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Underwater environment has very unique characteristics. Reliable and efficient communication between sensor nodes is very challenging. Firstly, because radio waves can not work well in such environment, so we use acoustic... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) is an emerging technology for the monitoring of aquatic assets and frequently applied in several domains like underwater information gathering, ocean sampling network, anonymous vehicles,... more
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      Model-Driven EngineeringWireless Sensor NetworksNs3 Network SimulationUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSN), similar to the terrestrial sensor networks, have different challenges such as limited bandwidth, low battery power, defective underwater channels, and high variable propagation delay. A crucial... more
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      Hierarchical ClusteringUwsnGeographic RoutingUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
This article contains a description of a mathematical model of an acoustic system for positioning autonomous underwater sensors using the virtual long base method, which can be used during the vessel’s collection of information over the... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsHydroacousticsModemGLONASS
Serious weaknesses were discovered in WPA2, a protocol that secures all modern protected Wi-Fi networks. An attacker within range of a victim can exploit these weaknesses using key reinstallation attacks (KRACKs). Concretely, attackers... more
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      Network SecurityBiometricsCryptographyBiometrics Authentication Technologies
Radio waves are preferred to acoustic and optical waves for underwater wireless communications for shallow water real-time applications. However, for deep water communication, acoustic waves are preferred to electromagnetic waves as... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsUnderwater Wireless Sensor NetworksPropagation of radio waves
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) are similar to the terrestrial sensor networks. Nevertheless, there are different characteristics among them such as low battery power, limited bandwidth and high variable propagation delay. One... more
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      Distributed ComputingWireless Sensor NetworksSurvey ResearchNetworking
With the current technology revolution, underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) find several applications such as disaster prevention, water quality monitoring, military surveillance and fish farming. Nevertheless, this kind of... more
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      AcousticsCommunicationSensors and SensingAntennas & Radio Wave Propagation
We propose a novel optimal time slot allocation scheme for clustered underwater acoustic sensor networks that leverages physical (PHY) layer information to minimize the energy consumption due to unnecessary retransmissions thereby... more
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      Medium Access Controls For Wireless Sensor NetworksUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
The underwater wireless sensor network (UWSN) is considered a promising technology for collecting valuable data from underwater areas, particularly for aiding military operations and environmental predictions. UWSNs consist of underwater... more
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      Energy ConsumptionSurvey ResearchReview PaperUnderwater Wireless Communications
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) find numerous applications, like underwater monitoring & exploration, water quality analysis, offshore oil field monitoring, oceanographic data collection etc. All these aquatic applications... more
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      ArchitectureWireless Networks (Computer Science)NoiseSalinity
PhD thesis: presentation: Analysis and Optimisations in Depth-based routing for Underwater Sensor Networks
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      Remote SensingUnderwater AcousticsRouting protocolsUnderwater Communication
Recently, Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) has witnessed significant attention from both academia and industries in research and development, due to the growing number of applications for wide range of purposes including... more
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      Energy ConsumptionRouting protocolsUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
—The characteristics of underwater sensor networks are unique and they are much different from terrestrial networks but the importance of both cannot be neglected. However it is much more difficult to sustain a workable environment... more
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      Underwater CommunicationUnderwater Sensor NetworksUnderwater Wireless CommunicationsUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
more than half surface of earth is covered with water. Underwater environments are essential for human beings as a result of their effect on primary global production, of carbon dioxide assimilation and atmosphere of earth. Because of... more
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    • Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
—Underwater acoustic communications are a hastily growing field of research and engineering, which once were exclusively for military applications are now extending into commercial fields. Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs)... more
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      Localization in underwater sensor networkUnderwater SensorsUnderwater Sensor NetworksUnderwater Wireless Communications
Electromagnetic (EM) waves cannot propagate more than few meters in sea water due to the high absorption rate. Acoustic waves are more suitable for underwater communication, but they travel very slowly compared to EM waves. The typical... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksUnderwater AcousticsUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Recently, the underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) have been proposed for exploration of the underwater resources and to obtain information about the aquatic environment. The noise in UWSNs challenges the successful transmission of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceWireless CommunicationsWireless Sensor NetworksCloud Computing
We make use of the existence of cell-disjoint paths in the 3D grid topology to design a new highly reliable adaptive geographic routing protocol called Grid-based Adaptive Routing Protocol (GARP) for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks.... more
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      Energy ConservationWireless Sensor NetworksRouting protocolsAdaptive Routing
—Many routing protocols are proposed regarding energy efficiency in underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs). We propose sparsity-aware energy efficient clustering (SEEC) protocol for UWSNs. SEEC specially search sparse regions of the... more
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      Underwater Sensor NetworksUnderwater Wireless CommunicationsUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
In this paper, we present our ongoing work on developing a reconfigurable underwater networking testbed based on the Teledyne Benthos Telesonar SM-75 modem. The testbed is designed with the objective of allowing researchers and developers... more
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      Underwater Acoustic CommunicationsUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
The pollution monitoring system describes the processes and activities that need to implement through monitor the quality of specific environment. In this thesis those activities and processes are presented by assuming two important... more
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    • Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Owing to the harsh and unpredictable behavior of the sea channel, network protocols that combat the undesirable and challenging properties of the channel are of critical significance. Protocols addressing such challenges exist in... more
