Universal Basic Income

727 papers
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Universal Basic Income (UBI) is an economic policy proposal that advocates for providing all citizens with a regular, unconditional sum of money, regardless of their financial status or employment. The aim is to reduce poverty, enhance economic security, and promote social equity by ensuring a basic standard of living for everyone.
This short paper reflects on the key lessons we can learn from the political debate around and policy experimentation with (emergency) basic income schemes in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the pandemic crisis initially seems... more
The growing popularity of basic income has led to extensive trials of the policy in numerous settings across the world. However, analysis of the politics of basic income, and in particular the political dynamics preceding and resulting... more
Using a mixed-methods approach combining econometric analysis, scenario modeling, and industry case studies, and drawing from comprehensive datasets including government statistics, industry reports, and academic research, this study... more
Bir ülkenin uyguladığı sosyal güvenlik sisteminin sürdürülebilirliği o ülke insanlarının huzuru ile doğru orantılıdır. Sistem ne kadar iyi işlerse insanlar da o kadar geleceğe umutla bakar. Ayrıca bir devletin sosyal devlet olma derecesi... more
Este documento presenta un resumen detallado de ¿Qué es una sociedad justa? de Philippe Van Parijs, una obra fundamental en la filosofía política contemporánea. Se abordan las principales corrientes del pensamiento sobre la justicia,... more
The proposal for a graduated basic income is an innovative approach to unemployment and poverty. It tackles structural unemployment, encourages self-help, and provides a fairer, more transparent alternative to current welfare systems. By... more
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic affected the homeless serving sector in significant ways, including impacts on service users and service providers. In this qualitative case study from Ottawa, Canada, we conducted 28... more
Evrensel Temel Gelir (ETG), herhangi bir test veya koşula bağlı kalmadan tüm vatandaşlara devlet tarafından düzenli nakit ödemeyi taahhüt eden radikal bir sosyal politika önerisidir. Yoksulluk ve gelir eşitsizliği ile mücadelede öne çıkan... more
W artykule postaram się wykazać, że wprowadzenie powszechnego dochodu podstawowego w ogromnej większości państw przyczyni się do tego, że żyjące w tych państwach społeczeństwa staną się bardziej egalitarne. Przez większą egalitarność... more
Si configura il reato di cui all’art. 7, comma 2, L. 28 marzo 2019 n. 26 nel caso di omessa comunicazione di una variazione patrimoniale rilevante, sussistente anche nel caso di conseguimento di somme di denaro per donazione (nella... more
Blatenje dobrega imena in časti je nekaj, kar vsak posameznik doživlja popolnoma subjektivno. Pri samem doživljanju žaljenja in blatenja igrajo pomembno vlogo individualni in družbeni odzivi ter sam proces žalitve in njene posledice.... more
Blatenje dobrega imena in časti je nekaj, kar vsak posameznik doživlja popolnoma subjektivno. Pri samem doživljanju žaljenja in blatenja igrajo pomembno vlogo individualni in družbeni odzivi ter sam proces žalitve in njene posledice.... more
La propuesta de Renta Básica Universal cada vez es más conocida tanto en el terreno académico como fuera de él y eso le ha llevado a recibir cada vez más atención y también más críticas. Es difícilmente cuestionable que la Renta Básica... more
This article examines the concept of Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) in Polish context, analyzing its development and prospects after 30 years of relative stagnation. The author presents two main scenarios: a gradual reform of the... more
Aquí refuto el núcleo a partir del cual se erige el edificio teórico del “libertarismo” : la teoría de la apropiación original, es decir, la explicación de cómo algunas personas llegan a ser propietarias de algo (y otras no). Ese núcleo... more
This study examines the potential of Universal Basic Income (UBI) in Mexico, using the Pension for the Well-being of Older Adults (PBPAM) as a case study. The objective is to analyze how the PBPAM could serve as a precedent and model for... more
We analyze the Bolsa Verde Program, arguing that it likely was the world’s first largescale institution of a Green Basic Income Program. As such, the initiative presents a unique opportunity to evaluate the potential environmental uses... more
Workers and business owners of the world, unite! Or let’s try this one: Poor people, middle class, and rich of the world, unite! What for? For demanding from the ultra-rich — net worth over 50M — a universal basic capital, meaning, a... more
Mapas conceituais são ótimas fontes de aprendizado e memorização de conteúdos complexos. Diferentemente dos mapas mentais, eles não possuem muitas cores ou imagens, focando nas relações entre conceitos, com cada ligação sendo feita por... more
The dawn of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) marks a pivotal moment in human history, promising unprecedented advancements across various sectors while simultaneously raising profound socio-economic concerns. As we stand on the brink... more
Making the case for the cuts required to deliver the budget to surplus by the start of the next decade, treasurer Joe Hockey said prosperity was not a gift or a matter of luck, but rather "needs to be earned". The budget suggests all... more
The present article debates the fundamental points of an Ecological UBI proposal. First, a literature review on Ecological/Environmental Ethics is brought up. Green Republicanism also sets up a theoretical foundation for an Ecological... more
The views expressed in this paper are those of the author(s), and do not necessarily represent the views of BIEN or BIEN-Suisse.
