It is generally accepted that data production has experienced spectacular growth for several years due to the proliferation of new technologies such as new mobile devices, smart meters, social networks, cloud computing and sensors. In... more
Engineering economics deals with the investment decisions based on the time value of money. In the real life conditions, the exact estimations of investment parameters are almost impossible. Probabilistic analyses are preferred when... more
Generally, users often have vague or imprecise ideas when searching databases and thus may not know how to use traditional structured query language to precisely formulate queries that lead to satisfactory answers. Also, the user... more
The present state of the art in analytics requires high upfront investment of human effort and computational resources to curate datasets, even before the first query is posed. So-called pay-as-you-go data curation techniques allow these... more
Solving complex decision problems requires the usage of information from different sources. Usually this information is uncertain and statistical or probabilistic methods are needed for its processing. However, in many cases a decision... more
Frequent itemset mining in uncertain transaction databases semantically and computationally diers from traditional techniques applied on standard (certain) transaction databases. Uncertain transaction databases consist of sets of... more
In many application domains, e.g. sensor databases, traffic management or recognition systems, objects have to be compared based on positionally and existentially uncertain data. Feature databases with uncertain data require special... more
This paper introduces a scalable approach for probabilistic top-k similarity ranking on uncertain vector data. Each uncertain object is represented by a set of vector instances that are assumed to be mutually-exclusive. The objective is... more
Abstract: The sample selection model is studied in the context of semi-parametric methods. The issue of uncertainty and ambiguity are still major problems and the modelling of a semi-parametric sample selection model as well as its... more
While an increasing number of human activities are studied using data produced by individuals' ICT devices, there have been relatively few contributions investigating the robustness of results against fluctuations of data characteristics.... more
This thesis presents and demonstrates ideas for improved robustness in diagnostic prol)lem solving of complex physical systems in operation, or operative diagnosis. The first idea is that graceful degradation can be viewed as reasoning at... more
In this paper, a guaranteed equilibrated error estimator is proposed for the harmonic magnetodynamic formulation of the Maxwell's system. This system is recast in two classical potential formulations, which are solved by a Finite Element... more
For a large class of linear neutral type systems which include distributed delays we give the duality relation between exact controllability and exact observability. The characterization of exact observability is given.
The core contribution of this study is to develop a novel generalized idea of q-rung orthopair probabilistic hesitant fuzzy rough set (q-ROPHFRS) which is hybrid structure of the q-rung orthopair fuzzy set, probabilistic hesitant fuzzy... more
Large databases with uncertainty became more common in many applications.In many modern applications, there are no exact values available to describe the data objects. Instead, the feature values are considered to be uncertain. This... more
Frequent pattern mining is the extraction of interested collection of items from dataset. Frequent Itemset mining plays an important role in the mining of various patterns and is in demand in many real life applications. When handling... more
It is generally assumed in the traditional formulation of supervised learning that only the outputs data are uncertain. However, this assumption might be too strong for some learning tasks. This paper investigates the use of Gaussian... more
In real-world problems, input data may be pervaded with uncertainty. In this paper, we investigate the behavior of naive possibilistic classifiers, as a counterpart to naive Bayesian ones, for dealing with classification tasks in presence... more
As the remnants of the post-Roman world transformed into the early Medieval period, there is observable significant and evident reuse of acontemporaneous, “antique” material culture together with the adoption of “anachronistic” mortuary... more
Origin-destination (O-D) matrix estimation methods based on traffic counts have been largely discussed and investigated. The most used methods are based on Generalised Least Square estimators (GLS) that use as input data a starting O-D... more
There are numerous data mining applications working in metric spaces. In the following we will exemplarily sketch three main topics in this area: the impact of metric similarity functions on data mining, data mining in uncertain data and... more
This paper extends the decision tree technique to an uncertain environment where the uncertainty is represented by belief functions as interpreted in the Transferable Belief Model (TBM). This so-called belief decision tree is a new... more
Complexity and, by implication, change and uncertainty, are inherent features of ecosystems. In managing ecosystems, or linked social-ecological systems, decisions are often based on insufficient or uncertain data and information.... more
This paper is devoted to recall several recent results concerning the null controllability of some parabolic systems. Among others, we will consider the classical heat equation, the Burgers, Navier-Stokes and Ginzburg-Landau equations, etc.