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    • Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSN), similar to the terrestrial sensor networks, have different challenges such as limited bandwidth, low battery p ower, defective underwater channels, and high varia ble propagation delay. A... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksRouting protocolsGreedy AlgorithmsHierarchical models
—In Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) nodes are equipped with limited battery power and battery replacement is expensive due to underwater harsh environment. Therefore, we propose EBECRP an energy Efficient and Balanced Energy... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
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      Wireless CommunicationsUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Several Medium Access Control (MAC) and routing protocols have been developed in the last years for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs). One of the main difficulties to compare and validate the performance of different proposals... more
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      AcousticsAnalytical ChemistryWaterComputer Aided Design
The probe of innovative technologies is a furious issue of the day for the improvement of underwater wireless sensor network devices. The undersea is a remarkable and mystical region which is still unexplored and inaccessible on earth.... more
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      Routing Protocols in WSNWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
An underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) is an emerging technology for environmental monitoring and surveillance. One of the side effects of the low propagation speed of acoustic waves is that routing protocols of terrestrial... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksUnderwater AcousticsUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
In this paper, we propose two schemes; position-aware mobility pattern (PAMP) and cooperative PAMP (Co PAMP). The first one is an optimization scheme that avoids void hole occurrence and minimizes the uncertainty in the position... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksAcoustic CommunicationAutonomous Underwater Vehicle
Energy is a main issue in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs). The wireless sensor nodes in underwater network have limited source of energy (batteries) and replacement of their batteries is very difficult and costly. Hence,... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
This paper addresses poor cluster formation and frequent Cluster Head (CH) failure issues of underwater sensor networks by proposing an energy-efficient hierarchical topology-aware clustering routing (EEHTAC) protocol. In this paper,... more
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      Clusters & NetworksFault ToleranceRouting AlgorithmsUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) provide new opportunities to observe and predict the behavior of aquatic environments. In some applications like target tracking or disaster prevention, sensed data is meaningless without... more
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      Analytical ChemistryWireless Sensor NetworksLocalizationUnderwater Acoustics
There are various different methods and apparatuses in relation to detecting harmful toxins within our ocean and other aquatic environments. The need is for the best approach given the time sensitivity of the matter. Through looking at my... more
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      Environmental EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingWireless Mesh Networks
In this paper, a deployment mechanism is designed to distribute heterogeneous nodes to optimally cover the pipeline where the mechanism helps locate each node on the wall of the oil pipeline where the number of nodes can be increased... more
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    • Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
To buy this project in ONLINE, Contact: Email: [email protected], Website: 2018 - 2019 NETWORK SIMULATOR - NS2 IEEE FINAL YEAR Projects MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks) A Delay-Sensitive Multicast... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksWireless CommunicationsVehicular Ad Hoc NetworksWireless Sensor Networks
When comparing terrestrial wireless sensor networks with underwater wireless sensor networks in terms of challenges, we find that the fundamental difference is the communication medium. Studies in this area indicated that acoustic... more
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    • Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Routing in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) is a challenging problem because of the intrinsic characteristics of this class of wireless networks (long propagation delay, mobility of nodes, etc.) and because of the performance... more
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      Underwater AcousticsRouting protocolsUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Most applications of underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) demand reliable data delivery over a longer period in an efficient and timely manner. However, the harsh and unpredictable underwater environment makes routing more... more
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsAnalytical ChemistryWireless Communications
Owing to the harsh and unpredictable behavior of the sea channel, network protocols that combat the undesirable and challenging properties of the channel are of critical significance. Protocols addressing such challenges exist in... more
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      EngineeringPhysical sciencesENERGIESUnderwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSN), similar to the terrestrial sensor networks, have different challenges such as limited bandwidth, low battery power, defective underwater channels, and high variable propagation delay. A crucial... more
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      Distributed ComputingGreedy AlgorithmsComputer SoftwareWireless Sensor and Mobile Adhoc Networks
Owning to the vital resources in a harsh and unforeseeable aqueous environment, the network stability and reliability in underwater acoustic wireless sensor networks (UAWSNs) have paramount significance. Stability guarantees the... more
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    • Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
In this paper, an investigation for the facts about what is the robust and energy efficient routing protocol in underwater wireless sensor networks by comparing between three routing protocol are Vector-Based Forwarding Protocol (VBF),... more
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    • Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
— Sensor networks in underwater environments, that is, forming underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs), has been attracted significant attention recently from both academia and industry. The characteristics of underwater sensor... more
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    • Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Most applications of underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) demand reliable data delivery over a longer period in an efficient and timely manner. However, the harsh and unpredictable underwater environment makes routing more... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsComputer NetworksAutonomous Underwater VehicleRouting Protocol
In this paper, performance of hydraulic pressure based routing protocol (HydroCast) is examined, and (Improved HydroCast) a technique for reliable HydroCast is proposed. Pressure level of sensor nodes is used to route data packet in... more
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless networksUnderwater CommunicationRouting Protocols in WSN
Abstract Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) is an emerging technology for the monitoring of aquatic assets and frequently applied in several domains like underwater information gathering, ocean sampling network, anonymous... more
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      Computer ScienceWireless Sensor NetworksModel Driven EngineeringComputer Software
Very low frequency electromagnetic communication system is used in a small scale underwater wireless sensor network for coastal monitoring purposes, as recent research has demonstrated distinct advantages of radio waves compared to... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceDistributed ComputingModeling and Simulation