Universal Periodic Review

127 papers
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The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a unique human rights mechanism established by the United Nations, which involves a periodic assessment of the human rights records of all UN member states. It aims to improve human rights conditions globally through constructive dialogue and recommendations among states.
The United Nations (UN) human rights regime plays a crucial role in establishing international norms, protecting fundamental freedoms, and holding states accountable for human rights violations. This paper examines the greatest successes... more
This Paper addresses how the United Nations system can improve state accountability for the implementation of international human rights law and standards, to bring about increased respect for the realisation of human rights at a country... more
The research reveals both progress and gaps in public service provision for marginalized and deprived communities in Bangladesh. Despite having progressive laws and policies to build more inclusive governance system in provision of public... more
This paper examines contemporary debates on human rights in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, with a specific focus on Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. It explores key areas of contention, including freedom of... more
We propose a new formulation for controlling inventory in a two-echelon distribution system consisting of one warehouse and multiple non-identical retailers. In such a system, customer demand occurs based on a normal distribution at the... more
The Constitution is the highest law of a country, through which a state is governed. The confidence of the people is seen in the constitution. Never come back; the people of the public should return to the people.Because all the power in... more
Human rights violations are contemporary occurring in conflict environments and remain a critical worldwide issue because they affect peace stability and both national and international security along with development. The article... more
Indigenous communities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh contend with multifaceted governance challenges, including representation, resource allocation, and access to services. This paper investigates the potential of... more
This paper is concerned with the receding horizon control of the production rate of a deteriorating production system with a nonlinear inventory-level-dependent demand. Both continuous and periodic review policies are discussed and... more
This paper is concerned with the receding horizon control of the production rate of a deteriorating production system with a nonlinear inventory-level-dependent demand. Both continuous and periodic review policies are discussed and... more
"La Defensoría de los Habitantes realiza esta contribución para la 47°Sesión del CDH (IV Ciclo periodo 2022-2027) en un contexto complejo y marcado por riesgos de regresividad en Derechos Humanos en Costa Rica"
Informe nacional presentado en virtud de las resoluciones 5/1 y 16/21 del Consejo de Derechos Humanos* Costa Rica * El presente documento se publica sin haber sido objeto de revisión editorial oficial. A/HRC/WG.6/47/CRI/1
resumen de los envíos de las agencias de Naciones Unidas (A/HRC/WG.6/47/CRI/2) EPU Costa Rica 2024
Resumen de las comunicaciones de las partes interesadas
sobre Costa Rica: actorías que enviaron informes que no son ni Estado ni del Sistema de Naciones Unidas para el proceso de EPU Costa Rica 2024
Esta es la versión extendida, es decir que NO es la versión presentada formalmente al EPU, sino la base sobre la cual se hizo el informe sobre el cual se hará/hizo el EPU para Costa Rica
A new frontier in the sociology of globalization, law and markets is the study of global scripts, the articulation of global norms in formal written documents. This focus has been directed primarily to single sets of scripts authorized by... more
Severe crackdowns on freedom of expression and peaceful assembly continued to be reported, including police use of excessive or unnecessary force to suppress protests. The rights of workers and ethnic and religious minorities were under... more
The following article looks into the newly created Universal Periodic Review, a mechanism for the evaluation of the human rights situation of all United Nations State members, briefly explaining the origin of the Universal Periodic... more
The child should be fully prepared to live as an individual in society, embodying the principles of peace, dignity, resilience, freedom, justice, and unity." (From the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) "Throughout... more
Este trabajo se enfoca en el análisis estadístico de las corrientes migratorias extranjeras que entraron por el principal puerto mexicano, Veracruz, entre 1825-1848. Las variables consideradas son el nombre, la nacionalidad, el sexo, la... more
Hi-tech companies that want to innovate their products use, quite often, and quite naturally, technology as a driver. But, technology is only one of several drivers of change within product development. It is becoming more and more... more
Control of inventory in production and operation systems is very important for better management and utilization of resources. In this paper, the optimal control of a periodic-review inventory system with items deterioration is... more
This paper attempts to discuss the conflict between the liberal doctrine of Universal Human Rights and cultural relativism from the view point of development and human security in Asia. Using the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a... more
In the 20th century, the women's issue in Azerbaijan realised the most important directions of its formation, both on socio-political and legal grounds. In the 21st century, President Ilham Aliyev's decrees and orders reflecting... more
This article explores civil society organizations’ (CSOs) views on the contemporary situation of LGBT+people in Bangladesh. It is a lacuna requiring attention because of the country’s poor and deteriorating equality and human rights... more
The information provided in this course manual is by the Course Coordinator Prof. Rashmi Raman. The following information contains the official record of the details of the course. This information shall form part of the University... more
The Head of the Afghan delegation underlined the importance of the UPR system and reiterated Afghanistan's commitment towards the principles of human rights. In the State's report, Afghanistan underlined the steps taken to develop a... more
Prispevek, ki temelji na kritični analizi nekaj sociološke teoretske literature o globalizaciji, skuša odgovoriti na dve vprašanji. Prvo se nanaša na pojmovanje zgodovinskih razsežnosti globalizacije, drugo pa na opredelitev odnosov med... more
Purpose: One challenge in inventory control models is to know the stock available at the beginning of the cycle to satisfy future demands, i.e. to know the on-hand stock levels at order delivery. For inventory managers, this knowledge is... more
La mise en place de l'examen périodique universel constitue l'innovation majeure de la réforme de 2006 au terme de laquelle fut créé le Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations Unies, en remplacement de la Commission des droits de... more
This paper aimed to ascertain parental evidence of impact of policy on worst forms of child labour (WFCL) in rural and urban Ghana amongst 460 participants: I utilised 400 survey participants whose children were/were not involved in child... more
Purpose: One challenge in inventory control models is to know the stock available at the beginning of the cycle to satisfy future demands, i.e. to know the on-hand stock levels at order delivery. For inventory managers, this knowledge is... more
This paper focuses on computing on-hand stock levels at the beginning of a replenishment cycle for a lost sales inventory system with periodic reviews and discrete demand. A base-stock policy is used for replenishments. The literature... more
The fill rate is usually computed by using the traditional approach, which calculates it as the complement of the quotient between the expected unfulfilled demand and the expected demand per replenishment cycle, instead of directly the... more
Purpose: One of the most usual indicators to measure the performance of any inventory policy is the mean stock level. In the generalized base stock, periodic review policy, the expected mean stock during the replenishment cycle is usually... more
The paper proposes a method to compute the exact cycle service level for (s, Q) continuous review policy in the presence of undershoots and discrete demand in the discrete time domain. Prior to this, it is necessary to review the... more
The primary goal of this paper is the development of a generalized method to compute the fill rate for any discrete demand distribution in a periodic review policy. The fill rate is defined as the fraction of demand that is satisfied... more
With the adoption of a service-oriented paradigm on the Web, many software services are likely to fulfil similar functional needs of the end-users. We propose in this paper to aggregate functionally equivalent software services within one... more
, reze, inovacije in, čeprav morda nevidno, tudi nove emancipatorne potenciale, ki jih je moč doseči le če, kot pravi Badiou (2004: 15), politiko osvobodimo tiranije zgodovine in jo kot tako vrnemo razsežnosti dogodka. 8 Ravno kot takega... more
DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page... more
In this paper, we consider an inventory problem with two demand classes having different priorities. The appropriate policy of rationing the available stock, i.e. reserving some stock for meeting prospective future demand of preferred... more