University Governance
Recent papers in University Governance
The Law provides equal right to participate and vote as the other academic members for the students. Students can vote on the way HEI's funds are spent (Article 66), the appointment of a new rector (Article 52), they can participate in... more
University and the Industry Linkages in India: A Catalyst for Excellence? Chetan B. Singai Research Fellow (EDGE) National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore Email: [email protected], [email protected]... more
A critical review of three recent publications that consider the current state of our universities, and their increasingly uncertain futures.
BAB 1 PENDAHULUAN Sejak tahun 2013 pemerintah telah menetapkan perubahan sistem pembayaran biaya kuliah bagi seluruh Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) di Indonesia dari sistem SPMA dengan uang pangkalnya menjadi sistem pembayaran tanpa uang... more
Durante la década de los ochenta, la especulación y la abrupta baja en los precios del petróleo, desataron una crisis financiera de gran magnitud, obligando a varios países subdesarrollados a reestructurar su modelo económico y políticas... more
This paper is about the challenges of employment for graduates of the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Tanzania which has been a serious issue of concern for both the students, parents, universities, the government, and the public.... more
Assessing global tendency towards high participation involves better understanding the dynamics specific to high participation systems (HPS). This chapter takes up the question of governance, understood as the set of mechanisms by which... more
Una reforma institucional de las universidades alrededor del mundo inició a finales de los años ochenta y principios de los noventa, generando una serie de ajustes en las prácticas académicas y formas organizativas con las cuáles operaban... more
Reflections of South African Student Leaders 1994-2017 brings together the reflections of twelve former SRC leaders from across the landscape of South African universities. Each student leader’s reflections are presented in a dedicated... more
La Voz del Interior, Córdoba, 14 oct 2018. En la Argentina, el pensamiento único avanza en la universidad sin apenas oposición. Pero aparentemente ha resuelto el otro problema por una vía expeditiva. La militancia universitaria sigue... more
This research was funded by, and implemented within, a UK national research organisation, while the author was the KE and Impact Evaluation Manager responsible for assessing impact on a £15m UK government-funded research programme. This... more
This research looks at university research governance in the framework of demands resulting from the scientific journal system in Colombia –SJSC-, which is in turn affected by international and national dynamics and which affects the... more
This presentation introduces a diagnostic instrument for higher education in emergencies. It draws on research conducted over the period 2020-2021 regarding response and recovery phases in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic; an emergency... more
European academics have been at the centre of ongoing higher education reforms, as changes in university governance and funding have led to changes in academic work and life. Discussing the academic profession, and most importantly, its... more
El propósito de este artículo es dar cuenta del problema de las bajas tasas de graduación en el sector universitario nacional de la Argentina, y de las políticas públicas e institucionales puestas en marcha en la primera década del 2000... more
This paper uses the lens of the stepped, sequential policy cycle and the policy triangle to explore the roles that institutional policy practitioners play with respect to higher education institutional policy in the United States, New... more
One of the major responsibilities of the Student Representatives to the Board of Regents is producing the annual Student Report to the Board. Not only do these reports signal the concerns of students, but they enter into the public record... more
Over the last three decades there have been significant changes in governing higher education institutions in almost all European countries. Many new national higher education acts have been passed. Several reforms have had the key... more
Student governance is one of the most challenging domains of SAS because it is a politically involved and sensitive function that affects all students and is directed not only towards the student body but the institution as a whole as... more
A partir del análisis crítico de diversas fuentes documentales, en especial sus normativas y actas de funcionamiento, el presente artículo analiza la actuación del Consejo Interuniversitario Nacional (CIN) en el período 1990-1999.... more
Country case study prepared for the 2017/8 Global Education Monitoring Report This paper was commissioned by the Global Education Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 2017/8 GEM Report, Accountability... more
While much research on quality assurance in higher education has centred on issues related to the impact on teaching and learning and academic staff, there is a significant gap in the area of quality assurance and academic governance.... more
The racial desegregation of the student bodies of historically white universities in South Africa has had significant political implications for student politics and university governance. I discuss two key moments in the governance... more
This study is contextualised by higher education policy reforms initiated three decades ago by the Hawke-Keating Labor Government under the leadership of John Dawkins, then Minister for Employment, Education and Training. The profound... more
แนวทางง่ายๆ ในการปรับกระบวนการศึกษาของไทยให้มีลักษณะเป็นสากล มีการประยุกต์แนวคิดพื้นฐานของการเรียนรู้แบบตะวันตก แต่มีเอกลักษณ์เฉพาะของเราเอง นั้นอาจจะเริ่มด้วยการที่สถาบันอุดมศึกษา ผู้สอน และผู้เรียนร่วมกันตั้งคำถามง่ายๆ 5 คำ ได้แก่... more
This article explores the role that universities play in shaping the relationship between academics and their work. Drawing on Miller and Rose's interpretation of our present era as being characterised by ‘Advanced Liberal’ governance,... more
Higher Education policies in the wake of New Public Management altered university governance and reduced the role of the state, much public funding becoming contingent on performance. The organizational model for the entrepreneurial... more
This paper will consider the panel theme through an Asian perspective, at a national university in rural Japan. The site is Hirosaki University, located in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. Aomori is a rural prefecture of northern Japan, with low... more
This study attempted to compare the management practices in public and private universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Pakistan. The comparison is based on availability of written rules and regulations, distribution of tasks, availability of... more
Universities are founded on principles of free and robust speech. When it comes to the governance of our institutions however, such principles can seem just about the last consideration for management. This is shown in a series of... more
The training of competent professionals, with a vision and stamp of commitment to society, must go beyond traditional teaching processes, with innovation being a key factor. Service-learning (S-L) is a methodology that integrates teaching... more
Although diversified strategies have most often been suggested as the panacea for addressing the financial challenges of universities, equally important is the capacity of institutions to properly utilize their existing capacities and... more
This open letter to Ontario Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development sets out grave governance issues at York University. The composition of the Board of Governors (100% of external members from big business and big banking)... more
There are now bookshelves filled with critical analyses of the fallout of free-market neoliberal corporate culture as it is being played out in universities. As (former) public institutions of education and knowledge production plunge... more