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A brief overview of some of the major impacts on Haiti as a result of the USA's invasion and subsequent occupation of Haiti from 1915 until 1934. Specifically, the American control of Haitian businesses and institutions and, the changing... more
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryBlack/African Diaspora
Military intervention in internal conflicts represents a recurrent practice in international history. This thesis provides a theoretical framework for the study of the political and sociological processes that lead political elites to... more
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      Elites (Political Science)Political ElitesSpanish Civil WarUnited States Foreign Policy
Hybrid Wars : The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change by Andrew Korybko A Review by dAvE@whenthenewsstops This insightful book examines the theoretical framework behind the concept of 'Fourth Generation Warfare'. This centres... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)TerrorismCritical GeopoliticsGeopolitics
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      Latin American StudiesHuman RightsCentral American StudiesUS-Latin American Relations
A brief overview of three key conflicts between the United Fruit Company and Latin American countries which hosted their enterprises (Costa Rica, Colombia, and Guatemala), relating each to contemporary US foreign policy and military... more
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      HistoryWar StudiesUS-Latin American RelationsU.S. Foreign Policy
Military intervention in internal conflicts represents a recurrent practice in international history. This thesis provides a theoretical framework for the study of the political and sociological processes that lead political elites to... more
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      Elites (Political Science)Political ElitesSpanish Civil WarSpanish-American War
Este ensayo examina los múltiples intentos realizados por el gobierno estadounidense a lo largo del siglo XX para mejorar sus relaciones con América Latina. La mayoría de estos fueron causados por factores externos como guerras o... more
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      US-Latin American RelationsAmerican imperialismUS ImperialismUS Interventionism
An analysis of the impact and role of ideology in foreign interventions in Angola in the 1970s.
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      Cuban StudiesCold WarCold War International RelationsCold War history
Durante la primera década del siglo la mayoría de los estadounidenses mantenían una gran indiferencia hacia su vecino. En consecuencia, sólo los intereses de las elites en Estados Unidos influían desproporcionadamente en la política... more
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      Mexican RevolutionMonroe DoctrineDiplomaciaDiplomacy and international relations
This article examines multicultural citizenship and counternarcotics policing in Nicaragua as two contradictory forms of postrevolutionary governmentality directed at Afro-descendant peoples from the Atlantic Coast region. While... more
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      Latin American StudiesMulticulturalismHuman RightsAfro Latin America
One of the presumed components of liberal democracy is the principle of pluralism. This principle is presumably premised on the idea that political power in society is dispersed, that it is not concentrated in one group or class, that... more
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      Political ParticipationCold War politicsUS InterventionismMarcos Dictatorship
El litio es un mineral estratégico que se ha convertido en una prioridad para las empresas tecnológicas de los EEUU y China. Se obtiene de salmueras o vetas de minas y tiene múltiples aplicaciones (aeroespacial, energética,... more
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      Latin American StudiesGeopoliticsGeopolitical EconomyLithium
Venezuela cuenta con las reservas comprobadas más grandes del planeta; y ha estrechado las alianzas económicas con Rusia y China. EEUU se disputa el control de los hidrocarburos frente al avance de China y Rusia. Este artículo presenta... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational RelationsGeopoliticsVenezuela
When will US ground troops leave Afghanistan? Why the uncertainty? Logistical problems are not a principal cause, as often claimed. Instead, the vacillation and uncertainty is due to an ongoing, but troubled US effort to shape... more
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      War StudiesStrategic StudiesAfghanistanAmerican Foreign Policy
Eight years after NATO’s intervention in Libya, the region has yet to stabilize amidst civil war and regional conflict. After a review of NATO operations during this period, the evidence implicates the use of the Right To Protect... more
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      North African PoliticsConflict in LibyaUS InterventionismBarack Obama Administration
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      GlobalizationDemocratizationGlobal CapitalismUS Interventionism
The existence of non-state actors at the international level has always been viewed within the liberalist and constructivist perspectives. However, despite being a major international organization, the UN’s role and decisions are... more
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      Israel/PalestineUnited NationsHegemonyUS Interventionism
This essay aims to articulate how attunement as a method functions in my proposed notion of 'poetic forensics' as investigative art practice. Described as "palpable and sensory, yet imaginary and uncontained" by K. Stewart... more
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      HapticsMore-than-humanUS InterventionismAttunement
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      Human RightsHaitiHaitian RevolutionDemocracy
Typically in a family visit, the families gather in the same place at the same time. Appropriating this traditional activity, I 'assemble' my family, using large images and performative interventions near US memorials. Within a context of... more
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      Cold WarPerformance and performativityPhotography & PortraitureLatin America
U.S. invasions of insurgency-held Iraqi cities in 2004-2005 were not designed to restore order; they were, instead, intended to prevent the consolidation of a very orderly anti-American status quo in a constantly expanding set of... more
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      Middle East StudiesIraqi HistoryPolitical Violence and TerrorismInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)
Сједињене Државе данас ни приближно не представљају монолитно јединствени и хомогени блок каквим се просечном и лаичком посматрачу исхитрено могу учинити. Такво стање постало је посебно очигледно након победе Доналда Трампа на 58.... more
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      Internal Conflicts and SecurityUS InterventionismDonald TrumpAmerican Isolationism
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      Risk theoryUS Interventionism
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryLatin American politicsColonialismVenezuela
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesAmerican PoliticsComparative Politics
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial um grupo de trabalho liderado por Max Horkheimer [1895-1973] identificou várias componentes de caráter psicopatológico do autoritarismo: convencionalismo (adesão aos valores e padrões convencionais de... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeCold WarBrazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB) In WWIIUS Interventionism