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The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
Corporate disputes encompass various fields of law and lately follow the trend of being arbitrated instead of being litigated. Different jurisdictions take different approaches as to whether or not corporate disputes are arbitrable.... more
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      Comparative LawCorporate LawInternational ArbitrationInternational Commercial Arbitration
This study explores the formation of legal regulation of the institute of chaplaincy in Ukraine. It includes an analysis of the stages of development of its regulation in the last thirty years. A number of topical issues were analyzed... more
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      ReligionPublic RelationsFreedom of ReligionChaplaincy
Від 1991 року Україна була толерантною та інклюзивною країною. Країною, згідно з Конституцією, для «громадян України всіх національностей». Підписання законів, ухвалених 9 квітня, стане подарунком для тих, хто хоче посварити українців між... more
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      Soviet RegimeSoviet HistoryPost-Soviet RegimesUkrainian Studies
Невдовзі після початку окупації Криму московська влада подала ук раїн- сько-російську двомовність в Україні як мовний конфлікт, у якому росій- ська або російськомовна частина населення зазнає утисків, якщо взагалі не переслідується діями... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian NationalismRussian LanguagePolitics of Ukraine
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      Law and PoliticsPolitics of UkraineUkraineUkrainian law
Problems and unresolved issues in the field of the Ukrainian political nation consolidation and national minorities rights protection are analysed. The normative legal acts regulating ethno-national relations in Ukraine are analysed. The... more
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      Ethnic StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesRace and EthnicityUkrainian Studies
This 9-minute long online video appendix with English-language subtitles contains numerous witness testimonies for the Maidan massacre trial and the investigation in Ukraine about snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings during... more
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      Eastern European StudiesCriminal JusticeComparative PoliticsCommunication
Україна ХХ ст.: суспільно-політичні моделі національної держави (державницька ідеологія та програмні засади провідних українських політичних партій і громадсько-політичних об’єднань) / П.П.Гай-Нижник (керівник проекту, упоряд. і наук.... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian PoliticsPolitics of UkraineUkrainian History
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      CriminologyEastern European StudiesCriminal JusticeComparative Politics
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
Events of the Maidan massacre shaped one of the most controversial hours in European history since the end of the Cold War.
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      Russian StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict Studies
This chapter presents a summary of analysis, evidence, and findings of a study of the “snipers’ massacre” of “Euromaidan” protesters and policemen on the Maidan in Ukraine on February 20, 2014. This mass killing was a turning point in the... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
The present analysis does not reflect the official position of the West, nor of Ukraine, nor of Russia in the case of the Ukrainian crisis. It is an expert analysis that focuses on the realities. There is no aim to form a "politically... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
Видання навчального посібника «Конституційне право України: прагматичний курс» спрямоване, передусім, врахувати потребу студентів у лаконічному та водночас комплексному викладенні навчального матеріалу, який би відповідав тематиці... more
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      Constitutional LawConstitutional TheoryConstitutionalismUkrainian law
Аналіз новели Закону України " Про місцеві вибори " щодо впровадження імперативного мандату. Проаналізовано механізм відкликання депутатів різних рівнів за народною ініціативою, який прописаний у прикінцевих положення... more abstract
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      Participatory DemocracyUkrainian lawReelection issueParliamentary Elections
У збірник вміщено матеріали міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Теорія та практика адаптації законодавства України до законодавства ЄС», яка відбулася в Київському національному університеті імені Тараса Шевченка 8 червня 2018... more
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      European LawUkrainian law
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      LawLand LawUkrainian lawUkrainian land law
This paper examines the political system, attitudes towards democracy, and their determinants in Ukraine before, during and after the “Euromaidan.” The research question is as follows: What type of political system has emerged in Ukraine... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolitical SociologyEastern European Studies
We live in a digital era, and this requires adapting the legal system for the cyber realm. The lawyers should understand how the Internet works, who plays which role in the Internet ecosystem, how it influences human rights, what... more
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      Human RightsInternet GovernanceEuropean Court of Human RightsDigital Rights
Jelen elemzés nem tükrözi sem a nyugati, sem az ukrán, sem az orosz, sem a magyar hivatalos álláspontot az ukrán nyelvtörvény ügyében. Szakértői elemzés, amelyik a realitásokat helyezi előtérbe. Nem cél „politikailag korrekt” álláspont... more
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      Russian StudiesHuman RightsHungarianUkrainian Studies
Метою цього дослідження є аналіз українського законодавства і практики в галузі права, що регулює заснування і діяльність компаній, корпоративне управління, бухгалтерський облік і аудит, та вивчення його поточного рівня відповідності до... more
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      Commercial LawCompany LawUkrainian law
The following article discusses the application of lex mercatoria by domestic courts and international arbitral tribunals instead of or supplementary to domestic substantive law. Emphasising the legal status of lex mercatoria, the... more
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      Comparative LawInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
Фальшивомонетництво в Україні в імперську добу (1795–1917)
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryUkrainian StudiesNumismatics
Ковальчук А. О.
Юридичний супровід передавання предметів музейного значення до музеїв: методичні рекомендації / А. О. Ковальчук; Національний музей історії України. – К., 2017. – 20 с.
