Universal Basic Income

727 papers
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Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an economic policy proposal that advocates for providing all citizens with a regular, unconditional sum of money, regardless of their financial status or employment. The aim is to reduce poverty, enhance economic security, and promote social equity by ensuring a basic standard of living for everyone.
While economic liberalism has delivered national wealth, substantial portions of the population have been left behind. The precariously and unemployed experience reduced wellbeing that may be remedied by their greater involvement in... more
Universal basic income – the idea of guaranteeing a minimum level of income for all – has a long history of been framed as a radical proposal, a way to address issues ranging from wealth distribution and economic justice through to... more
Two vital challenges facing the world are global inequality and global climate change. Solutions to both these problems are urgently needed, but, given current policies, they can potentially conflict with each other. The United Nations... more
In 2015/16, stress was found psychologically to be responsible for 37% of work-related illnesses and 45% of working days lost due to illness in Great Britain. Stress has also been linked to long-term chronic health conditions – including... more
While basic income has surged in policy interest in recent years, political research has not kept up with the debate in the trenches. In this paper we tackle a political problem any enacting coalition must face: how to ensure the... more
A wealth of new writing has emerged around the future of labour, focusing on thinking beyond employment in imagining the futures of ‘surplus populations’ no longer needed by labour markets. These new imaginaries include radically... more
Opposition to Universal Basic Income (UBI) is encapsulated by Martinelli's claim that 'an affordable basic income would be inadequate, and an adequate basic income would be unaffordable'. In this article, we present a model of health... more
We analyze the environmental implications of basic income programs through literature review, government documents, pilot studies, and interviews eliciting expert knowledge. We consider existing knowledge and then use a grounded approach... more
A large body of evidence indicates the importance of upstream determinants to health. Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been suggested as an upstream intervention capable of promoting health by affecting material, biopsychosocial and... more
This is just the first page/abstract; the full article can be accessed on the TWQ website: This article carries out a psychoanalytic critique of Post-Development, arguing that the latter’s inattention to the unconscious underpinnings of... more
This paper explores universal basic income (UBI) in relation to crisis, from COVID-19 to techno-economic disruptions to work and prospective postcapitalist transition. Critical debates around automation, wage labour and post-work are... more
The recent implementation of various guaranteed basic income (GBI) trials presents an opportunity to consider how such policies should be evaluated. If past experience is any guide, they will be judged primarily on the basis of... more
This article draws upon clinical experience of GPs working in a deprived area of the North East of England to examine the potential contribution of Universal Basic Income to health by mitigating ‘patient-side barriers’ among three cohorts... more
It is well-established that policy aiming to change individual consumption patterns for environmental or other ethical reasons faces a trade-off between effectiveness and public acceptance. The more ambitious a policy intervention is, the... more
Why would the long-term unemployed poor continue to insist that wage labour must remain the key path to income – even in a place like South Africa, with endemic structural unemployment and spiralling inequality? This paper explores this... more
Finland is widely considered a frontrunner in the European basic income debate, primarily because of the decision by Juha Sipila ̈’s centre-right coalition government to design and conduct the first national basic income experiment... more
Universal basic income (UBI) is increasingly proposed as a simple answer to the problem of domination at work-one policy whose knock-on effects will transform the balance of power between workers and employers. I argue against such... more
This article critiques postoperaist conceptualisations of immaterial labour from the perspective of Marxian value-form theory. Critiquing the idea of the 'crisis of measurability' created by immaterial labour and the contention that this... more
An overview of the international debates on Universal Basic Income
En este trabajo se analizan diversas razones que, procedentes de la filosofía política y el Derecho positivo, pueden justificar el establecimiento de una renta básica universal. En primer lugar se ofrece una visión panorámica de la... more
We examine the effect of unconditional cash transfers by a unitary discrete labour supply model. We argue that there is no negative income effect of social transfers in the case of poor adults because leisure could not be assumed to be a... more
This research note examines a relationship between public attitudes toward Universal Basic Income (UBI) and country-level social and economic conditions in 21 European Countries. Despite abundant theoretical and empirical research on, a... more
