US History of the 19th & 20th Century
Recent papers in US History of the 19th & 20th Century
The name Mildred Fish-Harnack is commemorated in American academic circles. On the other hand, the German resistance group known as "Rote Kapelle" is hardly known, due to the convictions of its protagonists Harro Schulze-Boysen and Arvid... more
This paper's goal it's to do a review, for the first time in Spanish, of A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America by the Historian Ronald Takaki (1939-2009). Takaki’s works were key for the incorporation, into the American... more
This is a syllabus for my fall 2017 course at The New School on the collective memory of the Revolution in American politics and culture from the end of the eighteenth century to the present.
Appendix A: I consider myself a fortunate person, and good fortune has followed me through this project. Many people have been generous with time and resources. I interviewed seven people.
From 1900 to 1930 the Craftsman bungalow was one of the most popular house types across the United States. Scholarly research on bungalows is generally confined to larger metropolitan areas and the influence of elite architects. I... more
Assalto all'informazione è il mio secondo studio sul filone del maccartismo e il mio quarto libro. L'intreccio fra politica e controllo dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa, fra informazione e propaganda è uno dei grandi temi della storia... more
As 20 th and 21 st century artifacts, metal drum containers straddle historical and contemporary archaeological studies that will be conducted during the next 50 years. They are found across the globe as repurposed objects within site... more
Standard genealogies of knowledge posit the circulation of modernity in one direction, from the West to “the rest.” This history reveals the waves of influence flowing the opposite way, from nonstate people to the state. The essay... more
L’article a pour sujet la personnalité extraordinaire du kabbaliste le Rabbin Levi Isaac Krakovsky (1891–1966), un des étudiants oubliés du Rabbin Yehuda Leib Ashlag (1885–1955). Krakovsky diffusait l’enseignement de son maître en... more
The early 1980s were a momentous era in recent Irish political history. The post-Hunger Strikes rise of Sinn Féin threatened British policy in Northern Ireland and—alongside severe economic problems—also endangered what establishment... more
MEMOIRS OF THE HUNGARIAN DIPLOMAT SÁNDOR KISS-NEMESKÉRI OF BULGARIA AND THE BULGARIANS P. Peykovska (Summary) The Hungarian diplomat S. Kiss-Nemeskéri is one the forgotten personalities of the interwar period who had left a... more
This article examines the missionary activities of Elias Riggs among the Greeks and Armenians in Izmir. The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) sent Elias Riggs to the Ottoman Empire in 1832 and he became one of... more
A central pillar of contemporary conspiracy theories is the notion that all modern wars were secretely plotted and instigated by the Federal Reserve Bank. In these circles, the founding of the so called "Creature from Jekyll Island" in... more
In 1833 a group of Mexican-born Franciscans from the College of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Zacatecas was sent to Alta California to replace their Spanish confreres in several of the northern missions. The Franciscan priests were not... more
The Serbian American residents of Amador County have the longevity that is not present in other Bay Area communities. Just imagine: the great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers came [to Jackson] 110 years ago. The people who live here... more
The work of Jessie Taft, along with other pioneers of social work's functional movement, has represented one of the most important developments in the history of the profession internationally. Her insight, clarity, humanity and theory... more
This BA Paper sums up some two years of research. The paper is not an exhaustive presentation of the persecution of the LDS Movement, but rather simply taps into it, and does so in the light of some state and federal constitutional... more
From Alpata: A Journal of History published by the University of Florida, Vol 6, Spring 2009
This paper proposes a new approach to the examination if the US-Japan relationship though the employment of “layers” of analysis. Within this, the different elements of the relationship are examined individually as separate, but often... more
From 1900 to 1930 the Craftsman bungalow was one of the most popular house types across the United States. Scholarly research on bungalows is generally confined to larger metropolitan areas and the influence of elite architects. I... more
Much of previous research explaining the rise of income and wealth inequality in the developed countries and the US in particular has focused on the role of the decline of union membership. Another neglected factor for the growing income... more
Collecting drives scholarship. Historians rely upon texts, preserved in libraries, archives, and private hands. Scholars of material culture seek out artifacts, whether held by museums, galleries, historical societies, or individual... more
This paper examines the Indian Depredation Claims system as an early government experiment in social insurance for settlers on the frontier. An Indian depredation claim was a legal claim for compensation from the U.S. government created... more
Friends, collaborators, and childhood rivals, Briton Hadden and Henry R. Luce were not yet twenty-five when they started Time, the first newsmagazine, at the outset of the Roaring Twenties. By age thirty they were both millionaires,... more
Another element of the proposed "Atlas of American maritime History." An accompanying map is not shown at present.
This essay investigates the anti-democratic rhetoric of The Federalist. In The Federalist, politics is imagined via the medical logics of the eighteenth century. For Publius, democracy is an incitement to factions and incubator of disease... more
The American political arena is currently flooded with slogans offering a return to some better period in the nation’s past. Those who are often enticed by this nostalgic-romanticized type of rhetoric are people incensed with the current... more
A normaszegő magatartást, különösen, ha annak elkövetője a gyengébb(nek nevezett) nemhez tartozik, mindig is különösen erős érdeklődés övezte a közvélemény részéről. A kétségkívül izgalmas téma iránt történészi figyelem is jelentkezett,1... more
Negli ultimi anni nel dibattito pubblico si è parlato ripetutamente di delegittimazione dell’avversario politico e l’attualità del concetto è provata dall’emergere di movimenti politici populisti – di destra come di sinistra – e da... more
Narratives of innocence are stories born of the dispossession of bodies from lands that continue to serve as vectors of violence, reenacting the scene that created them. The term was introduced by Boyd Cothran to describe the cunning... more
Jancsi Rigó, the world famous Hungarian Gypsy violinist met Clara Ward at the end of the 19th century in Paris. Clara was born in 1873 in Detroit, she was the daughter of captain Eber Brock Ward, who had iron and steel manufacturing in... more
W latach 80. XIX w. rozpoczęła się wielka emigracja Żydów z Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej. Z samego Imperium Rosyjskiego, wówczas państwa z największą liczbą ludności żydowskiej na świecie, do 1914 r. wyemigrowało 2 mln Żydów, spośród... more
This article examines historical trends in the attribution of blame in reports of governmental investigation commissions. The article encompasses reports from the United States and Norway in the 19th and 20th century. The article is in... more