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      Museum StudiesMuseumUkrainian StudiesLaw and culture
В данной работе исследуются трансформации Украинского института национальной памяти (УИНП). Анализируются его финансовые и человеческие ресурсы. Рассматривается тематический контент сайта УИНП 2014-2018 гг. Делается вывод о том, что... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesMemory StudiesUkrainian NationalismUkraine (History)
Словник енциклопедичного типу представляє інноваційний підхід до системного знання з юрислінгвістики в сучасній українській лексикографії. Подано основні терміни юрислінгвістики, окреслено їх поняттєвий обсяг, місце у структурі нового... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsUkrainian lawLegal linguistics
The edited volume features the presentation of papers submitted to the X International juridical conference «Auctoritate magis quam imperio: Juridical doctrine and civil society». For 70 years of the Koretskyi Institute of State and Law... more
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      Civil LawEnvironmental LawInternational LawCivil Society
Total rejection of the aggression and territory occupation in the international law leads to their hybrid and concealed forms using gangs and mercenaries, proclaiming new “states” etc. These activities constitute serious threat to... more
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      International LawInternational Humanitarian LawUkraineAggression
This 59-minute long online video appendix with English-language subtitles includes testimonies at the Maidan massacre trial and/or investigation about snipers in Maidan-controlled buildings and areas by 47 Maidan protesters, who were... more
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      CriminologyEastern European StudiesCriminal JusticeComparative Politics
This book first proves that the rationale behind Russia’s aggressive actions in its neighborhood resides in its goal of achieving certain geostrategic objectives which are largely predefined by the state’s imperial traditions, memories,... more
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      ReligionPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsRussian StudiesComparative Politics
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian PoliticsUkrainian NationalismPolitics of Ukraine
Conducted examination allowed to conclude on the following. The right of publicity is one of the emerging rights belonging to celebrities who have gained publicity in certain spheres of show business (singers, actors, artists, writers,... more
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      Civil LawIntellectual Property LawMedia LawEntertainment Law
The rapid development of contemporary Polish-Ukrainian relations and the emigration of Ukrainians to Poland and EU countries require more and more lawyers to provide cross-border legal services. However, the emerging barriers between the... more
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      Sociology of LawLegal ProfessionInternational LawLawyers
The article deals with the current issues of preservation and protection of the cultural heritage of religious purpose in Ukraine at the modern stage and attempts to formulate legal problems and propose their solutions. The authors... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageCultural Heritage LawSeparation of Church and State
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      Russian StudiesUkrainian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyUkrainian Politics
The 55 minute long online video appendix with added English-language subtitles is produced from brief synchronized segments of on-site reports by American, Belgian, Belorussian, British, Finish, French, Dutch, German, Polish, Russian,... more
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      CriminologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsArea Studies
Зміст Підстави для передачі справи на розгляд ВП ВС для відступу від висновку щодо застосування норми права (слайди 3-5). Підстави, способи та наслідки відступу від висновку щодо застосування норми права (слайди 6-10). Статистичні дані... more
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      Supreme CourtUkraineCase lawUkrainian law
This Article argues that that issue preclusion might be considered as a part of res judicata, however not its essential element, since many legal systems do not attribute issue preclusive effect to rendered judgements. The Article defines... more
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      Civil LitigationUkrainian lawRes Judicataцивільне судочинство
The article considers the conceptual framework of EU security law and its realization in crisis management strategy, approaches to Eastern Europe and Ukrainian security issues, sanctions against Russia, EU missions to Ukraine. The object... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesEuropean LawInternational LawInternational Security
This report about oppression of personal autonomy, neglect of human rights in Ukraine is prepared by Autonomous Advocacy, Ukrainian Council of Freethinkers and Believers, and Institute of Open Religion in March 2017 for Joint Submission... more
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      Access to JusticeHuman Rights LawHuman RightsProperty Rights
‘See you in The Hague!’ This expression is popular amongst the politically active part of the Ukrainian general public who raise their voices online. Political leaders in Ukraine, including President Poroshenko and Prime Minister... more
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      International Criminal LawUkrainian StudiesInternational Criminal CourtWar Crimes
The article deals with the current issues of preservation and protection of the cultural heritage of religious purpose in Ukraine at the modern stage and attempts to formulate legal problems and propose their solutions. The authors... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageCultural Heritage LawSeparation of Church and State
Year 2020 — with heated political competition, change of cabinets, COVID-19 lockdowns, and economic crisis — was not a year of new constitutional initiatives in Ukraine. Instead, President Volodymyr Zelensky, Cabinet of Ministers, and the... more
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      Constitutional LawUkrainian StudiesUkrainian lawConstitutional Reform
Deutsch-Russische Juristenvereinigung in Kooperation mit der DIS, VIAC und der DIS40
Streitbeilegung im Geschäftsverkehr mit Russland und den GUS-Staaten
Frankfurt am Main, 3. März 2017
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      Comparative LawInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
The investigations of the Maidan massacre by the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine (GPU) soon would reach already extended time limit allotted for investigations. The GPU claims that they already have conclusive evidence concerning... more
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      CriminologyEastern European StudiesCriminal JusticeComparative Politics
This article traces the parallel developments of the Ukrainian transition from Soviet to post-Soviet law and from state to private property. To do this, the article is divided into four parts. The first examines the transition of the... more
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      Property LawUkrainian StudiesUkraine (History)Politics of Ukraine
The article gives the analysis of the conditions under which a web-site can be mass-media. The author notes that Internet media have differences from the familiar mass-media which are reflected not only in presentation of material but in... more
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      Intellectual PropertyDigital MediaMass CommunicationInternet Law
Das Buch ist eine Gesamtdarstellung des ukrainischen Rechts, seiner Grundlagen und seiner Geschichte. Es stellt die ukrainische Rechtsordnung systematisch dar. Behandelt werden alle Bereiche des öffentlichen, des Privat- und des... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawCivil LawAdministrative Law