Unified Model

3,036 papers
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A Unified Model is a theoretical framework that integrates multiple concepts, theories, or phenomena into a single cohesive structure, aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of complex systems or processes across various disciplines, such as physics, economics, or social sciences.
This paper presents an extended formulation of the Competition Model. The extended model is designed to account for a larger range of phenomena in first and second language acquisition, including bilingualism. As in the classic version of... more
A Spatio-temporal data model for biodiversity is growing importance to the biodiversity data management, forest and environment control. Spatio-temporal data models have received much attention in the database research community because... more
We present a unifying mechanism for photoinhibition based on current obsevations from in vivo studies rather than from in vitro studies with isolated thylakoids or PS II membranes. In vitro studies have limited relevance for in vivo... more
This paper describes our developing understanding of low-temperature oxidation kinetics. We have investigated the ignition of the three pentane isomers in a rapid compression machine over a wide range of temperatures and pressures... more
Monicelli's suicide has reawakened a political and legal dispute about the medical role in end-of-life decisions, allowing us to discuss medical, ethical, legal, religious and political debate in various paradigmatic conscious and... more
We discuss the possibility to implement a viscous cosmological model, attributing to the dark matter component a behaviour described by bulk viscosity. Since bulk viscosity implies negative pressure, this rises the possibility to unify... more
We attempt to find new symmetries in the space-time structure,leading to a modified gravitation at large length scales,which provides the foundations of a quantum gravity at very low energies. This search begins by considering a unified... more
We attempt to find new symmetries in the space-time structure, leading to a modified gravitation at large length scales, which provides the foundations of a quantum gravity at very low energies. This search begins by considering a unified... more
In this paper we demonstrate the applicability of the unified model and parameter extraction method (UMEM), previously developed by us, to organic thin film transistors, OTFTs. The UMEM, which has been previously used with a-Si:H,... more
Data mining evolved as a collection of applicative problems and efficient solution algorithms relative to rather peculiar problems, all focused on the discovery of relevant information hidden in databases of huge dimensions. In... more
Our goal is to develop 'smart indoor environments' that are monitored unobtrusively by biometric capture devices, such as video cameras, microphones, etc. Such environments will keep track of their occupants and be capable of answering... more
The Modified Chaplygin Gas (MCG) model belongs to the class of a unified models of dark energy (DE) and dark matter (DM). It is characterized by an equation of state (EoS) p c = Bρ-A/ρ α , where the case B = 0 corresponds to the... more
This paper describes interprocess communication and process dispatching on the Intel 432. The primary assets of the facility are its generality and its usefulness in a wide range of applications. The conceptual model, supporting... more
This paper describes interprocess communication and process dispatching on the Intel 432. The primary assets of the facility are its generality and its usefulness in a wide range of applications. The conceptual model, supporting... more
In this workshop, we will continue to reflect on a models and modeling perspective to understand how students and teachers learn and reason about real life situations encountered in a mathematics and science classroom. We will discuss the... more
The neutron electric dipole moment is investigated in a supersymmetric electroweak model admitting SU(2) W singlet and Q = -1/3, say D-type, quarks. Significant CP violating phases appear in the coupling between the singlet D-type quarks... more
We reconsider the unified model of gravitation and Yang-Mills interactions proposed by Chakraborty and Peldán, in the light of recent formal developments in loop quantum gravity. In particular, we show that one can promote the Hamiltonian... more
Development involves changes in social, economic and institutional structures. Quantifying development requires a large array of variables with different characteristics often highly correlated. A factor analysis approach using... more
The article discusses the concept and principles of building unified information space and presents a scheme for its formation. The article considers formation of unified information space using a specialized information computer system,... more
In this paper we present a new workflow allowing the creation of 3D characters in an automated way that does not require the expertise of an animator. This workflow is based of the acquisition of real human data captured by 3D body... more
Aggregate and sectoral comovement are central features of business cycles, so the ability to generate comovement is a natural litmus test for macroeconomic models. But it is a test that most models fail. We propose a unified model that... more
We present the first preliminary estimate of the evolution of type 1 AGNs at 15 µm. A new sample of sources selected from the ELAIS-S1 survey has been used together with the RMS sample. The ELAIS-S1 survey covers an effective area of 2.2... more
