ManchesterJulian of NorwichLeedsNorwich
Urbanisation in Malaysia's Klang Valley has been increasing rapidly. In order to accommodate the growing population, massive land use development is taking place. Much of this is occurring on the flood plain of the Klang River,... more
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    • University of Leeds
We would like to thank all of the people who agreed to be interviewed for this study. Thanks to A&E staff at Leeds General Infirmary and St. James' University Hospital for their help and cooperation with the study. Thanks to the... more
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    • University of Leeds
(research article) This article focuses on the history of Italian Studies in British universities and the use of the subject in Fascist propaganda and foreign policies through case studies of Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool universities... more
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      Intellectual HistoryItalian StudiesPropagandaLiberalism
Positive aboveground biomass trends have been reported from old-growth forests across the Amazon basin and hypothesized to reflect a large-scale response to exterior forcing. The result could, however, be an artefact due to a sampling... more
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      StatisticsClimate ChangeColombiaClimatology
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      Computer ScienceComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsEducation
British anarchism has a rich intellectual history. Although marginal as a political force, anarchist ideas developed in Britain into a distinctive political tradition. Kropotkin, Read, and the Intellectual History of British Anarchism... more
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureHistoryIntellectual History
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      British LiteratureHistoryMilitary HistoryModern History
This thesis aims to deepen our understanding of contemporary cultural production. It examines the experiences of ‘under-the-radar’ or grassroots musicians in electronic dance music (EDM), who use digital technologies to make and circulate... more
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      SociologyNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesPopular Music Studies
This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement.
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      GeographyEcosystem ServicesUniversity of Leeds
This thesis constitutes an inquiry into the relationship between nationalism and democracy in a particular setting-the postcommunist newly independent democracies. The purpose is to seek an answer to two related questions about what is... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical ScienceDemocratizationNationalism
Sorption-Enhanced Steam Reforming process (SESR) is an auspicious technology for hydrogen (H2) production with simultaneous capture of carbon dioxide (CO2) derived from design modifications performed on the conventional Steam Reforming... more
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    • University of Leeds
Spain was the last country in the Atlantic World to tolerate the traffic in slaves across the Ocean. For four centuries, millions of men, women and children were banished from their homelands and forced into a life of slavery in the... more
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      Political ScienceUniversity of Leeds