Public performances carried out in support of the movement for a universal basic income—such as a massive ‘currency-dump’ of Swiss francs in a public square by a group of Swiss artists and activists, a series of ‘speculative... more
in Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, vol. 4 issue 2: Waged work has been a central issue for the Disabled People’s Movement since its inception. For example, the influential... more
Amy Castro and Stacia West (2022), with whom I have had the opportunity to exchange ideas on these pages, defend the need to continue experimenting with cash transfer policies through new experiments or pilot projects such as the Stockton... more
The COVID-19 Pandemic is projected to cause an economic shock larger than the Global Financial Crisis of 2007/2008 and a recession as great as anything seen since the Great Depression in 1930s. The social and economic consequences of... more
"Mit Durchführung der Schröderschen Arbeitsmarktreformen ist der schon einmal in den 1980er Jahren diskutierte Vorschlag eines bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens und die mit ihm verbundene Diagnose einer »Krise der Arbeitsgesellschaft« in... more
Canada has had recurring debates about guaranteed or basic income over several decades. This article outlines reasons for implementing basic income in the Canadian context. These reasons include reducing poverty and inequality,... more
This paper presents the idea of the Job Guarantee (JG), which is a logical extension of the paradigm of a tax-driven fiat currency. The JG involves the government offering a public purpose-oriented job with a fixed hourly wage and job... more
In the context of the UK Government's 'prevention agenda', Laura Webber and colleagues have called for a 'health in all policies' approach. Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a system of cash transfers to citizens and recent research... more
Abstract: Relying on archival and firsthand accounts, we argue that existing scholarship on the welfare rights movement has silenced many of the more radical feminist tendencies and accorded undue emphasis to the way recipient activists... more
In seiner späteren Schrift von 1797 unterschied Paine zwei verschiedene Formen von Eigentum: Das ursprüngliche Eigentum ist das Eigentum aller Menschen an der Natur, an dem, »das uns vom Schöpfer des Weltalls zugeteilt wurde, z. B. Erde,... more
In this article, we explore the prospects of Basic Income (BI) as a development policy tool. Our approach is to analyse the BI as a tool for promoting micro-investments and as a general development policy instrument, thus deliberately... more
The article proposes a short term scenario analysis concerning the possible relations between automation, education, and unemployment. According to the author, the scenario analysis elaborated by the McKinsey Global Institute in 2013... more
In this article, we present an anti-capitalist argument for basic income based on its predicted effects on the wage share dynamics and its relation with the working class' bargaining power. Our considerations are located in the Marxist... more
This paper decomposes global inequality in redistribution, using data from the World Development Indicators data set of the World Bank. It finds that per capita income has a modest, yet persistent effect on redistribution. More... more
Mit diesem Vortrag verfolge ich in erster Linie das Ziel, einen Beitrag zur Selbstverständigung im noch jungen und sich formierenden Netzwerk Grundeinkommen zu leisten in einer Frage, die mir für das Netzwerk zentral zu sein scheint: Was... more
Republicanism - in particular the 'Roman' or 'neo-Roman' republicanism of Philip Pettit and Quentin Skinner - has brought notions of domination and power to the forefront of political philosophy. Its proponents argue that non-domination... more
La sustitución laboral de seres humanos por robots es gradual pero imparable. El proceso se acelera con un tipo de neofeudalismo en el que las distancias entre los que «tienen» y los que «no tienen» no hace sino aumentar a escala global.... more
Is Artificial Intelligence qualitatively different from other means of economizing the use of labor? Are we on the edge of a jobless society? If yes, are we ready for it? These are a few of the questions discussed in this collection of... more
Contemporary research endeavors and discussions addressing the issue of Universal Basic Income are usually concerned with the ethics, economic feasibility, and social necessity of its introduction. I believe that these approaches suffer... more
Abstrakt: Tekst jest recenzją książki Guya Standinga, stanowiącej przystępne i kompleksowe wprowadzenie do problematyki bezwarunkowego dochodu podstawowego (BDP). Autor przygląda się, w kontekście niedawnych publikacji Standinga, dwóm... more
In this article the issue of basic income is analyzed along five main research vectors: A putative " Italian delay " concerning both the reception of the international debate on basic income and the original elaboration of its... more
Unconditional basic income (UBI) is a concept intended to tackle the problem of redistributing wealth within a welfare state setting, providing citizens (or residents) of a nation a regular basic monetary transfer without preconditions on... more
This new edited collection brings together historians and social scientists to engage with the global history of Universal Basic Income (UBI) and offer historically-rich perspectives on contemporary debates about the future of work. In... more
A cura di Floriana Galluccio, Marco Maggioli e Riccardo Morri Numero speciale del Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia, supplemento al fascicolo 2/2021, realizzato grazie al finanziamento per la ricerca del Dipartimento di Studi... more