We present the 15-mm luminosity function of type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN1; quasistellar object þ Seyfert 1). Our sample of 21 high-redshift sources is selected from the Preliminary Analysis catalogue in the S1 field of the European... more
We present a unified model of photonic-band-gap impurities and optical microcavities by using a onedimensional distributed Bragg reAector. A variable-width center layer creates impurity photon states within the photonic band gap. We show... more
We present a unified model of photonic-band-gap impurities and optical microcavities by using a onedimensional distributed Bragg reAector. A variable-width center layer creates impurity photon states within the photonic band gap. We show... more
We consider a semiconductor microcavity driven by a coherent and stationary holding beam, in two distinct configurations. In the first, no carriers are injected in the multiple-quantum-well structure and the optical nonlinearity is... more
There is a need to develop a contemporary and internationally accepted conceptual description of physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM). The process of evolving such a definition can now rely on the unifying conceptual model and... more
The neural crest is a unique cell population induced at the lateral border of the neural plate. Neural crest is not produced at the anterior border of the neural plate, which is fated to become forebrain. Here, the roles of BMPs, FGFs,... more
Monicelli's suicide has reawakened a political and legal dispute about the medical role in end-of-life decisions, allowing us to discuss medical, ethical, legal, religious and political debate in various paradigmatic conscious and... more
This paper grew out of a suggestion from Anthony M. Santomero, who would have been a collaborator and co-author had he not received and graciously heeded a call to public service. His comments on the paper have been most helpful. I also... more
We analyze the 2−10 keV X-ray emission of complete samples of AGN and galaxies selected at 12µm and recently compiled by Rush, Malkan & Spinoglio (1993). The content in active galaxies of the 12µm sample is indeed much larger and less... more
In this work, we examine critically the relation between orbital magnetic dipole (scissors mode) strength and quadrupole deformation properties. Assuming a simple K = 0 ground state band in an even-even nucleus, the quantities Q(2 + 1)... more
Using the interaction $Q \cdot Q ~+~ xV_{S.O.}$ where $V_{S.O.}$ is a two-body spin-orbit interaction, we study the effects of varying x on the static electric quadrupole and magnetic dipole moments of the $2^+_1$ and $2^+_2$ states of... more
This paper examines the Bernoulli admission control policy for the two phase bulk arrival retrial queueing system wherein the customers has the option either to take second phase of service or to leave the system after completing first... more
High-spin rotational levels in tTSTa are populated in the tTSLu(~, 4n)tT~Ta reaction and the de-excitation),-ray cascades are studied with the y-~ coincidence technique. The rotational hands, which are built on the ~+ [404], 3 + [402],... more
A unified model with a single set of kinetic parameters has been proposed for modeling the autoignition delay times of a wide range of alkanes using detailed kinetic mechanisms automatically generated by software EXGAS. The validations... more
To evaluate the impact of emission change in East Asia on the surface ozone concentration and crop yield loss especially for wheat and rice, we developed a one-way nested global-regional chemical transport model, and conducted 1-year... more
for such models using Escript. The consequent results for different types of convection are presented and the stability of the observed flow patterns with respect to different initial conditions and computational resolutions is discussed.
Multicolor infrared ultrafast spectroscopy is applied to investigate the vibrational relaxation dynamics in liquid water at room temperature. In a sequence of experiments, both the stretching and the bending mode are photoexcited and... more
SOA is a Buzzword today and much is said about it, the actual goal of SOA is to help align IT capabilities with business goals .Another important goal of SOA is to provide an agile technical infrastructure that can be quickly and easily... more
In this paper, two examples of formulating the targeted impedance of fingers of a mechanical hand are presented. A unified model of targeted impedance, based on the "physical equivalence postulate" of the closed-loop dynamics behavior of... more
Software Transactional Memory is a concurrency control technique gaining increasing popularity, as it provides high-level concurrency control constructs and eases the development of highly multi-threaded applications. But this easiness... more
The sensitivity of the equatorial stratospheric climate to variations in the gravity wave parameterization is examined in the Unified Model. Particular emphasis is placed on the response of the annual cycle and quasi‐biennial oscillation... more
This paper elaborates key economic considerations essential to sustainable growth and development. Part one reviews key findings from the literature on sustainability and economic growth. Part two presents a dynamic optimization model... more
In this study we explore the molecular basis of combining photodynamic therapy (PDT), a light-triggered targeted anticancer therapy, with the traditional chemotherapeutic properties of the well-known cytotoxic agent gemcitabine. A... more
The recent widening of the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers has been attributed either to skill-biased technical progress or to trade liberalization. In this paper both effects are studied in a unified model. Technical... more