Crisp input and output data are fundamentally indispensable in traditional data envelopment analysis (DEA). However, the input and output data in real-world problems are often imprecise or ambiguous. Some researchers have proposed... more
We study the convex-hull problem in a probabilistic setting, motivated by the need to handle data uncertainty inherent in many applications, including sensor databases, location-based services and computer vision. In our framework, the... more
In this paper, we consider the following degenerate/singular parabolic equation ut − (x α ux)x − µ x 2−α u = 0, x ∈ (0, 1), t ∈ (0, T), where 0 ≤ α < 1 and µ ≤ (1 − α) 2 /4 are two real parameters. We prove the boundary null... more
In this paper we study a geometric partial differential equation including a forcing term. This equation defines a hypersurface evolution that we use for level set regularization. We study the shape of the radial solutions of the equation... more
It is standard to perform classification tasks under the assumption that class labels are deterministic. In this context, the F-measure is an increasingly popular measure of performance for a classifier, and expresses a flexible trade-off... more
We link the weighted maximum entropy and the optimization of the expected F measure, by viewing them in the framework of a general common multi-criteria optimization problem. As a result, each solution of the expectedF -measure... more
We link the weighted maximum entropy and the optimization of the expected F βmeasure, by viewing them in the framework of a general common multi-criteria optimization problem. As a result, each solution of the expected F β-measure... more
Increasing use of computers, leads to accumulation of data of an organization, demanding the need of sophisticated data handling techniques. Many data handling concepts have evolved that support data analysis, and knowledge discovery.... more
Dedicated to Jochem Zowe on the occasion of his 60-th birthday.
We consider linear programs with uncertain parameters, lying in some prescribed uncertainty set, where part of the variables must be determined before the realization of the uncertain parameters ("nonadjustable variables"), while the... more
Robust Optimization is a rapidly developing methodology for handling optimization problems affected by non-stochastic "uncertain-butbounded" data perturbations. In this paper, we overview several selected topics in this popular area,... more
In this paper, we propose a new methodology for handling optimization problems with uncertain data. With the usual Robust Optimization paradigm, one looks for the decisions ensuring a required performance for all realizations of the data... more
This paper studies the problem of constructing robust classifiers when the training is plagued with uncertainty. The problem is posed as a Chance-Constrained Program (CCP) which ensures that the uncertain datapoints are classified... more
We consider linear programs with uncertain parameters, lying in some prescribed uncertainty set, where part of the variables must be determined before the realization of the uncertain parameters ("nonadjustable variables"), while the... more
Optimal solutions of Linear Programming problems may become severely infeasible if the nominal data is slightly perturbed. We demonstrate this phenomenon by studying 90 LPs from the well-known NETLIB collection. We then apply the Robust... more
In this paper, we consider second-order evolution equations with unbounded dynamic feedbacks. Under a regularity assumption, we show that observability properties for the undamped problem imply decay estimates for the damped problem. We... more
This paper presents a new selforganiz ing type RBF neural network and introduces the Geometric Algebra framework in the neurocomputing eld. Real valued neural nets for function approximation require feature enhancement, dilation and... more
The sample selection model studied in the context of semi-parametric methods. With the deficiency of the parametric model, such as inconsistent estimators etc, the semi-parametric estimation methods provide the best alternative to handle... more
In a possibly multiply-connected three dimensional bounded domain, we prove in the L p theory the existence and uniqueness of vector potentials, associated with a divergence-free function and satisfying non homogeneous boundary... more
Regularity results for minimal configurations of variational problems involving both bulk and surface energies and subject to a volume constraint are established. The bulk energies are convex functions with p-power growth, but are... more
Uncertain data streams are increasingly common in real-world deployments and monitoring applications require the evaluation of complex queries on such streams. In this paper, we consider complex queries involving conditioning (e.g.,... more