Basic income and degrowth are both ideas with a great critical potential. They force us to reflect on our views of people and society, on our visions and values. Many of the “truths” related to the industrial society are suddenly watered... more
Hvorfor kunne CASA ikke komme med en ny frigørende borgerlønsfortælling? I betragtning af, at CASA i sit udspring og sin formålsformulering er forpligtet på at udvikle alternative samfundsanalyser og alternative samfundsmæssige... more
Den svaere balance« mellem arbejds-og familieliv I 1993 udsendte Ligestillingsrådet en debat-antologi: »Den svaere balance.« (Carlsen m.fl. 1993). Det var isaer børnefamilierne med to fuldtidsarbejdende foraeldre og børn i... more
Uddrag af bogen Erik Christensen: "Borgerløn. Fortaellinger om en politisk idé." Hovedland 2000. s. 306-310. Politologen lektor Jørn Loftager fra Institut for Statskundskab ved Aarhus Universitet fremlagde i perioden 1992-94 flere... more
Danske samfundsforskeres forhold til basisindkomst/borgerløn i 1990érne Kirsten Ketscher om basisindkomst/borgerløn Erik Christensen Uddrag af bogen Erik Christensen: "Borgerløn. Fortaellinger om en politisk idé." Hovedland 2000. s.... more
Jørn Henrik Petersen, der var regeringsudpeget medlem i Socialkommissionen, optrådte imidlertid også som en ivrig og flittig politisk debattør af velfærdsstatens krise i kronikker, tidsskriftsartikler og bøger både på det over- ordnede... more
This article critically examines Foucault's engagement with neoliberalism. While Foucault declares that his analysis of this tradition is primarily descriptive, I argue that he continually questions whether neoliberalism is less... more
The paper reviews Circles UBI as an illustrative case study of implementing the idea of universal basic income (UBI) on blockchain. Circles was born out of the Gnosis Chain as a more democratic alternative to Bitcoin coupled with the... more
L'elaborato analizza il tema del reddito di cittadinanza, nella sue diverse accezioni, indagandone le interferenze con la disciplina giulavoristica e previdenziale alla luce delle metamorfosi del lavoro. Dopo aver ricostruito la... more
The paper reviews Circles UBI as an illustrative case study of implementing the idea of universal basic income (UBI) on blockchain. Circles was born out of the Gnosis Chain as a more democratic alternative to Bitcoin coupled with the... more
I 1983 udgav den tidligere generalsekretær for forbrugerorganisationernes internationale samarbejdsorganisation »Inter-Coop«, cand. polit. Niels Hoff (1911-87) en lille bemærkelsesværdig bog på Forlaget i Haarby: »Borgerstipendiet – den... more
Den franske socialistiske forfatter André Gorz (f. 1924), der i mange år var journalist på Le Nouvel Observateur og Les Temp Modernes, blev især kendt i Danmark fra en række bøger, der i slutningen af 1970’erne og i begyndelsen af... more
I februar 1978 udgav naturvidenskabsmanden, professor i fysik, Niels I. Meyer (f. 1930-2023), den radikale politiker og tidligere minister Kristen Helveg Petersen (1909-97) og filosoffen Villy Sørensen (f. 1929) bogen: »Oprør fra midten«... more
Den svenske økonom Gunnar Adler-Karlsson (f. 1933), elev af Gunnar Myrdal, blev i 1973 professor i samfundsvidenskab på RUC. I 1975 udgav han en bog på svensk, der året efter blev oversat til dansk: »Lærebog for 80’erne. Et... more
En sammenlignende analyse af de forskellige samfundsvidenskabelige paradigmer om borgerløn Efter at have foretaget denne første del af paradigmeanalysen, der bl.a. har bestået i at se og forstå paradigmeudviklingen »indefra« hos de seks... more
En af Englands mest kendte og respekterede økonomiske kommentatorer, Samuel Brittan (f. 1933), der siden 1978 har været redaktør og columnist på Financial Times, har i de sidste 20 år været en fremtrædende liberal fortaler for... more
En »basic income« pioner Bill Jordan (f. 1941) er en af »basic income«-ideens pionerer i den samfundsvidenskabelige verden i England. Han var en af stifterne af det forskningsnetvaerk, der blev dannet først i England (»Basic Income... more
En feministisk pioner Nancy Fraser var i en årrække professor i filosofi på Northwestern University, Chicago, USA. Siden 1995 har hun været professor i politisk filosofi på New School for Social Research i New York. Hun har igennem... more
Habermas’ og Offes videnskabelige produktion de sidste 20 år viser, at der siden midt i 1960’erne har eksisteret en tæt kommunikation mellem dem, først i form af et egentligt arbejdsfællesskab, siden i form af en gensidig teoretisk... more
Este artigo argumenta que a desvalorização das culturas tradicionais no Brasil deve-se, em grande parte, ao processo de modernização exportado do centro para a periferia. Esse processo valoriza demasiadamente a 'ética do desempenho',... more
'Sacred economics' is the final instalment of my series of essays Harnessing Human Nature to Save the World. Eisenstein's The Ascent of Humanity: Civilization and the Human Sense of Self (2007) and Sacred economics: Money, gift and... more
Art for Radical Ecologies is a platform impulsed by Institute of Radical Imagination that brings together art workers and eco-activists to discuss the role art can play in the creation of new radical ecologies. The Art for Radical... more
Art for UBI (manifesto) was born as an international platform of artists and activists who came together in winter 2019-2020 around the topics of income, social justice and economic sustainability. Those were the months of the first... more
Healthcare expenditure by the government is accounted by the different sources of funding. They include central government, state government, local government, households, external funding, firms and other sources including NGOs. The... more